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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I occasionally check out PPP because sometimes they will link to my blog. However, I rarely post there and don't read the comments too much, just the articles. It's too one sided. I like to hear opinions from both sides instead of one joke about the Sens and five people agreeing.
  2. I missed the game because I was too drunk.
  3. Nice to see a goaltender do well while wearing a Leafs uniform.
  4. This definitely is a move for next year. The playoff dream is dead - once again.
  5. I want to see what Burke does next. Ponikarovsky is a guy everyone keeps saying is gone, and I want to see what happens with him. I did not expect any of the trades that occured today. Our defence next season could be Kaberle, Phanuef, Komi, Schenn and Beauchimen in the top 5. Giguere should be better then Toskala (who isn't?) and is an Allaire student. Maybe he can help Gustavsson improve on his game. I do think these moves do limit the amount of signings the Leafs can make in the off-season, but getting Phanuef is a big deal. If he can rebound from his slump, then the Leafs have picked up an all-star calibre defenceman.
  6. If the Leafs are taking a $6 million dollar salary, they HAVE to be getting something else as well. Also, Giguere is an upgrade on Toskala. Also, it sounds like the Leafs MAY be announcing more then one deal today.
  7. I would be all for the Leafs picking up Jokinen and maybe a pick from Calgary, if it meant a guy like Hagman got to go to a competitive team and the Leafs got more salary cap space going into next season.
  8. Eh. A team like Montreal with suspect toughness would be wise to scoop a player like Mayers. He's not a heavyweight but will fight and has some upside in the faceoff circle and on PK as well. Any team potentially matching up with Philly in the playoffs could show interest as Mayers has proven he can handle Carcillo et al. Detroit was after him at last year's deadline IIRC as well. Exelby I don't see moving as I can't see him being an upgrade for anyone's bottom pair in the league. No clue why they even took him on when they had Jonas Frogren to play the same minutes and do the same thing for considerably less. Watching a hasty rebuild deconstruct and abort itself is pretty odd stuff. I think Burke just liked him over Frogren because Exelby is Canadian. Also, Toronto probably had to take on someone in the Kubina trade.
  9. Anyone play MAG yet? I am considering picking it up, but I want to hear what people have to say about it.
  10. I think they are UFAs at the end of the year, so if they aren't traded they will be still be gone at the end of the season. Mayers and Exelby have both been marginal players, so it would not be a loss.
  11. The Leafs are such a depressing team. They started the season with some hope - an improved defence and a healthy goaltender. Then, they started with such a horrible streak. Of course, they rebounded and made sure all Leafs fans saw that they were close to a playoff spot. Now, they have just tanked. Over the last three or four seasons, I have tried to not miss a single game. Now, I am at a point where I would rather just read the article on TSN. I am actually getting angry at this team. The main problems from last year were defence and goaltending. Now, it looks like the team cannot score worth shit and the defence is still pretty lame. Oh, and the goaltending has barely improved. The Toronto Maple Leafs may be killing something that I used to enjoy - and they never made the playoffs in the last 3/4 years. I still watched and enjoyed it then.
  12. I've been in games where I am 10-3, and we are like 3 minutes into the match. Then the nuke comes, and I am wondering "how the fuck did he get 25 in a row?!".
  13. There is a rumour that the Leafs might get their first round pick back from Boston, but it would cost them Kaberle.
  14. Just keep playing the game and once you start to know the maps, the game starts getting easier.
  15. It's good to see Lesnar is coming back. Hopefully Mir can win and give us a rubber match for the title.
  16. Bigger story from that game is the amazing goal by Tyler Bozak. It was his first of his career. Look it up on YouTube. It is an absolute beauty of a goal.
  17. Thats a cool story, Basha. The Leafs are just...killing my desire to watch hockey right now.
  18. I am really liking the ACR with ACOG sight and Grenade Launcher.
  19. I like playing on Hardcore Team Deathmatch more and more.
  20. The Leafs game had some great saves from Gustavsson. For some reason, I just could not get interested in the championship game. I did see the tying goal by Eberle, though. That guy is clutch.
  21. I absolutely hate when I am killed by a guy camping a corner...but love going back and getting revenge because in 99 of 100 cases, the guy hasn't moved an inch.
  22. That game against Calgary sucked to watch. Gustavsson was playing well and Toronto had the lead, but they could not score more then one. Of course, a horrible give-away and a stupid penalty, and suddenly the Flames are up 2-1. I don't know if the Flames defence turned us away or if it is the inability of our offence to score, but from the mid-point of the second on the game was just terrible to watch as a Leafs fan.
  23. It's been a frustrating week to be a Leafs fan. The win over Boston was awesome to see, but the team has struggled a bit. Hopefully the win over Pittsburgh is a sign of good things, as Toronto is still in the race for a playoff spot. Kessel has struggled recently, and I think he is slowly becoming the player he was in Boston - the one who turns over the puck and stays away from the physical play.
  24. ...and Halladay has no playoff experience.
  25. Now that was a fantastic effort by Toskala. No weak goals allowed, and his glove is looking good. I don't know if its Allaire or if its just his confidence returning, but Toskala is looking more and more like the goaltender we saw in his first year in Toronto. It's always fan-dabi-dozi to see the Leafs beat Ottawa. I felt like the referees gave both teams a lot of leeway and the level of physical play increased as the game wore on. Mike Komisarek was playing the body very well. The breakaway goal by Kessel was awesome to watch. He has such a quick release and a very hard, accurate shot.
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