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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Halladay was the one player we could point to and be proud of. Now, Aaron Hill and Adam Lind have started to shine, but we have lost one of the best pitchers in baseball. Hopefully, the package we got for him will be good.
  2. I'm not going to say he is playing really well until I stop seeing him letting in the soft goals. Marty Reasoner's goal in the Atlanta game was weak.
  3. He has performed at a very high level in Calgary and Montreal. I find it odd that he has not been considered more. What a huge, come from behind win against Washington for the Leafs. Kessel managed to break his powerplay cherry, while Toskala is actually playing solid in goal. The ACC is looking more and more like home ice again, instead of the hell it has been for most of the season.
  4. That game sucked. Hopefully, the Leafs bounce back against Washington. Oh crap.
  5. Yeah, but you are always drawn back in by my raw, animal magnetism.
  6. I am really hoping Toronto can flip the script from their last outing against Boston and pick up the win. One thing I realized today is that a lot of people have written off the Leafs because of the bad start. Right now, Toronto is 5 points out of a playoff spot with 52 games to play. Last year, Pittsburgh was....5 points out of a playoff spot with 23 games to play. I'm not saying the Leafs are even close to the team Pittsburgh is right now, but to think that they could come back after their lousy start to contend for the playoffs is pretty cool.
  7. The current system makes it more competitive at the end of the season for the final playoff spots. The league wants more teams looking competitive, not less. That is why they won't be changing the scoring system any time soon. Toronto played a fan-dabi-dozi game against the Islanders. Tavares scored two on the powerplay that were practically unstoppable for Toskala. Other then that, Toronto looked good. Toskala was on his game, Blake scored a dirty goal to win the game, and the defence provided some offence for us. Unlike the last game against the Islanders, the Leafs did not allow Dwayne Roloson to steal the game.
  8. Toe

    NFL 2009

    Is Roy Williams really that bad? I only watch a little bit of the game, but I saw Romo throw to Williams. The pass was off, but Williams made absolutely no attempt to catch it. He dropped his hands and gave up on it.
  9. I saw that on PPP and thought it looked cool. I am going to the game tomorrow against Atlanta.
  10. How is the referee supposed to know that Hamill's shoulder was hurt? Did Hamill tell the referee? It was not visually obvious that Hamill's shoulder was injured. I don't see how Mazagatti could have ended that fight in Jones's favour because of an injury that he didn't know about.
  11. I thought that a lot of the kicks Alexander threw were weak, so I expected Kimbo to step in and throw when Alexander kicked. I did like the third round, because Alexander started to engage more. The scoring was wierd though. I don't see how round one could have been scored for Kimbo. Personally, I would have given the first round to Alexander, the second to Kimbo by 10-8, and the third barely to Kimbo. I also enjoyed how winning The Ultimate Fighter didn't seem like a big deal for Nelson.
  12. I stopped watching half-way through the second period. This team is inconsistent, but they also ran into one of the better teams in the East and they were pissed off after losing badly to Montreal. Of course, we ran into a former Leaf prospect in Tuuka Rask, who played very well for the Bruins.
  13. Kind of like Anton Stralman? Stralman, I think, had to pass through waivers.
  14. That was a loooooong ceremony in Montreal. Good thing they won tonight.
  15. Fuck. I have a chance to get some Leafs tickets, but no one to go with me.
  16. I don't know who Paradis is, but I do know that Tlusty just never looked the same in the NHL as he did in the AHL. I do remember him scoring a goal off his butt though. I loved seeing Blake finally score some goals tonight. Kessel has two, and I was nervous he would be hurt when he got into a fight. Good thing he survived unscathed.
  17. I want to see Grabo with a big beard and stache. That would be awesome.
  18. I think Jamal Mayers and Colton Orr are both doing a fan-dabi-dozi job on the forecheck. Obviously, Ron Wilson rewarded both with some more playing time and Orr was able to get his first goal as a Leaf.
  19. That was the least exciting Leafs/Habs game I've seen in a long while. Not only was the score one-sided, but the Canadiens didn't get chippy and decide to pick fights and take pot shots. If Toronto was the team losing, you can bet on them starting shit! Gustavsson went out with an elevated heart rate. Wierd thing to see, but I am guessing it won't be anything too big. The Leafs just didn't want to take any chances. After what happened to Cherepanov in Russia, it just isn't worth taking the risk. And hey, Joey Mac had his best performance of the season. I kinda feel bad for him that Gustavsson gets the win.
  20. Honestly, I hate Ottawa more. They just get on my nerves.
  21. Nah. When you watch a Leafs/Habs game, you know your getting intensity and entertaining hockey. Even if Montreal wins by 5, it is fun to see Toronto get all chippy and Colton Orr taking runs at people. By the way, Orr scored. HA!
  22. Toronto and Montreal tonight, which is awesome.
  23. I am collecting all of the Friday The 13th movies. Just bought Part V: A New Beginning. I think people make too big of a deal out of but the movie is not as good as the previous 4. I love Part 2 and 3. Still, I'd give Part V a 6/10. Now I need to pick up Part VI: Jason Lives and Part VII: The New Blood.
  24. Getting Markov back will be such a huge upgrade for the Canadiens. At the very least, the special teams will improve.
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