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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Don't the Leafs wish they had kept THIS guy around?
  2. We scored 6 on 15 one night and to recap last night: Leafs blew it again. Gaborik scores 5. Crosby wins a fight. ...Crosby won a fight!?
  3. So we blew another game that Toskala delivered to us on a silver platter. Fuck.
  4. That trailer was pretty cool, actually. I hope they can release it sometime in the near future. Maybe get together with Axel and release Chinese Democracy at the same time.
  5. Fucking Poni. Toskala won us that game, but Ponikarovsky doesn't have the common sense to put the puck deep.
  6. Even if it was a bad goal, Koivu dominated the play and was allowed to skate all over on that first one. It looked bad, but he earned it.
  7. Toronto lost, but that is ok by me. Carey Price was great, stole the game for Montreal (at least through period one). Toronto did not look disgusting, they just made some mistakes and got burned by Koivu especially. Losing McCabe hurts, but he hasn't been scoring goals. We just need Toskala to keep playing like he has. I am hoping this last game was us underachieving and playing poorly, and not the previous 6 or 7 being us overachieving.
  8. Rumours have Marleau going to Montreal for Ryder and Halak.
  9. Mayweather talks a lot of shit, but his training is amazing and he is probably the most skilled boxer in the world right now. Hatton will have to land a lucky blow to win.
  10. Something strange and wonderful happened, and I am not talking about Belak. For the first time since the lockout, the fans in the ACC stood up and chanted the name of .... our goaltender. Toskala made some amazing saves, and the fans in the ACC were chanting his name! This team is different then last years team. The fans have not given up on Toskala like they did Raycroft, and it's a good thing to see.
  11. Makes sense, what with having no cap room and all. Unless the Bolts or the Marlies are getting Kubina, this ain't happening...but if it is, I think I've found a name for the back of my TML jersey
  12. Big rumour is Lecavalier leaving Tampa, with Montreal and Toronto being the big two candidates willing to pay out the nose for him. Supposedly, Tampa is in big problems in terms of there economic situation and the sale of the team, so the Bolts may need to move Lecavalier (who is leading the league in points) and St. Louis. This comes from Basha (and I don't know where he got it from) and that lame Eklund.
  13. Henderson Scores! The Summit Series was more then just a hockey series to us Canadians. We were still struggling for an identity and unity as a nation, and this series united all of Canada. Plus, in the heart of the cold war, it was just awesome for us Canadians to kick the Russians asses. If you knew the whole story behind it, including the refereeing, the politics, and the hockey, you would love the Summit Series. In Game 8, with the series tied 3 wins a piece, the game was tied. With minutes left, the Russian officials informed the Canadian team that if the final game ended in a tie, they would claim victory based on goal differential. With only a small amount of time left, Paul Henderson (in front of 75% of all the people in Canada watching on TV) scored. Mats Sundin's 500th NHL goal was also a favourite moment of mine as he did it shorthanded in overtime, and he is my favourite player of all time.
  14. I know it would be a stretch, but wouldn't it be cool if this game was actually turned into Ghostbusters 3? That would be cool! The medium of video-games is kind of heading into that direction anyways, with games taking as long as movies to make and just the same amount of effort too. Instead of making this "Ghostbusters: The Game", they could make this the third movie that never was and bill it as such. If they make it properly, it would be just as funny and more immersive then any movie could be.
  15. I always love it when the Leafs and Habs play. It's almost always a good, competitive game. It's especially good when both teams play sloppy defence, like the last game last season.
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