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Everything posted by Toe

  1. That is pretty painful. I am assuming you finished dead last with that team?
  2. My first-year Jays hit 42 home runs. As a team. Your situation is not bad. Also, I was randomly reminiscing about the mid-90s Expos the other day for some reason. Mike Lansing! Oh Henry Rodriguez! FP Santangelo! Jeff Juden! I miss those guys. As a team? I have 118 and I don't really have any true slugger except Juan Rivera against left handed pitching.
  3. I'm playing Baseball Mogul 2009 with my 2004 Expos. I just played through August and I am trying to hold onto a playoff spot. My second best pitcher is hurt for 36 days - the rest of the season. This could be really bad.
  4. Are you Ricky Steamboat?

  5. I don't think the Calder is a lock for Steve Mason. Pekka Rinne has also played his heart out for Nashville and if the Predators can hang on to a playoff spot, I think you have to take a long look at both Mason and Rinne. Mason has more shutouts and a better GAA, but Rinne has the better save percentage and is only 3 shutouts away from Mason with 9 less games played.
  6. This game allows me to play out my fantasy of what would happen if Randy Savage became a destructive killing machine?
  7. Any time I am playing MLB 09: The Show and the game is close, with A-Rod or Pujols coming up to bat. Unless you have your ace out there, slightly screwing up one pitch seems to always allow them to launch the ball out of the park.
  8. No. It applies only to people under a certain age, and it only applies if the player wants to go to play in the MLS. The drafted player is free to go to Europe or anywhere else if they want. Within the league though, if Toronto drafts a certain player, then that player can only sign with Toronto until another team trades for his rights or he reaches a certain age and his rights expire. It's the same system used by the NFL, NHL and NBA. North American sports fans are used to this system. As the league grows and improves, I expect them to switch to the way everyone else does it.
  9. My little brother is finding it impossible to beat Hogan as the Ultimate Warrior. His screaming at the TV is both hilarious and very annoying.
  10. I can't play L4D this early in the day. My little brother hogs the XBOX during the day.
  11. Toe

    NFL 2009

    I think it all comes down to each NFL team and what they want to see from their quarterback. If a team brings in an offensive coordinator that wants to implement a new scheme, they may want one of the QBs in the draft that people say are not NFL QBs simply because they fit the scheme.
  12. A Playstation controller doesn't feel right without a rumble feature.
  13. Jason Guida, the guy who failed to make weight on The Ultimate Fighter? I'm not the biggest follower of MMA, but that seems like a guy you should be able to put away. I guess Lashley needs to get a lot more experience and improvement before fighting real competition.
  14. When Kulemin gets involved physically, he plays better. I saw him finish a few checks last night, and it seemed to help him play better offensively.
  15. I am debating between getting Legends of Wrestlemania for the PS3 or the 360. Does it have an online component that I should care about?
  16. Montreal did not have any jump. Odd to see from a team trying to hold on to their playoff spot. It didn't look like the Leafs jumped all over them or out-battled them out of the gates either. Montreal just slowly gave it away. When they did decide to play, it was too late.
  17. Really? With Rogers? What channel? 428. It comes on at 8 PM though.
  18. 9 games of the Toronto FC season are being broadcast on GolTV. We don't subscribe to that channel in my house, so that kind of sucks. However, the first game of the season is on that channel and it coincides with a free preview of the station. Awesome!
  19. Three points in 12 games between two competitive teams. Do they play each other in the remaining games?
  20. Giguere would be a good goaltender for us, but he has been injury prone over the last few seasons and has a huge contract. He may not be much of an upgrade for us over a healthy Toskala. He would be a huge upgrade between the pipes for Colorado though, and with a few tweaks that team could be a competitor.
  21. Matzat is right about setting paths for the cleaners/janitors. If you don't set paths, they will cover parts of your park that are just empty space that you aren't using yet.
  22. Alright, I'll give this another shot tomorrow some time during the day. If anyone wants to add me, my PSN name is desiredtoe. I have the headset that came with SOCOM but find it uncomfortable, so I am going to try and find something better.
  23. Is multiplayer more fun then single player? If so, I might dust the game off and try out the multiplayer.
  24. Awww isn't it cute...the Canucks fan thinks there is a rivalry with the Leafs. News flash: we don't give two shits about your team or city. I care. They took our captain!
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