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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I've never played harder then normal. But I am up for anything.
  2. Awesome. I'll have my XBOX up and running then and if you guys want to play, we will murder some survivors!
  3. Does that mean your good for playing tonight at 11ish?
  4. This is no good for the UKers, but is anyone down for some Left 4 Dead after Raw tonight? Ruki and Maxx, I am looking at you... Basha too. He is in a sensible time zone too.
  5. Actually, maybe it is just me. I find it hard to get into any game that isn't a sports game with the only exception being Left 4 Dead. The real reason I bought the PS3 was to be able to play MLB: The Show.
  6. Am I the only person who cannot get into Metal Gear Solid 4?
  7. Also, people do buy the system just for Wii Sports. They may play other games after that, but I know of some older people who bought it to try Wii Sports.
  8. You guys suck. I can play with you on the other team since I have a friend over who wants to play.
  9. I can play. I can play. I CAN PLAY!
  10. Twice Jason Spezza had a wide open net with the puck on his stick. Both times he waited and waited and waited too long and lost the open net. Ottawa outplayed the Leafs. It was hard to watch as a Leafs fan. Toskala was almost never in good position. It was just one of those nights where your team sucks, yet you get one or two lucky bounces and that gives you the win.
  11. I am in for L4D all day tomorrow. Just post on here and hopefully I'll see it. Of course, I have probably jinxed it and will now end up having to work or something lame.
  12. We should have just replaced Ruki with Zero!
  13. Great night for me. Watching the Leafs win a game they didn't deserve to win, and then seeing Canada come from behind in the final 10 seconds to tie the game, then beat Russia in a shootout.
  14. I'm in then. Just post here when you are ready.
  15. Anyone playing right now?
  16. I would not be suprised to see that happen, considering how the AI Director does things.
  17. I can play shortly after Smackdown.
  18. I'd be surprised to see them take Leclaire too. I'm personally with the camp right now that would just rather see them drop like a rock down the standings. Maybe that means I'm not a "true fan" but in my opinion the best way to rebuild is just like you said: stockpile picks and suck bad enough to get you a good first round pick. It sucks to see the team lose but look what it did for Washington. Their entire youth core was built through the draft. I'd love to see the Leafs do the same. I think we can rebuild and remain competitive. I don't mean they should anyone good at the draft. Just stay where they are in terms of personal and win some games. They have shown the potential to play well, but they are inconsistent. I am leaning more and more towards selling assets for picks. I think that will happen either way with Antropov being our top asset in trade value.
  19. Did you find these sliders online? I'm having the same problem myself with the opposition teams not getting any decent offense at all. When the Leafs are beating the Red Wings 4-0 and leading in shots with 42-12...there's something wrong. Make it All Star, decrease speed a little bit, decrease hitting power to zero, increase shot power and accuracy by one each, lower shot blocking by one and increase saucer pass speed to full. Penalties to full, too.
  20. If the commissions stop using Mazzagatti that means they'd need someone else to come in and fill his spot since he is refs a lot of fights and that could mean bringing in Dan Miragliotta on a regular basis which is not a good idea. Herb Dean should referee every MMA fight everywhere.
  21. I don't see Toronto being interested in Leclaire unless he has an expiring contract. Toronto had a good chance to climb up the standings last night and blew it. I want them to go one way or the other at this point. Either start winning some games and move up into the playoffs, or start sucking ass. Burke will probably make some moves that will take the team down the suck route in the short term, but stockpile picks. Now that I have said this, Toronto will probably win 5 in a row and Burke will trade our first round pick for Bill Guerin or someone equally as old.
  22. I am 10-0 in online play! WHO'S NEXT!
  23. I'm going to go online in a minute.
  24. I can hear everyone fine. I just have a little bit of trouble figuring out who is who.
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