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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Spoiler: Click here to viewWhen you first see it, the Bret Rogers/Arlovski stoppage looks early. When you see the replay, Arlovski goes dead weight. Once that happens, the fight has to be ended.
  2. Cheick Kongo sucks. In my career, I had him locked in submissions three times! Every time, he managed to fight out of the second part of the submission after a minute of button mashing. I had a flying arm bar, a kimura from the bottom, and a triangle from mount, and each time he got out. I still won, but goddamn Kongo!
  3. Rogers has a free preview of TSN2 until August. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  4. Is this going to be on Canadian TV anywhere?
  5. You really have to work the opponent over first. Throw a lot of leg kicks and body shots. By the third round, you should be getting side control or full mount and going for submissions. It is next to impossible to get them right away.
  6. If MLB 09: The Show is any example, Randy will be back another year. I signed him as depth for my Atlanta Braves.
  7. Boxing is good for a career, especially if you are making a ground specialist so you can ignore the kicks, as you said. I just think Muay Thai is the most rewarding when you level all the way up.
  8. I prefer Muay Thai in striking. The Muay Thai Clinch can be devastating. On the ground, I like Jiu Jitsu. No fancy clinch slams or anything, but be able to submit people or use the rubber guard while defending on the ground pushes it ahead of wrestling and judo.
  9. It's a good deal for Atlanta though, since McLouth has all the tools that Schaefer had but he can hit as well.
  10. My method is the beat the opponent to a pulp with body shots. Once it gets to the end of the second round and into the third, I work them on the ground to sap them of their remaining stamina, then go for an arm bar from the mount or choke from behind. I always just hammer the buttons.
  11. The Braves have released Tom Glavine and acquired Nate McLouth from the Pirates.
  12. Another way to counter the Thai clinch...throw a hard punch when your opponent reaches for you. I can see why some people have problems on the ground, since it controls like Fight Night and my brothers both had to switch to button controls in Fight Night.
  13. I hate this whole "White Out" thing the Pens are doing. Why? Look at it. The Penguins are wearing black. All the fans are wearing white. The Red Wings are wearing white. It looks like the crowd is supporting the Red Wings!
  14. "I collect spores, moulds and fungus." - Ghostbusters
  15. Had the same problem at one point until I stopped being dumb and realised it's actually not that hard to reverse the clinch. If he's throwing punches, you simply flick the RS upwards and you take control of it. If he's throwing knees, flick it down and you'll take him down. If he's spamming knees or punches, simply spam up or down on the RS, whichever one. The only problem is the deadly knees where they pull your head down, which I'm still working on defending better. You just have to block the knee while trying to reverse the whip. I think if you push the RS in the same direction he does, you break free.
  16. I can now submit the computer in my career. It's all about cardio. Get the opponent on his back in the mount, then just throw body punches and roll around as much as possible. Then slap on the armbar or choke and you win!
  17. Just watched the EA conference, the sports part mainly, the Fight Night Round 4 and the new NCAA Football intrigue me The Fight Night demo is good. I want to hear more about NHL 10 and Madden 10.
  18. Considering my favourite games are sports titles, this whole E3 thing doesn't really interest me.
  19. I would not be suprised if Kimbo is coming in to this, not for the money, but to try and prove to people that he is more then just the simple street fighter we saw when he first started.
  20. "Shake N' Bake!" - Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
  21. No. I did that in Left 4 Dead to anyone that blocked the elevator. Also, I cannot make the computer submit. I am now convinced that my ONE submission victory was a total fluke.
  22. Blue Jays finally break the losing streak. Hopefully, they can go back to winning games and will be in the picture in August and September.
  23. I did the same thing, forcing myself to use a different style. I just started as a boxer/BJJ fighter. I am 3-0, but my second fight saw me end a fight with a submission for the first time in any career match I have played.
  24. You will get the superman punch if you choose to be a kickboxer.
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