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Everything posted by Toe

  1. NFL Football. We are now 0-4. But I think we know our problem...no one is a scorer on our team. I scored a beauty in the last game we played, and I switched over to sniper to hopefully give us an offensive punch. So I'll be on during or after the football game, depending on how the game goes. Go Cowboys!
  2. When will you be online Ruki?
  3. I'm in for around 7 tonight.
  4. That was the main reason I suggested tomorrow. I want to watch MNF. However, I might find myself playing NHL instead if I get bored or something.
  5. Only four people are on the team, the last I checked. Also, I haven't seen any glitch when changing lines in Be A Pro mode.
  6. Yes. I was just thinking about how Dana White would be reacting if Ken Shamrock beat Kimbo, especially with a knockout or submission early.
  7. Special edition DVD? Aw man, I already have the bare bones version on DVD. I don't know if I can make myself buy another copy of it.
  8. I love this game so much that I enjoy it even when getting my ass kicked. Detroit held me to 3 shots in the first period, but playing defence was still fun.
  9. Hockey as a video game is incredibly easy to get into. And it is one of the best sports games ever. Also, I am going to say Tuesday as 8 pm EST for a team game. If anyone is online when I am, we will play, but I want to see if we can have 4 or more for a game on Tuesday.
  10. Damn, I was really hoping for Kovalchuk. I am going to go ahead and take Nabokov with my pick.
  11. Way to go Bills! Except for the 3rd quarter when they got caught by some trickery and got picked apart, the Buffalo Bills were solid. Almost no mistakes offensively, and except for the 3rd quarter, they shut down MoJo and Taylor and kept Garrard off his game as well. Trent Edwards looks like he is getting better and better. He is very efficient and gets rid of the ball quickly. 2 and 0 start is the Bill's best in 5 years.
  12. It will change once you play a game. Mine said "Victor Banting" as well until I played my first game.
  13. I was sent back down to the Marlies after scoring a goal and three assists in 3 games.
  14. I just edit her stats so she is rated 50 overall.
  15. Ha! You should blame playing out of your real position on our loss then! Is our team just going to be for EWB or should we invite some outsiders too?
  16. It was still fun. There was a bit of lag for me in both games that made it hard to react to checkers and poke checks.
  17. I am the first person on our team to win a fight!
  18. Ok, so we are 0-2-0 now. Maxx scored to make it 2-0 in our last game, but the other team came back and we just couldn't get enough shots on net to get a third goal. Our first game we were down by two, then I went to the box for fighting and Maxx got a penalty. Our AI teammates tied it up for us while shorthanded. It went to a shootout, but we blew it. I can't wait to get more people playing with us. Maxx is a defensive defenceman, and I am a power forward.
  19. I'll be back on in 30 minutes.
  20. I'm usually on everyday at varying times in the afternoon and night. We should all agree on a time to play our first game together soon. Do we need a full team to play, or could like 3 of us play and have the CPU play the other positions?
  21. Yeah, I was hoping for more in the way of goaltender masks. NHL 2K8 has Toskala's mask, or at least one that looks very very similar. Why can't EA put that in their game? It is a little thing, but it does add to the experience. Everyone has been invited. What does being a GM of a club mean? I am the GM since I started the team, but I can make others that join GMs as well. Should I make everyone a GM?
  22. Holding/Hooking is Y. It still is used to slash, but only after the whistle. Also, I am online now... if you want to invite me to the team. I just invited you.
  23. Hmm. Still, if you want to join, I'll invite you on to the team. Even if you don't play, it will help us out. And then if we kick ass and win the prize (I think its a trip to the All-Star game), you get to go too!
  24. Montreal resigns Brisebois and trade for Lang. Brisebois was decent enough last season. Getting Lang adds some depth in terms of centers, and Lang should be able to put some good points on the board for Montreal. It cost them a second round pick though.
  25. Sounds good! Gabriel, are you playing on a 360 or PS3?
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