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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I would consider Bay a big upgrade at this point over Manny. While Ramirez can swing the bat better at times, Jason Bay is great in the field and is a faster baserunner while being no slouch at the plate.
  2. ...like he doesn't live a pampered life already. Also, Vermette has resigned to a multi-year deal with Ottawa. That does not mean a trade couldn't happen, but I am guessing the odds of it happening are much lower now.
  3. Rumours have Maxim Afinogenov on the move once his arbitration settlement is handed out. Vancouver is in the mix from what I hear. Kesler is a speed demon, and adding Afinogenov would just make that team fly.
  4. The next one should just copy everything from Batman Forever, but make it BIGGER!
  5. Ghostbusters is one of the few games I care about. It sounds like its inclusion in the press release was a mistake, from that second quote.
  6. Raiders of the Lost Ark is more epic then I remember it being. In a good way.
  7. Sounds like the Blue Jays are not trading AJ Burnett after all.
  8. Cote does have the punchers chance...so I am going to say this now - congratulations Patrick Cote on becoming the UFC Middleweight Champion!
  9. Toe


    I cried at the end of Wrath of Kahn when Spock dies.
  10. Toe


    Voyager was okay. Not great, not horrible, just okay. It has some really bad episodes balanced by some interesting ones (like when the Hirogen capture the ship), but some of the characters are almost unbearable and I don't care if Seven used to be a drone, how can a ship smaller then the Enterprise-D take on the Borg so often and be so successful?! I just believe DS9 and TNG are better. I don't compare any of them to the original because TV was different back then. I haven't watched all of Enterprise, but I hate some of the storylines - I don't care about continuity errors, I just want plots that I can enjoy.
  11. I am happy the Joker lived. For comic book movies, it is not good when in the first or second movie you have the main villian for the character (Joker to Batman, Green Goblin to Spidey, Lex to Superman) die.
  12. Toe

    Music that pumps you up?

    Protest The Hero - Bloodmeat
  13. Why use the stick when you can utterly annihilate someone?
  14. Everyone poke checks the hell out of me, but I always say "screw that European stick play!" and smash them into the boards!
  15. I seem to be very good at lining up hits EVERYWHERE on the ice. My opponents barely get into my offensive zone.
  16. Toe

    Music that pumps you up?

    This one if anything Classic! Absolutely epic! Next time I play hockey, I am using this to pump up my teammates!
  17. Toe

    Degrees of Separation

    ...who had a song on the Rugrats soundtrack, along with No Doubt (with Elvis Costello)...
  18. No, I agree with a lot of your choices. Dark Knight should be on that list, but not at number one. I do think that the Godfather deserves its place on the list - I have seen it numerous times and not become bored with it, and all the parts are played to perfection. Everything else (except No Country For Old Men, which I think is underrated here) I agree with.
  19. This is probably an opinion that not many share with me, but I don't like the Shawshank Redemption and think it should be lower or off the list.
  20. Toe

    Degrees of Separation

    ...who recently opened for Justin Timberlake on his FutureSex/LoveShow tour...
  21. Really, Doom should always be the villian to everything in the Marvel Universe. Someone runs over your dog? It was Doctor Doom! Your milk has soured? What an evil plot by Doctor Doom!
  22. Toe

    Degrees of Separation

    ...who had songs in Jackass 2. Academy Award winning recording artists Three Six Mafia also had songs in Jackass 2...
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