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Everything posted by Toe

  1. That was perfect. The one with the kid getting kicked. Just perfect.
  2. Toe

    Madden 08

    I am finding the 3-4 defence to be very powerful. With the Cleveland Browns, I just finished a game against the Steelers and managed to sack the quarterback 5 times, three coming from Willie McGinest.
  3. Toe

    Madden 08

    Fantasy draft is in the game.
  4. I don't think Buffalo's jerseys are that bad anymore. Probably because I got to see them so many times last year.
  5. Strange Brew Claude Elsinore: And I'd like to point out that these tapes have not been faked, or altered in any way. In fact they have time coding, which is very hard to fake. The Judge: Would you please explain for the court "time coding." Claude Elsinore: Well, uh, just because I don't know what it is, it doesn't mean I'm lying. Doug McKenzie: Yeah. OK, well, uh, we found, uh, this mouse in a bottle of YOUR BEER, eh. Like, we was at a party and, uh, a friend of ours - a COP - had some, and HE PUKED. And he said, uh, come here and get free beer or, uh, he'll press charges.
  6. The Condemned "Bitch got me again!" The Godfather Part II "I know it was you Fredo; you broke my heart."
  7. Toe

    Games for a Mac

    You can also install Windows on your Mac now, so if you want the system mainly for games, that would be a way to go. I am thinking about getting a Mac in the future, as in advertising and design, they are the industry standard.
  8. Micheal Peca has signed with the Blue Jackets for a year.
  9. I believe by pleading, Vick will only be charged on the animal cruelty charges and not on the conspiracy charges.
  10. The best thing about these American guys going from the NFL to the CFL is that they usually suck up here in Canada. I don't know why that is, as a lot of them have a ton of talent. It just seems that only Canadians and Americans who play in the league early in their careers can do well. Excluding Flutie. He can do anything.
  11. Micheal Vick News He is pleading guilty. I think he is making the right move. It seems he could go to jail for a year for this, and he may be cut by the Falcons, but he will only lose a year this way, and he can still salvage his career this way. Just like Pacman Jones, this is a case of an NFLer hanging around with his old friends, and being dragged down by them. It was a horrible thing he did, and after he serves his time, I think he will realize he needs to hang out with a new group of people, people who aren't trying to leetch off of his success and money.
  12. Everyone should add desiredtoe. Also, I have no idea how to invite people to games, but I am all for playing some Madden 08 and especially NHL 08 when it hits shelves.
  13. Toe

    NFL Game?

    See, I want to do a diary, but the 360 is in the living room far from my room and the computer. I want something that I can easily take stats from, a game that will give realistic results while throwing in a few surprises, and be a lot like EHM 07 in terms of allowing me to pick strategy and rosters.
  14. Toe

    D&D MSN...

    I would be down too. I've only played a few times though, and I can't play super seriously. I don't see how anyone can play it really seriously when there are goblins and trolls. Anything with goblins and trolls.
  15. Who here think Barry Bonds is going to retire after this year, now that he has the home run record?
  16. Toe

    NFL Game?

    I'm wondering, are there any NFL games available that are like Eastside Hockey Manager 07 or Football Manager 07? A (very) quick Google check didn't turn anything up, and I am really tired right now. Thanks for any help.
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