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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Damn, I'm lookin' good. And by that I mean I concur.
  2. I prefer WaW. I find them to play similar, and I enjoy WaW more simply due to the setting.
  3. Who's Bremner? Maybe it's a bad idea to have an American running this thing Maybe it's a bad idea to have you being a jerkface! Take THAT!
  4. 1. Wayne Gretzky 2. Gordie Howe 3. Maurice Richard 4. Johnny Bower 5. Turk Broda
  5. I have it for the PS3 and it is pretty fun. I'd recommend it to anyone that likes basketball games.
  6. Pat Burns has cancer for a third time. This guy is a true warrior. This will be his third time battling the disease. I bet if this had not happened, he would be on the road to coaching in the NHL again. I hope Pat gets healthy and can overcome this once again.
  7. Ricky D is now out for the season. The Islanders are just begging to get that top draft pick!
  8. The Boomer is also the one you use to spring the trap. Hit them with the Boomer, then pounce on them when they are all disoriented.
  9. Is there going to be a new MLB: The Show this year?
  10. I forgot about NHL 3 on 3. That should be fun!
  11. Heck no. I still like the Leafs. It is just hard to watch. They are not even competitive at times. The last game and the Nashville game were both incredibly depressing. I am still excited for the trade deadline. And, if I was going to cheer for another team, it would be Columbus.
  12. Toronto has won 2 games out of 9 this month. This is just depressing and sad.
  13. I enjoy the Boomer, although with the respawn times, it can be annoying. I tend to puke then kamikaze instead of go and hide. I enjoy using the Hunter the best, though. I find the Smoker can be a bit spotty with the tongue. Sometimes you get the person, then the tongue breaks for no reason. Other times, you are just out of range. The fact that a Smoker does no damage unless he fully constricts a person is lame too. The only awesome part about the Smoker is when you can pull someone over a ledge and then they suffer falling damage, or they hang onto the ledge and need help up. The Hunter is awesome. Pounce on the straggler and make the whole group turn back, or pounce on one of them when they are all in a tight group, knocking the others back and getting a few good swings in before your shot.
  14. That sounds pretty crazy. I bet the other team was just groaning as they saw the scores come up at the end.
  15. Hmmmm. You may be right.
  16. Don't worry. I have the advantage in that I am not an absolute moron.
  17. I can't play, sorry guys! My little brother took the XBOX to one of his friends houses without asking. I am going to kick his ass when he gets back.
  18. Ok, it is set! RAW finishes at 11:15 here in Canada (because they think were slow, eh), so I'll be on then.
  19. I could play a game after RAW tonight.
  20. Be is right. The Islanders have just been shit on by some sort of higher power for the last...ten years? I bet if DiPietro was on another team, he would not be hurt as much as he is now. I also agree with Basha on the need for a Boston / Montreal playoff series.
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