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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I bet a decent offer would see Finger go to Colorado.
  2. The defensive coverage for Toronto has been horrible. I don't want to watch the game anymore because they just can't play defence tonight. They are just chasing people and losing every race for the puck against a team that just finished a long road trip.
  3. Pogge in goal tonight, for anyone who doesn't know yet.
  4. All the videos are ones that are commercial releases available in stores. You just get to watch them online for free.
  5. I know of an absolutely free site that offers a ton of content including full length movies, Adult TV Channels, and a whole lot of other stuff. It is 100% free too, I have used it for a while now. Send me a PM if you want to know more.
  6. They don't have a chance in hell of making the playoffs with their current goaltending situation. Toskala looked okay through the first...10 games maybe, but he has been bad for so long that it is hard to believe he is just on a cold streak. Joseph has lost it. Pogge is not ready.
  7. I got Barf Bag, finally. Before playing with you guys, my friend and I were getting some of the other achievements, like the one for healing people and I got the Witch killing one. It's actually really, really easy on easy.
  8. I am almost certain that Burke would prefer the team to tank and he wants to sell of assets. He won't purposely make the team Islanders horrible and he wants the team to compete, but he wants to be in a position to compete for the Cup, not just for a playoff spot.
  9. That was fun. Lots of fun. I also showed how useless I can be as the stupid Tank.
  10. "We got games, BITCH!"
  11. I think the Leafs do. It has become so infuriating to watch. When they scored the tying goal, I just stopped watching because I knew the final outcome. Toskala is actually worse then Raycroft right now, because at least Raycroft won 37 games when he was the starter.
  12. I am still cheering for our team to win every game...I just realize that losing is a decent result for us too.
  13. I'll be watching a hockey game until about 9:30, but after that I am free to play some L4D or World At War.
  14. 9-10 your time is 11-12 my time, so I get to watch Raw! Yippee!
  15. Anyone want to play some L4D after Raw?
  16. Poor Craig Hartsburg...you had to sign with Ottawa and have your first chance as a coach in the NHL mucked up like this.
  17. Toe

    Rambo 5

    Rambo 2 would work.
  18. The biggest problem with a team in Europe would be getting the game on TV in North America at a good time.
  19. Toe

    Rambo 5

    What's peoples thoughts on this? I've still got IV lying around somewhere that I haven't watched, but apparently that was a decent film. Rambo was a pretty awesome action film. I would recommend it to anyone that likes explosions, blood and lots of flying body parts. It was better then I thought it would be.
  20. I almost bought NHL 2K9 for the PS3 simply because it is relatively cheap. And my brother already owns it for the 360.
  21. Toronto FC resigns 3 players.
  22. Lord of the Games. Mad Max Beyond Gamer Dome. Top Game. Rambo: First Game Part II. Gamebusters.
  23. You do realize that many have praised the business model of Major League Soccer and acknowledge that they are in a great position in terms of financial health? you do realize that many (most) have simply written of the league as second rate LOL Americanz soccer game despite that, right ? Most of the time when these articles pop up they overshadow their "priase" of the business model with their "trashing" of the league's quality on the pitch. My entire point was that the article I linked painted an OVERALL good picture of the MLS. That doesn't happen very often, especially from media based overseas. Who says that? British people?
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