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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I think the character design in that game is so unique and creative, and for such a great RPG it isn't horribly complicated.
  2. I know there is a catch-up AI in the Pro difficulty. Don't think there is with Superstar, just computer players that score on almost every semi-decent chance they get. Oh, and try to stand up the other team at your blue line. I always knock out the puck carrier and force them to win a race to the puck. Seems to keep their offense stiffled a bit.
  3. People are already talking about what the future holds for Mats Sundin. Will he retire? Will he return to the Leafs? Will he return to a different team? I hope Mats returns. He is my favourite player and is still an elite level hockey player. The Leafs do need him - unless some sort of miracle happens, he will still be arguably the best player they have. I would rather see him retire then join another NHL club though. After hearing how much he loves the team and the city for so long, seeing him join another NHL franchise would probably turn me off of hockey. It would feel like a stab in the back. I know that is selfish, but that is how I feel. I hope Washington or Buffalo can catch Boston and get into the playoffs. Either team would be better then the boring Bruins. Just like the last two seasons, even though my team is out I will still try to watch as many games as possible in the playoffs. If Edmonton can squeeze into the Western playoff picture, I will root for them. In the East, every team pisses me off but I'll cheer for whatever team faces the Senators in the first round.
  4. Toe

    War Films

    Glory is a movie I've seen dozens of times and it is still easy to watch and I think its great. I think my favourite, although I don't know if people will count this as this is War Films, is Band Of Brothers.
  5. There are probably a ton of Nintendo games that are still as fun to play now as they were back when they were released. Nintendo just makes awesome, timeless games.
  6. I don't think Mortal Kombat has held up well. It's really simplistic, and now the gore is really tame in it. When I played it for the first time when I was little, it kicked ass. It kicked major ass. Now it kinda sucks except for the nostalgia value. Super Mario Bros. holds up. It is such a smooth game to play and it controls perfectly. In fact, it may be better now with the nostalgia factor and everything. To play it now is to play it just as I remember it - totally awesome. Super Mario Bros. 3 is the same way.
  7. YES YES YES YES YES YES. Earthbound was one of my favourite games to play as a kid, it engaged me in a way that no game has since. I wish I still had my SNES - I would be playing that game now if I did.
  8. I believe it's possible to play for the playoffs while building the team to reach the point where you are contending for the Stanley Cup. Getting the first pick in the draft isn't a surefire way to rebuild. What works is scouting properly and drafting wisely, then developing the talent. The Leafs can do that with Justin Pogge, Nikolai Kulemin and Jiri Tlusty and whomever they draft in the next few years. It is also possible to use free agency (unrestricted and restricted) to pick up players who are still young but are also legitimate NHL players. You don't have to suck ass and die in last place to rebuild a team. You can do all this and have a team that places in sixth place while also allowing your draft picks to develop in the minors. Then when they are ready, they can give your team the boost they need to compete for the division lead. One recent example - Montreal. They have competed for the final playoff spot in the previous two seasons, and this season have finally seen some young players develop and join the NHL club. This has pushed them from a team competing for 6th to 8th spot to a team that could finish first in the East which would make them a contender for the Stanley Cup.
  9. I am not saying we will get the Stanley Cup next season or anything to that level. I am saying that with smart buys we can make the playoffs. Look at Raycroft's stats this year - he was atrocious. If we had a back-up that could improve on Raycroft's record by just two wins, we would be in a better position right now and still competing for a playoff spot. And at this point, just getting into the playoffs would make me happy. The teams in the Eastern Conference are so close. You don't need to have a stacked team like the Avalanche did (when there was no salary cap) to create a playoff team. The Leafs will have a good spot in the draft this year and with JFJ gone, they will be keeping that pick. They can get some quality players to start the ball rolling while picking up some decent free agents who will bring some speed to the club and help them at least be competitive with most of the teams in the East. Only one or two teams really stand out in the Conference as superior anyways. And what if the Maple Leafs managed to pull a move similar to the Flyers, making a move for some young RFAs? Not only would they be improving, but they would also be getting younger. The Toronto Maple Leafs are not totally fucked up the ass right now. They aren't a good team, but with the salary cap now in place teams cannot hold onto assets. That means that there will be good players available and that the Maple Leafs will be able to at least put together a competitive team while they start to develop the core of the team in the AHL. :lmao: I swear I didn't do that on purpose.
  10. Rainbow Six Vegas 2, where: Spoiler: Click here to viewthe terrorists actually succeed at throwing a chemical weapon into an arena full of people, and you arrive there just in time to hear them scream and die. My friends and I were sitting there, shocked. Like the COD4 thing, its something you don't normally see in video games. I also remembered an epic moment from NHL 07. A friend and I had played a season with the Leafs and made the finals where we faced Calgary. Down 2-1 with maybe five minutes left, I took the puck with Jeff O'Neill and skated towards the net. I had never scored a goal with the spin-o-rama before, but I just went for it and ended up slipping the puck underneath the goaltenders pads to tie the game. It felt great. We won it in overtime.
