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Everything posted by Toe

  1. It doesn't really explain it. Probably some people making fun of her in school or something.
  2. I don't think it will take long for this team to change. If Fletcher can acquire another 1st round pick, then the Maple Leafs will have two picks in the top round and will be able to build a solid core of prospects to work around. Moving Sundin will probably be required, but hopefully if they do move him he will return the next year. Some big salaries that need to be moved include Tucker, Blake and Kubina. McCabe would also be a guy to move, but I don't see how. Kaberle also has a no-trade clause and would get as much as Sundin would (especially from Chicago, who are offering Cam Barker up right now). Philly was able to change very quickly. Toronto may not have the money free to do what they did, but if some space can be cleared and the salary cap goes up as expected to $54 000 000, then Toronto will be able to make some moves. Philly traded for the right to negotiate with Timonen and Hartnell when they were restricted free agents. That might be the route to take. The most important piece, goaltending, is already there with Vesa Toskala between the pipes.
  3. JFJ is gone, and Cliff Fletcher is the interim GM and will be a consultant for bringing in the new President and General Manager and will help out whomever they bring in. Peddie seems to be moving aside from his President's post, which is a big positive. Opens up the GM job to any of the older guys who wanted the power and autonomy to fully run the franchise. Oh, and Malkin is taking Crosby's place at the All-Star Game. I think the Penguins will be alright with Crosby out because Malkin has been a monster recently.
  4. What are the betting odds for the Giants to win the Superbowl? I have $20 to spare and think it would be funny if they did win.
  5. I really enjoyed the first two episodes of the show. Hopefully, it can continue to be entertaining and fun to watch.
  6. G-MEN! I would like the think that both teams will play great in the Superbowl. This is great for the development of Eli, win or lose. I think the Giants will come out as the underdogs and feed off that, while the pressure to be perfect will help the Patriots play better (as pressure has never seemed to make them worse before). This is the second trip to the Superbowl for the Giants in this decade, isn't it?
  7. Toronto lose tonight, but there recent play is very enthusiastic. If Toskala had been in goal, we would have probably got a point out of the game tonight. Hopefully, the team can keep some of the momentum they gathered from next week and win a few more in a row.
  8. Raycroft is starting in today's game against New Jersey, so I am not even sure if I want to watch it. Raycroft has just been so awful this year, and it makes me wonder how anyone with a sane mind can even for a moment think about putting him in considering his play all season.
  9. It isn't hard to pronounce Kaberle at all.
  10. Tyler Arnason is everyones favourite hockey player.
  11. Antropov on his way to Calgary? Kaberle on his way to Chicago? John Ferguson Jr. being allowed to try and make a good move and fix the situation? Yeah, I don't think the board are letting him touch a thing. It isn't fair to him, as he hasn't been fired and he could be trying to improve this team right now. I think JFJ should be fired, but I think the way the Leafs management has handled this whole mess is awful and very disrespectful.
  12. Toe

    Awesome Band Names

    NWA. Simple, yet effective. And it scares old conservative women.
  13. I was hoping that the Blue Jays would be able to make a deal to acquire Erik Bedard. Not only do I think having some Canadian talent on the team would help the team draw better and they need more solid pitching. Burnett is not the option at number two, Chacin seems to be very injury prone, and Dustin McGowan is still only a prospect (although he showed a ton of promise along with some other guys). Having Halladay and Bedard would be a big boost. With those two, plus a healthy season from Burnett, Toronto would be in a very good position. I don't think we want to pay the price though. Alex Rios is probably are most promising player, and the team really does not want to see him go.
  14. The Toronto Raptors almost screwed it up, but after double overtime came out ahead of the Trailblazers. The young Raptors showed a lot of character, not letting some big mistakes sink their chances of winning. Brandon Roy is a monster though. Have to say that.
  15. The premier episode of the new Terminator TV series. It was pretty cool, I'll be watching the second part of the premier tomorrow at 9 on FOX.
  16. Zodiac is my pick for best film of 2007. It had my attention from start to finish despite it's length, and it scared me more then any slasher film or suspense film has in years. I think everyone involved in that movie was on their game, from the writing to the directing, cinematography to acting and casting. It's such an interesting topic, and the movie does it justice. And although not as much as Zodiac, I think The Prestige is a movie people will come to appreciate later on. Good sadistic twist ending, and it had David Bowie.
  17. Duchovny winning for Californication is great. I thought that show was very witty and well written. Haven't been able to see the last two or three episodes yet, but everything about the series so far has been awesome.
  18. He never has been that pure goal scorer though. He did score 40 goals (for the first time in his career) last season, but I don't think he has even played the same way as he did last year. Last off-season. If your looking for a goal scorer to play with Sundin, and you have a choice between Paul Kariya and Jason Blake, who do you pick? I don't know how Kariya has done this season so far, but he has a track record as someone who can consistently score. Blake was supposed to be a more grittier, agitating player who can score a bunch, but he hasn't played with any edge. He rarely goes full speed to the net like he did last season with the Islanders.
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