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Everything posted by Toe

  1. The only bad news is that, with so many people sending their systems in, right now it will take roughly 6 weeks or more to get your system back.
  2. It said 9 am in the e-mail, so I said fuck it and slept through it. Fucking eh, Ovechkin, Bergeron, Zetterberg, Sedin and Jason Blake for forwards, Ryan Whitney and Brian Campbell on the blue line and Turco and Mason between the pipes. I did pretty well without trying. Scott Gomez should be good for a lot of points too.
  3. I personally think they made the right call with the Hamill/Bisping fight. It was incredibly close, and I know people can see the same thing and have a different view of it, though. I think there needs to be a rematch and a definitive winner. I was rooting for Rampage, so that was an awesome fight to watch. Henderson looked good too, despite losing.
  4. Troy Glaus of the Blue Jays has also been linked.
  5. OMG they ruined the Habs jerseys11!!!!111!!!! Good move not to change those jerseys, they need to always stay that way. Classic and awesome.
  6. The game is being released on the 11th, which is in some cases, almost two weeks before a lot of teams are going to be revealing their new jerseys. From what I understand after searching through the NHL 08 message boards, you're going to have to put in a code to unlock some of the new uniforms, if not all of them... and even then, there have been questions as to whether or not the PS2 version would even be getting the new jerseys.
  7. Codes to unlock new jerseys? The new jerseys will most likely be the defaults. Was it said elsewhere that the new jerseys would not be available right away?
  8. Toe


    The show is awesome, I thought it was going to suck but was really surprised. Oh, and getting punched in the face during sex is definitly as awesome as it looked in the show.
  9. It's good to see you have parents that are actually concerned about the types of media you consume.
  10. Bob Gainey and Larry Robinson are going to have their numbers retired by the Montreal Canadians this season as part of the celebration leading up to their 100th season, which will be next year.
  11. The demo for skate. plays amazing on the 360, so that will probably be excellent on the PS3.
  12. I just wish they had given the Laurie character more time to develop.
  13. It makes me wish the Leafs had kept a draft pick to get one of these guys.
  14. It's still better then the crappy movie she made.
  15. As said, Evil Dead or Evil Dead 2 would be excellent movies to show in that kind of setting.
  16. Just played the demo on the 360, its an exhibition game between Ottawa and Anaheim. The new skating feels more realistic, and you can actually cycle the puck. I am really excited for NHL 08 to come out.
  17. "American Psycho" by The Misfits. Many people hate it just because it's not Danzig, but I know that I enjoy the songs a lot and still listen to that CD.
  18. Familiar Realm - CKY Escape From Hellview - CKY I shouldn't have said "Listen To CKY" without actually giving you a way to listen to them.
  19. Howard Berger on Leafs jerseys Sounds like other then the bottom stripes and the TML logos, the jersey will the the same. As long as it isn't radically different, I am happy. Oh, and I heard something about the Leafs being interested in Forsberg. A healthy Forsberg would be awesome to have, but with Toronto pushing the cap right now, I don't see how this would work without some sort of move.
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