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Everything posted by Toe

  1. How many people do you need to run a league in NHL 09?
  2. Take that Clawson, I've taken your second place position in the EWB Fantasy League and I really want to get this bye through the first round of the playoffs.
  3. The Cote fight was exciting for me until the injury. Silva wasn't committing, which was building up hope in me that Patrick Cote would catch Silva with something. I would have marked out. I like Silva, but I have to cheer for the Canadians.
  4. Just joined a random versus game, and I was the only Survivor in the game. It was the start of Stage 3 on No Mercy and my team was down huge. I sayed "fuck it" and started to play by myself, and people joined about a quarter of the way through the level. We were down by like 2500 and I had no headset, but my teammates and I kicked ass and after the finale had won by 2000 points. We shut them out for every stage I was a part of, and they didn't even touch the radio on Stage 5.
  5. I am interested in this, but I know the most fun would come from playing against a friend in my living room, chirping each other and stuff. None of my friends are competitive gamers or like playing games against me or others, so I would not get the full experience from this.
  6. I'll hop online at 11:15 to see if anyone is on.
  7. Okay, so some guy is posting funny lines and posing as Brian Burke. Thats cool.
  8. I would love to see Nik Antropov get traded, then in the off-season sign back with Toronto. If we can get one or two good forwards, the line of Poni-Stajan-Antropov would be a nice second or third line. Blake with Moore and Hagman would also make a nice second or third line. We just need to get a first line. And defence. And goaltending.
  9. Renney is obviously a talented coach who was able to make Avery fit in there and also get the most our of Jagr. I don't think he will have to wait long for another opportunity behind an NHL bench. I wonder if the Ducks make the decision to move Pronger at the deadline. Rumour from Eklund saying Vancouver is talking to Toronto about Antropov, with a #1 pick and a prospect coming to the Leafs.
  10. I haven't opened Ninja Gaiden 2 and I got that for Christmas. Anyone want to play L4D after Raw tonight?
  11. THAT is the Toskala I thought we would have all season. Where did that go for the last couple of months?
  12. I'm on, and I was on playing NHL 2K9!
  13. I should be back online in a few minutes.
  14. I can play all night. I have nothing planned, as the person I was going to hang out with bailed.
  15. But are the Senators even in a position to compete? Even with the hot streak they have been on, they are still 13 points back.
  16. That is still a steal of a deal since Comrie was probably going to walk at the end of the season and Campoli, while decent, has not improved as much as people thought he would.
  17. So...is Jiri Tlusty's time in the AHL actually turning him into a potential NHL player?
  18. Because his original opponent backed out. he was going to co-main event and fight Karo but it fell through. Shit, that would have been a good fight as well.
  19. Mats Sundin playing one final year with the Leafs would be cool with me. Vince Carter is not welcome back in Toronto though. He burned that bridge.
  20. Rich Franklin is one of my favourite fighters. That would be a sweet fight.
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