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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I think the reason they hired JFJ was because many people thought he had a bright future. Brian Burke said that he had a good hockey mind a few years back. His tenure has not been good though. No matter who comes in, getting out of this mess will be hard. Tucker, Kubina, Blake. They are all getting a lot of money and right now don't have a ton of value (although I think Kubina could easily be a top pairing guy on a different team). We have a lot of money tied up in goaltending next year, and Raycroft literally is worthless to other teams. When your best move is picking up a guy off waivers (Kilger), you know your in trouble. The reason I think MLSE are moving slowly is that they do not want to make the same mistake. They have learned with the Raptors that you need to take your time and hire the right person. I doubt Ferguson has any power to do anything right now anyways. People say they have no incentive for the team to do better, but if making money is the bottom line, then having a long playoff run every season is neccessary to maximize the amount the team makes.
  2. From what I heard, Scotty Bowman showed interest in the GM position with the Leafs if he was given complete control, free from the influence of the Maple Leafs board of directors. Scotty Bowman is the only guy I can think of that would be able to turn this team around within one or two seasons.
  3. Please. Just fucking end the season now.
  4. I can understand losing 5-0 to a good team. But getting stomped by LA? Something has got to give if Toronto wants any chance to make it into the post season. They need something to change the way they feel their season is going, they need some motivation. I think everyone in Toronto would be happy to see JFJ go.....but we all know that someone in MLSE has a hard on for him. JFJ doesn't have the balls to try any sort of trade. The only move that might happen would be Paul Maurice being replaced. I like him though, so I hope that doesn't happen.
  5. Just swinging because someone grabbed your jersey is a retarded excuse, especially in a hockey game. Toronto is almost out of reach, this needs to turn around now for them to have any shot at the post season. I don't want to see the team suck for the rest of the year, even if that could be better for them in the long run.
  6. The US just created a huge flurry of offence in front of the Canadian net in the first 35 seconds, and luckily Steve Mason was ready. Also, anyone with the NHL network gets this game, even in the United States. We don't need the Leafs to go into the cellar to become a better team. We need a healthy line-up, we need a general manager who is willing to make a trade or two, and we need to start drafting smart and keeping our first round picks.
  7. Toe

    Walk Hard

    There are different accents for the different counties in Britian?
  8. Leafs played like puke tonight. Halfway done now. The way I see it, Toronto needs to win 25 of their remaining 41 games to get to 100 points and an almost guaranteed playoff spot (this assumes they can pick up another point or two in losses as well). 22 wins would put them into a position to compete for a playoff spot, but that would be close. If Toskala is healthy, and all reports say he is pretty much ready now, then I think we have a shot. Toronto did not make it easy on themselves though.
  9. It took me one round of multiplayer to get to level 4. It's really fun online, and four player split screen is also really fun with the radar turned off.
  10. Another late goal is allowed, but this time the Leafs didn't totally explode and this time they managed to come back and win. Scott Clemmensen was better then Raycroft has been, Toskala should be back for Saturday's game, and Mats Sundin is now tied with Stan Mikita.
  11. I'm done with Raycroft. The game against the Islanders was a win for us if any other netminder was in goal. This game we had no chance with all the penalties, but a big save by Raycroft early may have changed the game and allowed the Leafs to at least be competitive. Send him down, no one is going to touch him on waivers if Marc Denis can pass through like he did. Have Justin Pogge start for the Marlies with Raycroft playing as back-up, and bring in Clemmensen to back up Toskala once he is healed up.
  12. Toe

    We Own The Night

    The car chase scene was tense and the whole film was very enjoyable.
  13. Blahhh. Can Toskala come back now? Raycroft has looked shakey, and the Leafs have forgotten over the past five or six games how to score goals.
  14. Toe

    360 Help

    I keep getting two lights. This is supposed to mean overheating, but sometimes it does it right away, sometimes not at all even after four or five hours straight. I may buy a cooling thing to see if that will keep it going longer, or just deal with it until it finally shows me the third light I need to get it free.
  15. The best porn is the kind where the girls do nasty things, like play chess.
  16. Speaking about letting players go.....what about Mike Ribierio?
  17. We should sign them over Christmas before they get even better and want more moolah. And before Kevin Lowe offers them 7 million each.
  18. Steen and Stajan have been solid offensively and defensively this season, and both are restricted free agents at the end of the year. Wellwood as well.
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