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Posts posted by MJB

  1. Last night was a really good episode. The series not so much but the final episode made it a lot better.

    The racing was awesome and I had a smile on my face for the entire segment, Slash playing the theme tune was great as was Kimi's interview. I also liked May taking the Ferrari around Windsor Park, all in all (Y)

  2. :( David De Gea

    Poor sod, he played his heart out and seemed so frustrated without Ferdinand in front of him. Terrible performance by United and we didn't even deserve the result we got, could have been so much worse. Rafael should hang his head in shame for that third goal.

    All credit to Bilbao though, they played some great football.

  3. I suppose to summarise, both of the following statements could be (and perhaps are) equally true:

    1. "When Drogba plays, he scores more goals than Torres would."

    2. "When Torres plays, Chelsea score more goals than with Drogba."

    I know which one my priority is.

    (P.S. Panic buy nothing. Liverpool agreed to sell a couple of weeks prior, but wanted to keep it quiet so that they could sew up the Suarez deal without being fleeced by Ajax knowing they had £50m to spend.)

    Didn't know this.

    Oh and wouldn't it just be easier to play Sturridge up front on his own with Torres and Drogba in the stands? <_<

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  4. You shouldn't spend £50m on anyone, would to me seem the better view to take.

    And the "he is there to score goals" is a funny one to me, a rather blinkered way of looking at any player and their respective 'role', not just Torres.

    He's there as part of a team that is meant to score goals and not concede them, thereby winning games. Is he not equally important when he takes up a position to defend corners? Are defenders who score goals "doing it wrong"?

    Creating the goal or putting it across the line, as long as the goals actually get scored...so what?

    They're not doing it wrong, but it's a bonus if a defender scores a goal, that's not what he's in the team for, he's in the team to 'defend'. By the same token, a striker is in the team to 'strike', to score if you will.

    I do agree, though, that you shouldn't spend £50m on anyone, especially as a panic buy on the last day of the January Transfer Window.

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