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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Anyone want to play something right now?
  2. I just played someone online. They were the Sharks and I was Calgary. I held them to 0 shots through all three periods. He kept trying to sweep behind the net, and every time I stopped him. Won easily 2 - 0.
  3. LaBarbera is better then people give him credit for, that is for sure. He is still young, and I would bet on him getting another shot as a starter and sticking somewhere, or becoming one of those top back-ups that pull a Dubie or Conklin and carry a team when the starter goes down. Also, CuJo has win 450 after winning last night. It looked like another stinker early on, but he hung in there and the team came through for him. Watch this video and see an amazing set up by Grabovski at 1:12.
  4. Sorry guys. Would have played if I wasn't drunk.
  5. I would have played today...but I was fucking wasted. The few minutes I did play with a friend, we spent cursing out our teammates. I should be able to play Thursday night.
  6. I can play today, although there is a good chance I am going out tonight. If anyone is up for L4D at around 7 pm, I could play for an hour or two. If someone wants to play right now, then that would rock. But later today is good.
  7. Don't worry, it doesn't take long to figure it out.
  8. I want to play L4D, but I could also play a game or two of hockey tomorrow.
  9. I can't play tonight. I work until 11 then I am heading downtown for some fun with college friends. I want to play tomorrow though.
  10. The reaction time of the AI can be annoying, especially when you are the Boomer and trying to sneak up on people. You are maybe a centimeter out from a corner and BLAM! The AI has already shot you 2,000 times.
  11. Tuesday night is a good night for me to play a shit ton of L4D.
  12. Clawson. What are you up to Tuesday? I want to play some LBP online, so we should play.
  13. I can be online in 5 minutes. I just have to eat.
  14. I was playing from 3:30 to about now with my friend. It is getting easier and easier to stop people as the infected. You just have to pick your spots. Remember...if you do it properly, you can have three of the four survivors down at once with two hunters and a smoker, and if the boomer does his work, the last survivor will be too busy to get them up. I might play for another hour or so starting at 7 if anyone is interested.
  15. Anyone playing this Sunday afternoon?
  16. No to both. NHL 09 does allow you to sign on guests, but not NHL 08.
  17. Tomorrow night should be perfect!
  18. I can later in the day. I have some shopping to attend to right now.
  19. Toronto lost to the Islanders. Ughhh. At least the Canadians beat the Czech Republic to open the World Juniors! Woo hoo! I was going to say Tavares looked good out there, but now that I think about it, almost every Canadian player looked great.
  20. I know what you mean. I looked forward to it, lounging about early in the morning, watching hockey. It is the Canadian dream, really.
  21. Blah. There is a Leafs game tonight too!
  22. I am tempted to either quit my job (I work at Wal-Mart, big whoop) or call in sick to watch this. That should show you where my priorities are!
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