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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I lose interest in fantasy leagues very quickly.
  2. Toe

    X Games 13

    The Rally part of the X Games was the most interesting thing in the whole show, in my opinion. Especially the jump that went over the other car's lane.
  3. Toe

    Hot Rod

    I really want to see this movie. Was supposed to go on my birthday (Saturday), but couldn't get to the theatre.
  4. Yes, the GM's job is to put together the best team possible, but it an era of salary caps and inflated wages, Kevin Lowe may have made a huge mistake by paying a $1.5 million (tops, for right now) a year forward a little over $4 million a year just so that he can say he did something in the off season. The move reeks of desperation, and just like Lupul, will probably come back to bite him in the ass. Offer Sheets are fine. They make the off-season a little more exciting. What irks me most about this whole fiasco is that Lowe inflated the price of a developing young player just so that he could say he did something more than just sign Sheldon Souray.
  5. If Edmonton has a poor season this year, which I think they will, the Ducks make out like bandits with Edmonton's first, second and third round pick in the '08 draft. Considering the scouting there in Anaheim, they will get at least one NHLer with those picks. And Ryan Shannon is ready to step up and take Penner's spot, according to TSN.
  6. Tell your friend to hit Daryn Jones in the balls. He should have stayed on his own show when he could have been actually funny, instead of now where he is a lifeless MTV VJ.
  7. Has anyone heard of what the Rangers said about Sean Avery in their arbitration? They pretty much ripped him down as a player, it's obvious they don't want to pay him anywhere near the $2.9 million he is looking for. It may be that the Rangers don't want to spend any more, and Avery is on the way out. I thought that a line comprised of Avery - Drury - Shanahan sounded pretty awesome though.
  8. How? I can't figure that part out.
  9. Ryder will probably score another thirty goals for the Canadiens, and they need guys who can simply score. I think it was a good move, and hopefully they can keep him around longer then just one more year.
  10. Edmonton up to it again... This time it's an offer sheet to Dustin Penner for $21 million over 5 years, if I remember correctly.
  11. That movie trailer has Tragically Hip music in it. Therefore, it can be assumed that the movie is totally bad-ass.
  12. This one is a good one. Start as a Chinese female. Get into a relationship at 13, get pregnant. Boy leaves, new one takes his place. Get married to him, end up with 12 kids by the time I'm 26.
  13. I think I lived a pretty good life. Lived in Indonesia, left school at 13, had two kids to my name and no wife by the age of 17. Named one of the kids after a dead sister. Oh, had another kid at 18, and that one didn't survive a year. Got a pretty good job though, lived below our means, and when I did get married, we managed to save up enough money that once the kids all moved out (and they all moved out before 21), we managed to live the last twenty years of our lives in the United Kingdom before I died in an accident at 71 caused by senile dementia. Bwahaha. In my new game, I am now born into a family in Greece, and my name is Andromeda. Sweet name.
  14. Emery resigns Ray Emery has avoided arbitration and signed a three year deal worth $9.5 million with the Senators. There were rumours that Ottawa, if they had gone to arbitration, may not have been able to afford Emery and that the Los Angeles Kings would push hard to acquire him. There is also noise that Andrew Raycroft could be going to LA too, but I think the Maple Leafs want to see what happens with a goaltending tandem.
  15. Sean, when I said big surprise, I was sarcastic. It doesn't translate well through text, I know, but I thought that considering the topic matter, everyone would get it.
  16. Between the NHL Network, Leafs TV and ESPN Classics, I think I watched about 6 hours of hockey today, including Toronto vs. Washington from this season and the first game of the 1993 playoff series between the Leafs and St. Louis.
  17. If you like hockey, look for "The Game" by Ken Dryden. Describes what it is like to be a hockey player for the Montreal Canadiens, and is one the best written biographies by someone in sports. You learn a lot about his teammates, his life, and what he went through when he decided to retire. A very interesting read.
  18. Yashin signs with Russian team! Big surprise here. Yashin has signed with a Russian team, and the contract does not have an NHL out clause. Goodbye Alexei!
  19. I believe that Tim Sylvia was stripped of his title when he tested positive for steroids after fighting Gan McGee. He was stripped of the title, suspended for six months, and fined $10,000 by the Nevada State Athletic Commission. So there is a precedence.
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