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Everything posted by Toe

  1. K-Flo and Mir have done well for the WEC, while Ken Shamrock was okay for Strikeforce.
  2. Toe

    NHL '10/2k10

    I love that CKY is included on the soundtrack.
  3. I don't mind losing Stralman since we needed to move someone on the blueline. He had potential, but watching him was very frustrating at times.
  4. http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=285532
  5. I don't see a point in arguing about these hits anymore since the season is over. Lets move on to next season and the hits Exelby is going to lay down on Scott Gomez and Mike Cammalleri!
  6. Starting the season against Montreal should be fun. I always love when the Habs and Leafs play.
  7. I didn't think Bruno was very funny. It seemed more staged then Borat and was just not as fun as that movie. Bruno has some great scenes, but it isn't as funny as I was hoping it would be.
  8. Toe

    NFL 2009

    I think Maxx has a crush on Tony Romo!
  9. I think Finger is our seventh defenceman if Kaberle stays, although a pairing of Finger and Komisarek as a shut down pair sounds appealing.
  10. I am eyeing a set of Taylor Made Burner irons. Maybe my parents will get them for me next Christmas.
  11. This thread isn't for discussing the PGA Tour or anything like that, unless people actually want to talk about Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson and stuff. No, this is a thread for the regular person who enjoys the game of golf. Post your set, where you play, how well you do, and all that stuff! That is my set. Top Flite. Not an expensive or high quality set, but I got it last year and they fit my skill level. This summer I have started to really enjoy playing golf. I have been playing since I was 6 and have owned sets of clubs, but this is the nicest set I have owned and this is the first time I have ever really loved playing. I usually play Par 3 courses like Pineview or Green Acres, but this summer I have also started to play longer courses in my area. I need to work out some kinks, though. I cannot swing my driver without sending the ball curving to the left (I am a lefty). Still, I feel like my swing is improving and I am just loving golf this year. So, what clubs do you use? What has been your highlight so far this year?
  12. That makes sense. Sign for one year at the rookie maximum, then sign a new contract for more the next year. Leafs probably wanted to be careful after getting in trouble signing Frogren.
  13. Not a fan of Gustavsson signing for just a single season, but if Toskala falters, he will be given a shot to be #1.
  14. If Kaberle stays, those are the six I see starting for the Leafs. Finger has a big contract that you can't really move and is a guy I think Burke would want on his team, while Van Ryn could probably be moved but isn't worth too much due to his history of injuries. Kaberle is the quarterback on the powerplay while Ian White has the ability to get the puck on net, even if he is firing through a crowd. Outside of White and Kaberle, we have a lot of defensive ability and grit. We lacked that last year outside of Finger.
  15. It would have been cool to see Rick Nash coming over to the Leafs, but I am not bothered by him staying in Columbus. He has a team there that is improving and just made the playoffs for the first time. He is their leader. He was offered a very good deal in Columbus and had to take it. Basha, I think that is why people here thought he was a lock to come here. I don't think anyone thought about how important he is to the Columbus franchise. He is more then just a skilled player. He is the most marketable guy on the team. They had to find away to lock him up long term.
  16. Source - http://tsn.ca/nba/story/?id=283674
  17. I like the move for both teams. LA gets the name they wanted but couldn't get in free agency, and add a great veteran to play with their younger players. Colorado improves a thin defence. Preissing should be a boost on the powerplay. Plus, Colorado gets a bit younger and loses Smythe from the payroll.
  18. Fedotenko has resigned with the Penguins for one season at $1.8 million. Source - http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=283616
  19. I agree. I just felt like posting it here to create discussion.
  20. SOURCE - Hockeybuzz.com SOURCE - TSN.ca
  21. I...enjoyed Tranformers 2. I like movies with depth and character development, but I sometimes I enjoy movies like Transformers for the explosions and action scenes.
  22. He hit 20 goals when he was being leaned on to perform, all while not being able to put aside any of his personal issues or believe the team could win. If Ron Wilson can whip him into shape, he's going to make Montreal fans wish they'd never let him go. He reminds me of Kovalev, though, slightly less skilled. His physical presence makes up for that though. I watched almost every Leafs game, and most of what I saw from Grabovski was blind drop passes to the opposition and holding the puck for too long. His moments of brilliance were buried by stretches of invisibility. Wilson had a full season with him and Grabovski didn't get better through the year.
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