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Everything posted by Toe

  1. We will probably need you to score for us. I score by way of volume of shots on goal when playing alone, so you may want to help us out and add some skill to our core of forwards. Oh, and I saw that apsham has NHL 09. I invited him to the team.
  2. I invited Dragsy. I tried to invite Maxx, but it failed to send because (I am guessing) he doesn't have the game yet. I'll retry later tonight. It's 10 total. You can have a bunch of people on your team. Only 6 can be in a game at once, I believe.
  3. http://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog.php?post_id=16729 Thats a good article about the subject of NHL Euro expansion. I think there are enough big markets in Europe to potentially put teams there. The only problem I have is travel and TV times, but I am sure those things can be sorted out.
  4. Everyone is welcome to join. I'll add you two as soon as my brother stops playing CoD 3 on the 360.
  5. No idea. I am only two months into my first season in the game. Oh, you should pray that the Leafs don't sign Cloutier and put him in the minors. He is rated better then Pogge, but he played awful. Not until he was called up to the NHL did we start winning again. Now that I am up with the Leafs, we have Joseph in goal as Toskala is hurt.
  6. My Pro is a power forward at center, and I am already in the NHL. I am only rated 76 overall.
  7. I'm not exactly sure, it sounds like its the player you created in Be A Pro. I don't care which forward position I play as, I just want to be a forward.
  8. NHL looking into Europe within 10 years? Playing a few regular season games is okay by me, but the NHL first has to stabilize everything here before moving onto putting teams in Europe. I also don't know how you would deal with the travel arrangements and everything...it would be pretty brutal to add that much more travel to any teams schedule.
  9. Again, the pylons masquerading as offensive linemen he'd been playing behind help explain that. Pressure = decisions being forced = interceptions Good point. That is where a quarterback does need help. You need an offensive line that can give you at least a few seconds to find an open man, or even just give you enough time to throw the ball away.
  10. I created a team and invited Ruki and Will. The team is called Extreme Warfare HC, and I chose a jersey from one of the Euro teams that is just covered in sponsorships and has a tiger on the front! If anyone else wants in on this team, just add your gamertag here and I'll invite you to the team.
  11. Toe

    FIFA 09

    Is BMO Field in the game? I really disliked playing in generic fields when facing most of the teams in the MLS and then not having a distinct home field to defend.
  12. Cool. Although, as a warning, half of the time I am online, it isn't me. It is one of my brothers who will more then likely ignore your requests to play. When is everyone online usually to play, anyway?
  13. I'm taking the open spot. For my first pick in the draft, I will be selecting......JOE THORNTON!
  14. A good quarterback can make do, and put up okay numbers. And having bad recievers doesn't explain his horrible TD to INT ratio. Bad recievers may limit the number of TDs and yards, but they shouldn't force him to turn the ball over as much as he has.
  15. I go through long stretches of being unable to score. Anyone got any tips? Also, if I am not on your friends list already, add me. My gamertag is: desiredtoe. EDIT: Also, after two months in the AHL, I have already been called up to the Maple Leafs. I centre a line between Mark Bell and Alex Steen. My first game, I managed three assists and some PIMs.
  16. I am going to buy the next UFC PPV almost solely for Anderson Silva. He is a freak it seems, and I want to see if anyone can stand up to him.
  17. Radulov wants back into the NHL? It sounds like, after playing a few games, Radulov now wants back in. This says a lot about the quality of the Russian league as some sort of competition.
  18. Does anyone know the code to unlock the third jerseys?
  19. I will be winger if you guys will take me. Be A Pro is addictive. My Marlies are sucking - we are 5-7-2 and are currently 4 points back of 4th in the Conference. Part of this stems from Toronto's decision to sign Dan Cloutier and start him instead of Pogge. Our captain and best defenceman, Phil Oreszkavic is hurt for a while, and because of my stellar play I was moved to the top line and named captain. How do I respond? Two goals and an assist. I would do better with linemates that could shoot, as I set up Bates Battaglia at least 3 times each game wide open in the slot. I lead my team with 11 goals and 5 assists and 55 PIM in 14 games. I am the AHL leading goal scorer. And, as Cloutier has been called up, Pogge is starting and we just got him a 1-0 shutout to hopefully start our march back to the top of the league. Coach needs to get off my back about these penalties I am taking. If I didn't play with an edge, I wouldn't be a goal scoring machine!
  20. NHL 09 has better graphics and I think it plays better. Also, it promises to have more online stuff too (although I haven't jumped into that yet). NHL 2K9 is still good though. This year, you cannot go wrong when purchasing a hockey game. I wonder if the Wii version of NHL 2K9 is any good? Oh, Be A Pro Mode update! I am a forward with the Toronto Marlies. I was originally going to try to be an offensive defenceman, but changed to a power forward center, so my stats are a bit screwy. Whatever. After four games, I have three goals and an assist while leading the AHL in hits and PIMs. I knocked Josh Gratton TFO! Be A Pro is incredibly fun. Especially when you change lines just to check the fuck out of someone, then switch off again.
  21. You are forgetting that the Jets don't have the FORCE that is MARSHAWN LYNCH!
  22. The novelty of watching that kind of blowout was probably gone after the 20th goal. I wonder how long that game took to finish, considering all the stoppages for goal scoring and the appropriate celebrations.
  23. Toe

    Captain America

    Hmmm. I could actually picture that one. Good idea.
  24. Antropov is a powerhouse in NHL 2K9. 4 goals and 3 assists in 3 games playing with Ponikarovsky and Steen. The game is good, it just is not as fun as the EA games. You don't feel totally in control like you do with 08 and presumably 09. Can't wait to get to EB Games tomorrow to get my game.
  25. I know Buffalo has the Jaguars next week, so that is not going to be easy.
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