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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I just score randomly with my defence. For me, the players skill has nothing to do with it, except sometimes I'll carry the puck deep and try something towards the net with faster defencemen like Kaberle or Bouwmeester.
  2. The only negative I can think of about the remake of Friday The 13th is that Pamela Voorhees isn't going to be the killer. Maybe they are going to say she went on a murderous rampage after her son died or something (and that would make me happy). Bwahaha. I just Wiki'd the remake, and discovered that Major Kira Nerys from ST: Deep Space 9 is going to be playing Pamela Voorhees.
  3. I actually think that Gaborik would be a great addition to the team. All they really need is someone who can jumpstart the goal scoring, and I think he could do it. Even if it's just for the season, if they can get him without losing any major pieces, they should at least give it a try. In reality, there is no way Toronto can make the trade for Gaborik. What they need to do is hope and pray that he makes it to free agency, then make a play for him. Then they would have Schenn and their top pick in this years draft, plus a goal scorer like Gaborik to build around. Toronto actually has the defence it would have liked over the last three seasons. Now they just need some quality forwards.
  4. I used Bell to get Mikko Koivu.
  5. Luke Schenn is staying. Leafs management has told Schenn that he will be staying with the team.
  6. I think he is staying too. He doesn't look out of place, and I would think it is easier to learn the NHL game in the NHL against veterans then in the WHL against 18 and 19 year olds.
  7. Oh man! This is pretty good too. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=MIt0VY7Yg2w&NR=1
  8. Toronto has Ian White, Carlo Colaiacovo and Jonas Frogren as scratches with the Maple Leafs right now.
  9. Toronto is looking much better defensively. Finger was good in his first game, and the next game is the last one for Schenn before Cliff Fletcher has to make the decision to keep him or send him to junior.
  10. I just don't think the Leafs would want a team in their territory, and Buffalo would probably prefer any new team was far away from them. Placing the team outside of Toronto in Southern Ontario would be a good idea. As MPH said, Kitchener would be good because it is a big city surrounded by other big cities with a major highway and plenty of corporate support in the area. Guelph, Brantford and Hamilton are all rather close to Kitchener as well. I think Kitchener would be a better place for a team. The only obstacle I would see would be building the arena, but if a team was awarded a doubt there would be any problems.
  11. Does the 80 GB PS3 have any backwards compatibility?
  12. People are making a fuss about taking Toskala out of the shootout last night. Have you seen Toskala's shootout record? He is a fantastic goaltender, but just can't get it done in the shootout. He has already lost twice in shootouts this season, why not give CuJo the chance? I think that it was a decent move, and while it didn't work, it does tell Toskala that he needs to work on his shootout ability.
  13. You should probably BEAT EM UP BEAT EM UP BREAK IZ NECK I'm more of a Batista fan myself. I like that in my franchise as Nashville, my first line could be Havlat - Legwand - Sullivan. For now Arnott is the center there, but putting Legwand on the top line instead would give me probably the fastest line in the NHL. Also, I scored goals with Ville Koistonen and Greg De Vries in my last game.
  14. I would be playing more with you guys if my little brother wasn't constantly hogging the XBOX. It seems the only time I get to play on it is when my friends are over, and they have no interest in playing hockey on the 360.
  15. I like that it looks like Antropov can produce without Mats Sundin playing with him. Also, does it speak more about the Leafs getting better defensively or the woes of the Ducks that Anaheim didn't get a single shot in the third period?
  16. I would be so happy to see New England lose while Buffalo wins this week.
  17. I just saw Max Payne. It was better then all the reviews made it out to be. The plot is a bit unrealistic, but the action sequences as cool. Not a memorable film, but enjoyable. I would give it a 6 out of 10.
  18. Also, am I the only one who thinks a lot of the defencemen in the league have underrated shots? I think Andrei Markov is one guy that should have a better shot. Zubov too. Kaberle should have a more accurate wrister too. It figures. Toronto has some good offensive pressure and looks to be in control, then Anaheim scores. And they did it with bodies in front of the net and just getting a shot through traffic. Also, since Antropov is the only guy who seems to have finish on this team, why wouldn't you put him with Grabovski and Hagman. They have been the best line so far but just can't seem to get it in.
  19. Mark Bell is always used as trade bait by me. He isn't awful and you can score with him, but I want more quick players and he is rated well enough that you can get someone decent for him.
  20. I have no interest at all. Not that much interest either, not a big fan of the setting. I am more looking forward to Fallout 3 next week.
  21. Considering the Raptors and Leafs and Rock already use the place plus all of those concerts that make good money, I doubt they could find space in the schedule without making some big changes. Also, they could put a team in Hamilton or Waterloo/Kitchener and still have the team hailed from "Toronto".
  22. I don't think Buffalo would like to see another team in Toronto, and the Maple Leafs are usually very protective of their territory despite what Richard Peddie says. And Ryan Smyth's second goal was a thing of beauty, as Plubby said. And he is on my fantasy team, so seeing him get two goals is extra good.
  23. This article has me thinking that Brian Burke is a wee bit overrated as a general manager...
  24. It did take awhile to get going. My friend hated it because of that. I enjoyed it though.
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