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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Toe

    RIP Jeff Healey

    Canadian music legend. RIP.
  2. I am not a fan of the lead singers voice, but I thought the rest of the song was pretty cool.
  3. Thanks for the help, New York Rangers. You couldn't even beat them in regulation! You had to let the gaywad Flyers get a point to keep six points ahead!
  4. At one point when I was a kid, I was almost sure that New Line made every movie. This came from me watching TMNT 3 over and over and over again...
  5. Mike Tyson is a legend of boxing, but because of his personal demons he ruined what could have been a legacy greater then any other boxer before. Tyson has legitimate talent and if he had been managed better we wouldn't be calling him a freakshow now.
  6. Thanks to the Canadiens, we move a point closer to Buffalo and are still 6 away from that 8th spot. I don't even know why I cheer for them to make it, because I know they probably won't and it will cost them a chance at the best players in the upcoming draft.
  7. It's not really that cult or obscure, but everyone talks about the newer games like X-Wing VS Tie Fighter. This one was a lot of fun to play, and it was awesome to be the bad guys hunting down rebels and pirates.
  8. I hate the stupid Senators. They could be helping us out by WINNING GAMES against people like the Flyers. But no, they have decided to limp there way into the playoffs. What a bunch of gay wads.
  9. Brad Richards plays his first game in Dallas and gets 5 points. Purely awesome. He pretty much GAVE Nik Hagman a hat-trick.
  10. "Da day start okeday wit da sunnup. Me Munchen clams. Den, Boom! Maccaneks every which way, dey flyen, dey scooten... Me get bery scared. Den me grabbin' the Jedi and POW! Mesa here!" "Yousa tinkin yousa people gonna DIE?"
  11. I mean, it doesn't get more Canadian then that really.
  12. War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Uh-huh War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again, y'all War, huh, good God What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me Ohhh, war, I despise Because it means destruction Of innocent lives War means tears To thousands of mothers eyes When their sons go to fight And lose their lives I said, war, huh Good God, y'all What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again War, whoa, Lord What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me War, it ain't nothing But a heartbreaker War, friend only to the undertaker Ooooh, war It's an enemy to all mankind The point of war blows my mind War has caused unrest Within the younger generation Induction then destruction Who wants to die Aaaaah, war-huh Good God y'all What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it, say it, say it War, huh What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Uh-huh War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again y'all War, huh, good God What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker War, it's got one friend That's the undertaker Ooooh, war, has shattered Many a young mans dreams Made him disabled, bitter and mean Life is much to short and precious To spend fighting wars these days War can't give life It can only take it away Ooooh, war, huh Good God y'all What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again War, whoa, Lord What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker War, friend only to the undertaker Peace, love and understanding Tell me, is there no place for them today They say we must fight to keep our freedom But Lord knows there's got to be a better way Ooooooh, war, huh Good God y'all What is it good for You tell me Say it, say it, say it, say it War, huh Good God y'all What is it good for Stand up and shout it Nothing
  13. I actually fuckin' owned this turd. And I actually played this turd. And it was a totally turd. One of the worst games I ever played - but I freakin' played it. I knew it was bad, and I still played it. I played it until I got Lethal Enforcers and the light gun. Then Shaq Fu went bye bye.
  14. If you did that, I'd have to verbally felate Iginla. You know, Iggy for MVP and all that stuff. That said, if there's no verbal fellation, I think I can keep my Iggy love in check.
  15. Pfft. Everyone would just laugh at me as I verbally felate Mats Sundin.
  16. I just want the last game of the season to mean something.
  17. Watching the Leafs come back twice with Sundin doing the heavy lifting helped me to temporarily forget my food poisoning. In regards to best Leaf ever, Sundin still has more points and goals then Sittler and holds the NHL record for the most overtime winners. That counts for a lot if you ask me. Keon gets the boost over Sittler as well simply because of the Stanley Cup.
  18. I think Pittsburgh made out like bandits. There is a reason Esposito dropped so low in the draft. Armstrong and the other guy are both ok depth players. The first round pick will be late in the first round. Dupuis was filler. Hossa is a premier talent and with Crosby or Malkin, he should prosper.
  19. But Sittler isn't my favourite NHL player of all time.
  20. I'd say that Mats Sundin is the best Leaf ever and is worth every penny. I was listening on the radio and heard that Kubina does have a clause in his contract that states that during the summer there is a timeframe when his no-trade clause is not applicable.
  21. I have a feeling that Belak could be coming back to Toronto in the off season. The Tampa/Dallas deal is a good one for both sides. Mike Smith is young and good and could be the goaltender Tampa has been looking for. Richards will be an impact player on a team that has more depth then Tampa. I don't think the Campbell really helps San Jose. They have some guys that can move the puck, and Campbell is not a right hand shot. I don't understand why you move Cristobel Huet during this season. The team has been playing so well, so why screw that up and go with a rookie in the playoffs?
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