  11. World Of Warcraft was fun for the first few days. Then it was slightly less fun. Then a little dull. Then completely repetitive. I went from totally into it to just wanting to delete the game and burn the disc in a furnace within a month.
  12. And that is pretty much it. Our best chance to gain ground, our most realistic shot at the playoffs, and its gone. Toronto has to go 5-0 in the final five games remaining and need a ton of help from other teams. I have been optimistic for awhile about this team making it, but I think that game burst the bubble. I am so depressed about being a Leafs fan - three straight seasons and it's not like the team has been awful. The team has been great at times, shit at others. The questions now move to the off-season. Does Mats decide to retire or will he be back? Do the Leafs want him back? Who will be the next general manager and president of the team? What happens to Paul Maurice? How many guys will be leaving in the off-season? I know this team needs to be completely overhauled. I think this season the team seriously underperformed and Vesa Toskala got no support from his back-up. Jason Blake has been a bust (although at a cheaper rate like $2 mil a season I would be happy to have him), Mark Bell has been pretty useless, and Darcy Tucker has just had a piss poor year. Positives? Vesa Toskala. He is a legitimate #1 goaltender in the league and, if the Leafs make smart moves, can help the Leafs compete for a playoff spot as they rebuild. Alex Steen and Matt Stajan have shown that they may not be top line players, but they are both very good and Stajan especially has proven to be a great penalty killer and checker who can also score. Jiri Tlusty has shown brief flashes of what he may be offering to this team, while Jeremy Williams may have found himself a spot with the big club. Anton Stralman has also proven to be good. Also, after a mediocre year with the Marlies last season, Justin Pogge has stepped it up and had a great season in the AHL. I expect that Pavel Kubina will be moved in the summer as there is a period during the summer when his no-trade clause disappears. Nikolai Kulemin will be coming over from the Russian Super League and get a shot from camp to make the roster. He played with Malkin and is one of the top scorers there. If the Leafs can move some of their big contracts, they may be able to put together a decent team for next season. They may even be able to improve over this disappointing team.
  13. The NHL Network shows old games as well, but I don't know if its available to you.
  14. I just watched that whole game on ESPN Classics.
  15. Fuck. I know nothing about the teams in your game though because I just skimmed through Firesale.
  16. Souray is a decent skater and has good vision. I can't really think of a good comparison.
  17. Duke Nukem Forever for any system...
  18. Toronto is already missing players due to injury and are a half game back without playing a game.
  19. I can't stand Air Farce. I don't get the appeal - I haven't seen an episode of Air Farce that I thought was remotely funny since like 1998.
  20. I have a nasty habit of not beating games, even when I really enjoy them. I am still playing NHL 08 on a regular basis. At least a game a day it seems. I beat Knights of the Old Republic three times I think. I played the crap out of Civilization 2 in high school. Star Trek: Birth of the Federation was played to death too and I wish I had a copy of it still. Going back a long way, there are a few games. Donkey Kong Country was super cool bad ass and my brother and I would play it all the time. Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter 2 were played to death and are still fun to this day. Oh, and I have rediscovered my love for WWF No Mercy, although sometimes it is the most fucking frustrating game ever with all the reversals.
  21. With the Capitals in a game with 10 minute period on Superstar with the regular sliders, I beat the Hurricanes 3-0. The shots were in the mid thirty range. It was a fun game though, I did a good job of keeping them from the slot but my point shot was taken away by their defence. It took Ovie ripping a shot from the wing to break the goose egg. Then I got a sweet one from Clark that hit a defenders skate and went between the legs of Ward.
  22. I have never been able to watch a show on a regular basis on TV. I always see an episode, fully intend to watch next week, then forget about it for about a month. I managed to watch every week of American Gladiators though. I am going to try to watch every episode of Battlestar Galactica as it's the final season. It starts next week or something.
  23. Set your defence for collapse, then just try to keep the puck to the outside. That way they dont get the close in crap goals as often. It's the rush that kills me, they always just snap off random shots from random spots that my goaltenders always gap out on.
  24. Andrew Raycroft's inconsistent play cost us the playoffs last season, and thinking about it, his awful play may be the reason we are in this position now. Raycroft put up a 2-8-4 record this season. We are currently four points back. I know some of those starts came when Toskala was hurt, but some came at the start of the year too. What if Toskala had been given the reigns earlier? Its more then possible that we would be closer to, tied, or even ahead of Boston right now. So, in closing, screw you Andrew Raycroft. You broke my heart.
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