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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I think you'll enjoy it. Hitting can take some effort to get used to, but I find franchise to be fun. I usually play one or two games then sim a few. The season goes by quicker then you think. I've gone 4 seasons in with the Braves. Sean, I think Zumaya is great. In my current Braves franchise in season three, Zumaya gets me out of any trouble I get into. I have the best bullpen in baseball because of him, Jeremy Affeldt, and my closer Jonathan Broxton. Another Braves fan I live an hour north of Toronto, so the Blue Jays are my #1 team, but the Braves are definitely my second favourite. I watch them on Peachtree every now and then.
  2. I think you'll enjoy it. Hitting can take some effort to get used to, but I find franchise to be fun. I usually play one or two games then sim a few. The season goes by quicker then you think. I've gone 4 seasons in with the Braves. Sean, I think Zumaya is great. In my current Braves franchise in season three, Zumaya gets me out of any trouble I get into. I have the best bullpen in baseball because of him, Jeremy Affeldt, and my closer Jonathan Broxton.
  3. I actually just traded away some people to Pittsburgh to get Garrett Jones and Ryan Doumit. Now I have a good catcher and a potentially great first baseman. I also picked up Corey Hart from Milwaukee so I could move Bradley to the DH. My line-up, in general, is light on power but has a ton of speed. Here is my line-up. 1. Ichiro (RF) 2. Chone Figgins (2B) 3. Corey Hart (LF) 4. Garrett Jones (1B) 5. Milton Bradley (DH) 6. Ryan Doumit © 7. Jose Lopez (3B) 8. Franklin Gutierrez (CF) 9. Jack Wilson (SS) For lefties, the personal stay the same but the order changes. I play a lot of station-to-station ball, with a lot of singles, steals, and bunts for hits or sacrifices. I try to hit and run too. Only Jones and Bradley hit the ball hard on a frequent basis, but my defence is superb so I can afford to only score 3 or 4 in most games. I do need to add some better pitching. My bullpen is bad and after King Felix and Bedard, and I don't really have anyone of note.
  4. Has Brett said he is retired yet? Everything I read said he was having trouble rehabing the ankle, and all the talk of retirement came from his teammates but not Brett himself. Without Favre, is it possible that the Vikings make a move for a QB? If so, who is available? I am sure they could pry Vick out of the Eagles.
  5. I had a fun game in The Show today. I beat the Rangers 5 to 2 with my Seattle Mariners. I had 11 hits, and they were all singles. I only hit one ball hard, and it was with slow poke Russell Branyan.
  6. Hockey is my sport of choice. It is fast paced and fun to watch. If I had to pick a sport to put in second place, it would be MMA and then baseball.
  7. 2K10 is pretty awful, especially when compared to The Show. The pitching is different and fun, but everything else is pretty bad.
  8. You have to love Colton Orr!
  9. Modano still has a little left. He wasn't terrible last season. I think he can be a big help for the Red Wings.
  10. Anti Niemi was awarded $2.75 million in arbitration. Chicago walked away and signed Marty Turco on the cheap. So, there is a new goaltender on the UFA market. I'm not sure how many teams are still looking to add a goaltender, but I cannot imagine him being unsigned for long. Source - http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=329318
  11. To me, Dead Rising starts off great but gets really tedious when you end up fighting the typical Capcom style boss fights.
  12. Toe

    Madden 11

    Those are passing plays. The buttons are the receivers.
  13. The scene where they figure out the whole plan with the malt liquor is amazing.
  14. I play as the Braves. I love it when the away crowds start chanting "Laaaaaaarry, Laaaaaaaary" at Chipper just before I smash a two run homer.
  15. I think Dinner For Schmucks looks awesome. I am really excited to go and see it.
  16. Trick question, there is no beat player in a World Cup!
  17. Instead of jumping on home plate, players will now be required to get on all fours and slowly crawl across the plate to prevent injury.
  18. From TSN.ca - http://tsn.ca/mlb/story/?id=328777
  19. With Jose Bautista just destroying the ball this season, what do you think the trade market will be for his services? Do you think the Jays will want to sign him long term instead of moving him?
  20. I've barely played RTTS, so I have no idea about your stats and stuff. I just know you have to be unpredictable. It's better to have a guy 1-2 then 0-2 since at 0-2, it seems. Start guys out with balls sometimes, and when you have control of the count try to pick the corners. If they hit, its going to be a poor hit, and if they let it go you might catch the corner or get a friendly call. Also, do not be afraid to give bad hitters something to hit. It can burn you, but most of the time they will pop it up.
  21. Please tell me this is sarcasm. Boogaard at 6.5 Mil over 4 years isn't ridiculous? However, best of luck to Frolov in NY. Would've loved to have him here in St. Louis. Rumors are Boston is talking with Guerin, but they'll have to make a move to get him. Penguins remain interested in him as well. I meant to say wasn't. I edited my post.
  22. I turn down the CPU Pitcher Strike Frequency, because I could never draw a walk. I still don't draw many, but I find it helps. One way to get better at hitting is to see a lot of pitches and start to understand what is thrown when. Also, if you can get a pitcher into the 80 and 90 pitch range, they start to give up more and more meatballs that you can hammer.
  23. For once, the Rangers made a deal that wasn't ridiculous. They have signed Alexander Frolov to a one year deal for $3 million. He is a bit of an inconsistent player, but has scored more then twenty for five seasons until this last one, where he was moved down the line-up a little. If he scores 20 and 55 points, 3 million is not too bad. If he scores 30 goals and 60 to 65 points, then 3 million is a bargain.
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