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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I played a little No Mercy, winning the Light Heavyweight Title with Kane. I also have been playing NHL 08 daily now. I have owned the game since it was released in September and it is still my top game for the 360. CoD 4 and Gears of War are up there too, but nothing has come close to being as fun as NHL 08. I haven't played online that much, so I might start doing that. If anyone is interested, my gamertag is desiredtoe.
  2. Oh yeah, Theodore also had to deal with the whole Colby Armstrong messing with his shit in that game, so he actually did really well. Armstrong should have gotten a penalty, not a goal.
  3. Yes! Toronto fired a lot of pucks on net and finally got the pucks to go in during the third period. Coming back from the 3-0 deficit, that was amazing to watch. I would have liked the win in regulation, but getting at least ONE point on 8th helps. The Leafs need to carry the momentum into the next game and a win there will get Toronto to within 5 points. Whatever happens though, that was a great ending to a game that had me feeling pretty depressed after two periods.
  4. Miracle and Remember The Titans are the safe bets.
  5. I think this video says a bit about Ovechkin. You see Ovie trying to just walk away from some older guys who are hounding him for autographs, but in front of them gives a kid an autograph. You know those other guys just wanted the signatures so they could eBay stuff. The kid might cherish that for a long time though. Really awesome, I really like Ovechkin more and more.
  6. 8 points back now. That sucks a lot. We still have a little, small, tiny chance. If we can sweep Philly and Buffalo in our remaining games against them, then maybe we can crawl back into the race. But it is very unlikely.
  7. I am excited for this. Was not a fan of the "To Be Continued" from the previous game, so hopefully this one actually has an ending. New guns, locations, and some new actions like the ability to sprint for a short amount of time hopefully add to the experience. The first game was awesome, so this has a lot to live up to.
  8. Toe

    South Park

    Is Season 11 out yet? I have to get it whenever it comes out to keep my collection up to date.
  9. Army Of Two. It's pretty cool, great to play with a friend. The gameplay is a bit like Gears of War, but that is a good thing.
  10. I think Boston would notice an 8-2 loss, especially when they are the team on the losing end and now have had two straight games with horrible goaltending.
  11. Damn Tampa! They had to give up that late goal!
  12. Take that Boston! Take that Tim Thomas!
  13. Whoever is second, offer me a trade for Ovechkin. I'll take anything because I am in a rebuilding year.
  14. I am loving Call of Duty 4 online right now. First time I have actually regularly used my Xbox Live subscription.
  15. I'll miss Brett Favre. Although I am not totally convinced he is retired - I won't be until the first game of the season. I have a strange feeling that he will decide to return a few weeks before training camp. And I guess the Raiders had to throw money at Walker just to get him to sign with them? It is such a horrible team that has almost no hope for the next couple seasons of being successful.
  16. Toe

    New Guns N' Roses

    This argument seems totally retarded to me. Buckethead and Slash are both fantastic and they both do different things. I actually want Chinese Democracy to be released soon so I can hear it for myself. It has to be epic to live up to any sort of hype that has been put forth due to the amount of time spent on it. I also doubt the record company is going to get any money out of it.
  17. At least 8th place didn't get any further away tonight. If the Leafs can close the gap or at least stay this far out until next week, then we have two games against the Flyers and a great opportunity to leap frog up the standings.
  18. Toe

    Remake It Better

    I really like the original Dawn of the Dead, but I also enjoy the remake. I just really despise the ending of it. The newest War of the Worlds is another remake that I enjoyed.
  19. The fact that Chuck Liddell beat Randy Couture twice is enough for me to see him as a great fighter. He is always exciting in the ring, and that is what I want when I watch the UFC - exciting fights.
  20. He has said this is his last sports film for a long while. I enjoyed the movie. I didn't find it as funny as Talladega Nights or Blades of Glory, but it had some great moments and I liked the story about the Flint Tropics.
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