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Everything posted by Toe

  1. What time is that for me? I am available all day and night at the moment.
  2. CFL expands into the US... The Rough Riders GM looks like he is 18 years old, and sounds that way too.
  3. You know as well as I that they would have drafted some tall, lanky Russian with the pick and Carter would have sucked as soon as he stepped off the plane and entered Toronto.
  4. Less time for video games. I still have a ton of free time, I just find more and more friends keep popping up and dragging me places.
  5. Luongo is back! Without him, the Canucks managed to get to fifth in the Western Conference. If Luongo doesn't even have to be amazing, he just has to keep Vancouver steady so they can keep that spot. If Luongo is back at full health though, this Vancouver team could go on a roll. There are better teams in the Western Conference, but on a good night the Canucks should be able to give the best teams a run for their money. Oh, and Clawson. That was such a shit trade for Calgary.
  6. Probably after 9 because I want to watch some of the Leafs game first. Is it weird that, now that I have no job, I have less time to play video games online?
  7. I should be available to play some L4D tonight with my XBOX brethren.
  8. Also, from what I hear, Brian Lawton isn't too involved with some of the deals the team makes. Koules and Barrie like to be "hands on" owners.
  9. Even if we are still in the suck mode next year, I would bet my house that Brian Burke brings in at least one player who has a finishing touch. John Tavares? Knowing our team, we would finish dead last and then lose the draft lottery to the Islanders.
  10. Even if we are still in the suck mode next year, I would bet my house that Brian Burke brings in at least one player who has a finishing touch.
  11. Toskala actually was good and we couldn't score. Fuck off.
  12. I'm going out to watch a movie in half an hour.
  13. Yup. Queerin' don't make the world work!
  14. I am sure he is trying to work down the price. The contract is such a huge burden and Lecavalier has not been spectacular this season.
  15. I know people always want to add that extra piece to get them over the edge, but when your team is on such a roll like Montreal has been all year, I don't see why you would mess with that. Sending 2 or 3 guys from your team away would alter the chemistry so much. If they could add one person without having to lose a bunch of their current players, I would be all for it. Right now, Lecavalier would be too expensive.
  16. Curious to see Chyna's penis?
  17. Considering their financial problems, does anyone see the Coyotes selling off their more expensive players? I assume some teams would be more then willing to get Ed Jovanovski or Shane Doan. In fact, I think Shane Doan would be a perfect fit on the Senators. They are missing a player like Doan.
  18. Are you still on? My brother was watching Cool Hand Luke.
  19. I chose style. In hockey, substance is what you call the "Neutral Zone Trap". It almost killed the game. Literally. I would much rather see my team fight and win with flash then watch them easily win games, scoring one early and defending the lead. Look at the New Jersey Devils. They play defensive hockey, and are always a winning team. They always make the playoffs. They don't sell out their arena and they are not a team everyone talks about.
  20. When the Leafs signed him, that is what I thought Blake was going to do. Crash the crease and score those dirty goals. That is how he scored 40, isn't it?
  21. I can play a game or two after the Eagles/Giants game.
  22. I would like them to just focus on drafting forwards this year. The Leafs have no one who has finish around the goal. In the game last night, we had a good cycle going and great puck control in the Flyers zone at times, but we lack someone who can get into those open areas and just pick a corner. The Flyers did, and that is why they won. I guess Jeremy Williams fits the mold of what I am saying. He is not the best skater or even the best shooter, but he finds open space and has a quick release.
  23. I am now 17-0. That is all.
  24. People attempting to do the wrap around slapshot goals online is the best thing ever. I am now 14-0 and because of people relying on that to score, I can limit my opponents to less then 6 shots on a regular basis. I just throw the puck at the net as much as possible and score 2 or 3 and pick up the easy wins.
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