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Everything posted by Toe

  1. You do realize that many have praised the business model of Major League Soccer and acknowledge that they are in a great position in terms of financial health?
  2. Antropov can play center...and I think the Leafs are looking to move people! Basha, call Gainey! Get him to work out a deal! We will take picks!
  3. I personally value Kubina pretty high. Everyone says he is a respected guy in the room, he has won the Cup, is physical and strong, and has the booming point shot. He will not be a cheap player to get away from the Leafs.
  4. I'm up for the tournament, and I will be happy with any team as long as we don't include Japan, Britian, France and those other teams that are just awful. Despite the ratings, I consider Canada to be even with Sweden, Russia, USA and the Czechs. And the rest are pretty good too. Just randomly assign teams with a random number generator and I'll be happy. And if we call dibs, I call dibs on Russia.
  5. He has moved away from trying to be a sniper and pure goal scorer. His goal tonight was a great example. He just went to the net and was in the right spot at the right time. He has moved away from being the puck hog and now plays a better two way game.
  6. That was a good move on net by Schenn. Jason Blake has officially moved off of my "hate" list. He has worked so hard this season, and he looks like a surefire bet for at least 20 goals.
  7. Toskala let in two stinkers. When Raycroft was our starter, every single shot had me nervous. It is now the same with Toskala. Anyways...Toronto managed to get the win. It was really awesome to see them win this game.
  8. This is something I never even thought of.
  9. Kaberle has a broken hand and is out for 3 to 4 weeks.
  10. Now we just have to beat Death Toll, Dead Air and Blood Harvest...and those don't have secret hiding places for the finales!
  11. Does anyone want to play some Left 4 Dead or CoD WaW after 11?
  12. However we end up with in the draft, we should focus the entire draft on building up our forward ranks.
  13. I am done expecting anything good this season, after hyping up Toskala to my friends and having him just bomb. All of my goodwill towards this team is going towards next years team.
  14. Not likely. You should know by now...the way things go in Leafland, Raycroft will probably get a shutout.
  15. Am I really going to watch the Canadiens vs. the Panthers game tonight? You bet your ass.
  16. Once I get a job, I am getting Wipeout HD.
  17. I would not be surprised if Valve was waiting to have more content then just Dead Air and Death Toll to release as DLC.
  18. Ruki...want to try playing a campaign on Expert after TNA?
  19. Earthbound will always be my favourite RPG of all time. I didn't even know what it was when my mom gave it to me for Christmas, but when I played it, I was hooked. I've never played Chrono Trigger. Emulation is lame...how much does it cost to buy for the SNES these days? I hope it isn't one of those lame rare games that costs a fuckton to buy.
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