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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I'm hoping he can get another chance somewhere...assuming he's got his problems worked out, which he reportedly does. The problem is that leaving Bell down in the minors puts none of his salary against the cap. If we put him through re-entry waivers and someone claims him, suddenly half of his salary counts against our cap until the end of his contract. It might be around $1,000,000 but do you really want to do that when you can leave him in the AHL and not have it count against the cap?
  2. I know they won, but it doesn't matter. The Senators have done very poorly this season and played like this for most of last season as well. Is it time for the Senators to make changes and sell, or do they stay the course and hope that they can add one or two pieces in the summer to return to competitiveness? EDIT - Oh my god, Mike Green is having a hell of a season. If he continues at this pace, he will score more then 30 goals. Also, on the fantasy front...me holding on to Gonchar all year may pay off as he is cleared to play and may start playing as soon as Saturday!
  3. If I was the GM, the only two guys I would refuse to trade that are on the roster right now are Luke Schenn and Ian White. We all know why Schenn is untouchable, but White has made huge strides since his rookie season of turnovers and mistakes. He is now a solid two way defender and he has the ability to get the puck on net. Even when there is a crowd, he seems to find the hole and put the puck on goal. Plus, he is eating up tons of minutes now with Kaberle out.
  4. If that were true, the Leafs would probably take that trade in an instant. Voracek is a guy who is projected to be an offensive force and that trade would be, in essence, Antropov for a very high 1st round pick.
  5. MLS should negotiate from the position of covering revenue lost. Remember, Beckham has said himself that if a deal is not worked out, he will play for LA when his loan to AC Milan is up. If they want, they can just keep him and not lose out on that income.
  6. Toskala actually played well tonight and the score does not reflect his effort in the game. It is so disappointing to see it happen again...this dropping leads in the third period thing is not a new trend by any stretch and has gotten to the point where, when Florida tied it, I turned the channel and just waiting for a few minutes to check the scores online, knowing we were screwed.
  7. I would be a good signing if you could surround them with big, hard checkers that would keep the other team off of their backs. We don't have that though, and I would rather see us go after three or four good players instead of the Sedin twins unless they decided to sign for a discount (which I seriously doubt would ever happen).
  8. It is well known that Antropov is an attractive player for teams looking for an extra boost going into the post season. I hope Burke hasn't hurt his trade value. Also, the noise out there is that Toronto is looking to sign the Sedin twins in the off season, since contract talks in Vancouver are not moving forward.
  9. I can't help but think that this is probably an issue of Emery signing his contract in Rubles, or whatever the Russian currency is. He probably looked at the exchange rate when he signed and thought it was satisfactory, but with it having fallen (I believe), he would be making less money in American dollars now than at the beginning of the year. Also... the Montreal Machine has broken. Awesome kick-back game to get us back in the swing of things though, before a mini-road trip. 6-2 Flames... woo! From what I have read, that is exactly what the problem is.
  10. Ray Emery is refusing to return to his KHL team due to a pay dispute, and there is some (alleged) interest from NHL teams in having him return after his stellar play in Russia this year.
  11. Along those lines....I find it intriguing that he supposedly stopped using it when he came to the Yankees. He didn't feel the pressure to perform there? Mike is talking about who is the guy left out there right now that would shake up the baseball universe? To me the answer is easily Griffey. He would probably pull a muscle trying to insert the needle.
  12. House Of The Dead: Overkill sounds awesome and the concept is cool. Has anyone played it yet?
  13. How the hell did I get to third in our fantasy league?
  14. Montreal just played a poor game in front of Carey Price. He wasn't on his game, but his defence looked really poor. Montreal may be in some trouble here. On our end, Schenn scoring is awesome. He deserved to get one in after playing so well this season. Kulemin's sniping it over the glove of Price was great too. This was the opposite of the Buffalo game. The Leafs outskated the Canadiens and forced them to make mistakes. How many penalty minutes were there in the game?
  15. Canada is known for its great lakes, snow falls, and good internet connections.
  16. Montreal / Toronto tonight. It should be fun with all the trouble Grabovski is causing.
  17. I can play right now as well. Can I join?
  18. The first time I scored a goal in NHL 07, when they added the new skill stick controls, was amazing. Made me feel like I had really scored, not just pressed a button.
  19. BMO Field needs to get rid of the Field Turf and get a real grass pitch. I had thought they were going to use the funds from selling Edu to Rangers to get a real grass pitch, but I can't find anything to back that up.
  20. Toe

    Friday The 13th

    ... Shut the fuck up, they're god damned slasher films. If you expect anything but campy bullshit, tits, and awesome deaths then don't watch the movie. And that pillow case was actually a potato sack. To watch a horror movie and expect a deep plot and character growth and stuff is moronic. It is simple entertainment designed for the lowest common denominator. It is not deep and meaningful, just entertaining.
  21. I'll play Left 4 Dead after TNA.
  22. I only have a small number of achievements left for the game, but most of them sound very difficult.
  23. 1. Mario Lemieux 2. Gordie Howe 3. Maurice Richard 4. Mark Messier 5. Patrick Roy
  24. You didn't help us at all with Raycroft. We bought him out. You guys signed him as a free agent.
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