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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I like this game a lot. For the first 10 hours, it was amazing. But when you start seeing the same enemies over and over again in what is supposed to be a huge, living world, it gets annoying. Still, this is a good game. I am currently playing through a second time as a bad guy.
  2. Clerks: The Animated Series was cool. The episodes that never aired are much better then the ones that were shown. Also, Arrested Development was amazing. I don't know how it didn't attract an audience, but the characters and writing was still fresh and everything about the show was great.
  3. Barrie doesn't have a Gamestop, does it? It's upstairs in the Georgian Mall where Music World used to be. The EB Games is still downstairs too. I think the same guy manages both.
  4. Burnett was not as good in the year before this one, and he was as likely to go out and be lights out as he was to go out and struggle. Litsch was more consistent, although not nearly as good as Burnett when Burnett pitched at his peak. Burnett was just away from his peak a lot during his time in Toronto. I read on ESPN that Brad Penny would be a smart choice for Toronto. Someone answer me this - who is Brad Penny?
  5. My friend and I played through the Batista/Mysterio RTWM. The final match was awesome. He was Batista, and although I was hitting more moves, he was destroying my health. He hit me the Batista Bomb, but pulled me up at 2 to keep hurting me. I reversed one move, sent him outside, flew over the ropes, then hit the 619 for the win once I got back in. It was a great back and forth match.
  6. He is going to be the best player on that team for years to come. Toronto lost to Boston. I hate watching the Bruins and Leafs play, so I only watched the last period of this game. The Grabovski line is awesome, and even though Toskala looked shaky, Toronto stayed in the game. I think this team is going to break out and win a few games back to back. Everyone just seems to be playing better and better, even in loses. Jason Blake may not be scoring a bunch (although he scored tonight), but he is a good penalty killer and seems to be competing more then before. Also, TSN reports that Brian Burke and the Leafs have begun talking. I would be fine with them bringing him in, as long as Fletcher gets to help Burke out. "Trader Cliff" made the moves that have put Toronto into the position they are now. They aren't contenders, but they look like they have something there to work with. I hope if Burke is brought in, he gets the autonomy he wants to continue moving the team forward. I would just like Fletcher to be an advisor. I have no doubt that Burke or anyone else brought in would respect Fletcher's opinion. EDIT - Vancouver puts forward the effort to stomp on us, but then lays down for the Islanders? Come on!
  7. Once I've played a game enough, I rarely play it again unless its a sports title. I trade stuff in all the time. I have found that Gamestop has started to pay a bit more for stuff.
  8. There is a rumour that Antropov is going to be a key piece in a trade to bring Marian Gaborik to Toronto. If it happens, which I doubt, I don't like it. Toronto will probably have to give up too many valuable parts and/or picks, and their is no certainty that Gaborik would be here after the season ends. I would rather see the Leafs wait until the end of the season to see if Gaborik is available as a UFA, and maybe give the Wild a low pick for the rights to negotiate with him before the start of free agency. If it was just Antropov and maybe one of Colaiacovo or White for Gabs, I would take it. That would be a steal though, no way that happens.
  9. Can you play Zombie mode in co-op once its unlocked?
  10. I'm playing with Tampa, and the two games I have played since downloading the patch have been a 5-2 win over the Islanders and a 4-1 win over a team I can't remember. My ability to score has not changed at all. I use a lot of one-timers coming out of the corners to the front of the net, and I usually get one good rebound goal per game too. I play on All-Star with the only changes to sliders being aggression to full and hitting power to 0.
  11. Rogers in my area is having problems with this PPV, so I can't watch. This is a sad day.
  12. Whats the status on McGowan? Is he gone the whole year or just for part of it?
  13. Oh, it would sell tickets. And depending on how well he hit, our problems with the rotation wouldn't be so bad.
  14. It would be really fun, and we would have that big bat in our line up again. I think the money could be better spent on getting a pitcher and a designated hitter, though. With Marcum likely to miss the season and no AJ Burnett, we need an arm to eat up innings.
  15. Did you read Jay Onrait's blog on TSN's website?
  16. Someone on the radio a few days ago suggested that Toronto would have a big advantage in their game against Edmonton as the Oilers were coming off of a long road trip. Whoever it was, they were right. Outside of the first period, Edmonton was just slower and out battled. I think with Jason Blake, we need him to be benched every three games for him to play at his best. Also, Kulemin is having a very good rookie year so far.
  17. Who are the Blue Jays going to chase after this off season? They need to replace AJ Burnett, but they also need to get a good hitter to insulate Vernon Wells and Alex Rios. Who could they go for?
  18. If I remember correctly (I've had the game for a couple of days now, and you can probably guess how) that yes, you play one mission in Stalingrad and it has a quite fun start. So this second? CoD that starts in Stalingrad? Do get a gun right at the beginning or is it like "you take the rifle, I take the clip"-thingy again? It's more of an Enemy At The Gates vibe.
  19. Gainey is cooler because he played with one of the greatest teams to ever hit the ice.
  20. I have only done some single player, but so far this game lives up to the hype. The atmosphere is spot on, and I had forgotten how cool WW2 could be after Call of Duty 3 was a bit of a let down.
  21. Basha, I wouldn't have called you out for homerism. I don't really care about it. In fact, I think it is fine for someone to look at the team they love through rose tinted glasses. I do it with the Leafs for sure.
  22. I like Alex Auld a lot. I think he could be a decent starter in the NHL if given the chance. Too bad Ottawa has just an awful defence for the most part. I am with Basha. I do think Koustopoulos needed to be punished, I think he was punished more for the injuries he caused then the hit itself.
  23. This is for you Will. Gamestop is running a promotion - trade in two games and get a new release like Smackdown vs. Raw for $9.99. Don't know if you have games to trade in or access to a Gamestop, but its something to consider if you have some games you don't play laying around.
  24. But why change something that is classic and still looks great? I hate a lot of the logos from the teams that came into the league during the 80's and 90's. Some, like Florida, just look dated and bad, while some look cartoony. Chicago has a great logo. Montreal has a great logo. Toronto too. I know its just a concept, but I don't see a reason why anyone would want to change the Blackhawk's jerseys. Um, it's a logo, not a jersey design. And why change? There is no proposition to change, it's just a fantasy, concept logo created by someone who has some talent and felt like doing something. And what does this have to do with Florida, or any logos from the '80s or '90s? I think you're overreacting, man. It's a concept LOGO that will never see the light of day in the real NHL. If it ever did, it would be a shoulder logo at most. No one WANTS to change the Blackhawks' jerseys, no one's said that. It's a concept logo, once again made by someone just probably expanding their portfolio. Settle down. I know its only a fan made concept. I just wanted to state my opinion that Chicago shouldn't change.
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