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Everything posted by Toe

  1. That is funny, but I am with Basha on his contract. He was good for the first half, but disappeared in the last half of the season. He has potential, but I think he will max out at 30 goals IF he can live up to his potential.
  2. Your team is going to look so different next year. It's going to be fun to watch how this team gels. Gainey didn't hand out any stupid contracts, so I like what he has done for your team. Gill may be slow, but he is a very smart defenceman. He isn't very physical for a player his size, but he is very good at keeping players to the outside and uses his pokecheck well. On 5 on 3 penalty kills, Hal Gill will make a huge difference for your team. He can stop any attempts at the cross crease pass all by himself. And remember that he just won the Stanley Cup. Losing Komisarek is a blow, but the signings of Spacek and Gill soften it. Your defence will be more skilled with Spacek in the fold. Antropov has signed a four year deal worth $16 million with the Thrashers.
  3. I like the moves by Burke today. With Komisarek and Exelby, we now have an excellent defence that will not be pushed around which also helps the penalty kill. With those two and Schenn, Finger, White and Kaberle, we have 5 good players back their. Is Van Ryn returning? If he can be healthy, we will be very well off. Colton Orr gives us the true enforcer we have lacked. I'd like to see more skill added, but if it doesn't happen, at least we will be a hard team to play against. In goal, the hope is that Toskala is healthy when the season starts. If we can get Gustavson, he may lighten the load and possibly be the next starter, if he delivers the goods. I expect to see at least one more player signed. I think moving Kubina means Kaberle is staying.
  4. They should be okay. They have some young players coming up. Injuries could be an issue for them, but they should be okay at least at the beginning of the year as long as Kipper is his normal self.
  5. TSN is reporting that Bouwmeester has signed a 5 year deal with the Flames.
  6. This puts to rest the whole "Lecavalier to Montreal" situation, but I like the move. Despite his contract, Gomez will be a good player for the team. He fits better into the Montreal strategy then he did in New York.
  7. Damn, now I wish my fighters were not under contract with other companies.
  8. Scott Gomez is a Montreal Canadien.
  9. Babylon 5. It looked cheesy and bad, but I got the first season for very cheap and enjoyed it. Then, I found the rest of the series for cheap and found out the 2rd to 4th seasons are all fantastic.
  10. I have a fighter from Vegas named Masahiro Yamato (1-1), and in his first fight for his new promotion (its called Ultimate Killers), he won the companies Light Heavyweight title from a fighter who was 4-1 going into the fight.
  11. I'm playing as a bantamweight. Maybe thats why I can fight longer fights and get decisions instead of all knockouts.
  12. I don't see anyone giving Antropov what he is asking for. Look for him to sit on the sidelines for awhile, then maybe later in July or even August signing a one year deal somewhere.
  13. The best part about the game is the opponents are all different in Legacy mode. I had one fight where I went to slug it out and was knocked down in the first round. After that, I knew we was stronger and better, so I moved around him and use my jab and straight, winning the fight with a decision. I did a ton of damage with the straight.
  14. I enjoy this game more then Fight Night Round 3. More realistic moments and the ability to fight in more styles, instead of just parrying and countering like in Round 3. You can literally jab your way to a win in this.
  15. The rest of my fighters are just filler. "The Macho Man" is the only horse in my stable that I care about.
  16. Depending on their stays in their current promotions, you might have some experienced names available to you later on. Randy Savage has a title fight coming up, and if he wins it he is willing to jump to EWB with the title.
  17. The kamikaze angels were the only thing I had trouble with. I tried to beat that part about 10 times before quitting, then came back the next day and beat it first try.
  18. Second round is over. Toronto took Kenny Ryan from the USDP at #50 and then at #58 picked up Jesse Blacker from the Windsor Spitfires. Oh, and Calgary now has the ability to negotiate with Jay Bouwmeester exclusively until July 1st, and all it cost them was Jordan Leopold and a 3rd round pick.
  19. Source - http://www.hockeysfuture.com/prospects/nazem_kadri For anyone who doesn't know who Kadri is.
  20. The Flyers overpayed for Pronger and now have a whole heap of cap problems.
  21. I know what you mean. It seems weird to be older then everyone drafted.
  22. This is the biggest prize in SPORTS entertainment, right?
  23. Cowen goes to the Senators. Combine him with Erikson from last year, and you could have a great top pairing a few years from now.
  24. Kadri goes to the Leafs. He is the type of player we need - someone who is skilled and can score. I just hope Burke can make a move and pick again in this first round and pick up another forward.
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