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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Holy titballs, Sylvia got that much money?
  2. Star Trek: The Motion Picture is the ultimate torture movie. It is torture to watch it. So many scenes of the ship floating through a cloud for 10 minutes each....ughh.
  3. Toe


    I hate the documentaries that are on TLC now about the 700 lb people who need to change their eating habits to live but can't. They are just boring, its the same thing over and over again.
  4. The Leafs are going to honour the numbers of Wendel Clark and Doug Gilmour this season. And here is where you can learn when they will doing that....
  5. I had to think about it for a second, but that made me laugh.
  6. Why couldn't you make Mr. Freeze a realistic villian? I don't think he should be used, but you could make him a murderer who does experiments on people and then kills them like Dexter's brother in Dexter. I am not saying they should do that - it was done in Dexter - but that is just one idea.
  7. Toe


    I liked what I saw of the Sarah Conner Chronicles, but as always, I always get busy and miss shows that I want to watch.
  8. I know, we are going to sign one player with all the money we can, and this player will only be a shell of his former self or cashing in after one good season. The Yankees have signed Richie Sexson to a one year deal for the minimum salary.
  9. Assuming AJ is off the books next year, Toronto could have a few bucks to throw around in free agency. If they spend it wisely, they could fill one or two of their holes.
  10. Trading Halladay? It's something to think about, but I would hate to see the only consistently good player leave the team.
  11. Wii Music looked awful.
  12. I didn't see Forgetting Sarah Marshall, looked a little too romantic comedy for my likings.
  13. I love Talladega Nights. Also, Will Ferrell suffers from the whole "too popular for his own good". I know people who were big fans of him two years ago who suddenly say "Oh, Anchorman was just ok" and "Will Ferrell sucks". The only Will Ferrell comedy I didn't really like was Semi-Pro. Blades of Glory is one of the funniest movies released recently, and Anchorman has become a classic almost.
  14. The Genesis and SNES do share NHL 95. The SNES one has better music, but for some reason I like the Genesis one a little better.
  15. Thats easy - Chris Simon signed to play in Russia.
  16. I don't agree. If your not a fan of that genre of games, then you won't like it, but even compared to newer games it is still fairly deep and open ended. It is a fun game to play with a great storyline and in a cool setting.
  17. I like Hollweg. He is not going to score, but adds grit and is a hard worker. Rangers fans should know him well.
  18. Roy Halladay, at the All-Star Game media scrum, has said some stuff about the Blue Jays that should really resonate with the fans. It is frustrating to have everyone in the city of Toronto hype up the team as a competitor and then watch it fail. He is getting less then market value and is frustrated that he has not seen his team become good enough to compete, even though he has been putting in good season after good season.
  19. Fallout 1 and 2 would keep me busy for like a day each now that I have beaten them a few times. They need to get some Duke Nukem 3D going here.
  20. I wouldn't want to put Youppi into that awkward situation, going to the home of his former team.
  21. The mini-commentaries on the South Park DVDs are very interesting and short, usually only a few minutes per episode.
  22. Sundin would take the draw, then he would shift out to the wing.
  23. That was not it. He told coach Dunleavy several things he wanted for him to resign. Dunleavy fought for him and got him all the things he wanted, and then got a text message from Brand saying he was leaving to Philly.
  24. I find Hellraiser to be a very overrated film. It is not scary or frightening to me, it all just seems cheesy. The sequels don't even deserve a mention. I hate the horror genre so much. Too much torture-porn and asian influenced movies. The latter is the worst - there are like a million movies with pale little asian kids and wet looking girls twitching down hallways, it all just looks dumb.
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