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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I'm pretty sure that's Evil Dead 2.
  2. If he truly wants to be in New Jersey, then I would assume they would just cut off a few years and readjust the numbers. It might take a few days, but I think he will still end up a New Jersey unless, as a way to punish the Devils and Kovalchuk, the NHL says the Devils cannot sign him at all.
  3. It's wierd that its this contract and not the others that came before (Hossa, Luongo) that get shut down, but I hope this effectively closes the loop hole that was being exploited.
  4. I was hoping Burke would try to land Gagne. Still, with Kovalchuk now gone, maybe Burke can find someone willing to pay his price for Kaberle.
  5. I totally agree. I had so much fun with that game.
  6. Anyone watched The Glades? I think its entertaining. It's like CSI and other crime shows, but I find the main character to be a good change of pace.
  7. Once I can get real rosters, I'll pick this up.
  8. It's a great movie. I do think a lot of people have started to dislike it just because it became so popular and so quoted. Still, I really enjoy it. I put Talladega Nights ahead of it, but only by a little.
  9. Toe

    Need a new TV show

    Community is absolutely hilarious. I am really excited for Season Two.
  10. From TSN.ca - http://tsn.ca/mlb/story/?id=327480
  11. Sounds like Turkoglu is going to Phoenix, and Calderon and Evans are going to Charlotte. The Raptors are picking up Barbossa, Chandler, and Diaw if the reports are true.
  12. This World Cup thing is a big deal, eh?

  13. There are horror movies that are so bad that they are funny. Zombiez is not one of those. I am still angry at the girl who made me watch that. It is just awful.
  14. This. A thousand times this. My cousin dragged me to watch it. "The trailer looks funny", he said. We were the only two people on the whole room, the freakin' cinema was completely empty, and I just wanted it to end. Even he hated the movie. We actually thought about leaving, but we already had paid the ticket, so... I had the exact same experience with The Comebacks.
  15. I was reading through the "What Did You Watch Today?" thread and realized that a lot of people hate certain movies that others love. So, in this thread, I want to see what movie you absolutely hated. I'm not talking about the movies reputation, but what you actually thought when you sat and watched the movie. I'll start off with one that might spark some argument. I will never watch Star Trek: The Motion Picture again. It is so long and so boring, and just has nothing in it to keep my attention. Even the moments of suspense and action are dull and slow. I've heard others say this and it is true - half the movie is the Enterprise floating through clouds. It blows me away that they were able to make such a great movie (Wrath Of Kahn) after making this turd.
  16. Bosh to Miami is a sign-and-trade. "Toronto gets back its own 2011 first-round pick, which was originally part of a four-player trade last year, and Miami's 2011 lottery-protected first-round pick." http://tsn.ca/nba/story/?id=327146
  17. Crank 2 is fucking bad ass. I have no other way to describe it.
  18. I know this comes out of nowhere but... I would love to see the NHL and the NHLPA come together and decide on a salary cap freeze for about 5 seasons. I know it won't happen since the owners and league want the cap down a bit while the players want it to rise, but I think a solid cap for a few years would allow stability and let smaller market teams catch up.
  19. Predators was a lot of fun. It retained the atmosphere and attitude of the original film, but did its own thing. Maybe when I take some time to think about it my opinion will change, but right now, I can't really think of anything that I disliked about the movie.
  20. With the LEGO games...the Star Wars ones are the best.
  21. The Guns N' Roses song from T2 showing up in Salvation made the movie for me.
  22. Sad to see Bosh go, but it will be fun to watch if Colangelo can build the Raptors up without him. I feel like this draft was a good start.
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