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Posts posted by MJB

  1. Decent squad that, suprised Lescott isn't there as it looks a bit weak at CB, lot of people who can play right back though (Richards, Johnson, Smalling, Walker & Jones). Midfield looks half decent, just a shame Wilshere still isn't available, and the forwards look a bit one dimensional because there's no real target man.

    I'd like to see this line up:

    GK: Hart

    RB: Walker

    CB: Smalling

    CB: Cahill

    LB: Baines

    DM: Parker

    CM: Cleverley

    CM: Gerrard

    RW: Sturridge

    LW: Young

    ST: Rooney

  2. Well that was shite. Nani has been dreadful, Young's not much better and Rooney just as bad. Hernandez has look lively I suppose but the only good thing to come out of that half was another good stop from the young Spaniard.

    Really hope Rio is fit to carry on, we lost Vidic on our last european trip and I don't want t lose Ferdinand now considering he's been our best defender this season.

  3. Norwich are now winning away at Swansea :o

    I'll just throw my two cents on the Suarez situation - he could have avoided nearly everything by just shaking Evra's hand, Evra was wrong to do what he did at the end, I suppose, but he had been the innocent party in all this. Suarez didn't get better through the game to be honest, he got his knickers in a twist when Rio clearly got the ball, (lol Jamie Redknapp, what a knob), he also belted the ball at the dugout for no reason at the half time whistle and then hammered the ball at Evra from point blank range in the second half aswell. All of this didn't help matters. Kenny looked genuinely rattled about everything that had happened, but I agree with Sir Alex, Suarez is a disgrace to his club after today's debarcle.

    On the game itself, I thought Rio was fantastic, absolutely magnificent at the back. The other three did okay alongside him, and De Gea did well with the save at the end. Giggs was poor and showed his weaknesses on the left today, he needs to stay in the middle of the park from now on. Carrick and Scholes were solid, although I was suprised that Cleverley didn't replace Scholes for the last ten. Valencia looked dangerous all day as did Rooney and Welbeck, who again linked up very well with each other. Felt sorry for Hernandez though, did really well last week. Liverpool never really looked a threat, Gerrard was non-existant which made me smile, really glad for the three points and to be back on top, doubt we'll stay there after City's game tomorrow but you never know.

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