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Everything posted by Toe

  1. My favourite song to play in the entire game has changed from The Trooper to Madhouse and Thunderhorse.
  2. I don't think he has got over the whole 2001 Brett Hull in the crease thing. Or he just plays with a lot of emotion. Ed Belfour is a lot like that too, you get too close to him and he is not afraid to show you the lumber.
  3. I think Hasek just can't stay away from the game of hockey. I don't think he is making a gigantic sum of money this year, I think he is just playing to prove that he still can play at an elite level.
  4. At least none of those players crashed their Ferrari's into a pole at high speed killing their friend and teammate.
  5. Toronto stays alive, and now need to win in New Jersey which I believe they failed to do all season.
  6. Simmons says he has a source that knows for a fact that Sundin needs the type of surgery that ended Mogilny's career. However, John Ferguson Jr. has stated that Sundin has yet to be looked at, and Sundin and his agent deny it. Really, if Sundin needed this surgery (as he had complained a little about his hip through out the season) wouldn't he have missed some games if it was that serious? He did not even miss a practice because of it.
  7. Sundin Reacts Strongly To Rumours The rumour is that Sundin requires hip surgery that could end his career in the NHL. JFJ has said that the checks he has had were just routine, while Mats' agent JP Barry says that the rumours are just lies created to try and derail the contract negotiations going on between Sundin and the Leafs. I really hope that the rumours are just rumours. Mats Sundin is literally my favourite hockey player, and I don't want to see him out of the NHL and I want to see him come back with the Toronto Maple Leafs.
  8. I have heard, and can tell you from watching Leafs games, that Air Canada Centre can have some pretty shitty ice.
  9. Kingpin is a criminal underworld first person shooter.
  10. This is more important hockey news then your pathetic playoffs. Devereaux resigns for two years! Woo! Devereaux was a great third line player for the Leafs, playing with a lot of energy and putting up some much needed points. He was one of the better signings by Ferguson (which tells you a lot of JFJ), and his play during the season this year showed everyone that he still deserved to play in the NHL and deserved his spot with the Maple Leafs.
  11. When I got the game for the 360, I also picked up an extra controller. I took all the stickers from both guitars and stuck them all on one of the guitars. It looks super bad-ass.
  12. Fucking Canucks had to screw up my predictions. If it wasn't for the pesky Trevor Linden in front of the net, then my plans would have worked perfectly! New Jersey vs. Ottawa I think that Ottawa has the advantage in speed and offence, they have good depth and showed a lot of grit and determination in the first round. Obviously, the Devils are great defensively and Martin Brodeur is one of the best to ever play goaltender. I like Ottawa in the end, though, because I think they can shut down the top line of New Jersey with Volchenkov and Phillips like they did in the first round to Crosby, and I think the Ottawa offence can squeeze through the trap enough to score. Plus, I have thought since day one of this season that Ray Emery is the right goaltender for the Senators, and I think he can help them advance. Ottawa in 6 Buffalo vs. New York Rangers The Rangers did not shock me by annihilating the Thrashers, and I think they can put up a good fight against the Sabres. They have some great offensive tools and have been playing great defensive hockey for more then a month now. And Henrik Lundqvist can be a top level goaltender. The Sabres did not impress me in their series against the Islanders, and they need to step up. They have the speed and skill, and they can win this series. It comes down to the goaltenders for me, and I like Lundqvist more then Miller. New York Rangers in 7 Detroit vs. San Jose San Jose showed a ton of grit and skill in the last series against Nashville, while the Red Wings showed they are capable of destroying a team that many regard as one of best defensively. Hasek and Nabokov are equal in my eyes, so thats a wash. With their deadline deals, the Red Wings can compete physically with most teams. I like Detroit though, they really impressed against Calgary and with Datsyuk out of his playoff shell, they have a lot of dynamic scoring talent and can attack the net in many different ways. As long as they play disciplined hockey, I see them winning this series. Detroit in 5 Anaheim vs. Vancouver I didn't think the Canucks would win against Dallas, and I don't think they will beat the Anaheim Ducks either. They couldn't score even strength or on the powerplay, they were shut out three times in the series! And while Luongo was fantastic and will most likely continue to play fantastic, I think the Ducks have a better offence then the Stars did. So, unless the Canucks can score more then a goal per game and they can get there powerplay rolling, I see this series going to the Anaheim Ducks. Luongo will keep it close in every game, and I do see it going to the wire, but I don't see the Ducks losing this series. Anaheim in 7
  13. ...and imagine how boring it will be if the New Jersey Devils win the Stanley Cup. Again.
  14. Bye bye, Calgary! Kiprusoff was the only reason the Flames got into overtime in that game, and probably the biggest reason why they actually won two games in that series.
  15. To play in windowed mode, just go into preferences. In the display section, there is a box that says fullscreen. Just unclick that box, and your good to go!
  16. Todd Bertuzzi has stated that next year he wants to play for the Maple Leafs. Before, I thought that was a fucking stupid idea. After seeing him in the last Calgary/Detroit game, that would not be such a bad thing. He was hitting everyone and got a goal, he looked good. One game won't sway my opinion of Bertuzzi, but for the right price it wouldn't be the worst thing. His health and his work ethic during an 82 game season are the big questions.
  17. It's too early to tell how did the Penguins will go next year, because it remains to be seen what will happen to a couple of their players who are entering free agency, and who they will get to improve their defence for next year. Really, it's too early to say who will make the playoffs at all. Teams like Columbus and Chicago may be only one piece away from becoming competitive teams, while others may fall apart.
  18. Boxers and kickboxers, I think, have the best chance of coming straight in and actually getting a win because they can just knock you out with a punch before you can grapple them. However, as seen with the very first UFC, it is not hard for someone smaller to just take a boxer down and win.
  19. It's tough to watch Ohka pitch a good game, and then see Wakefield just crush the Jays line-up with his off speed madness.
  20. I pick neither, by way of the game crashing and destroying both of them.
  21. Dice K got beat by Gustavo Chacin and the Blue Jays!
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