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Posts posted by MJB

  1. It's a red card and I can't see how anyone can say otherwise.

    Because some of us champion the way the match was played back in the olden days. I don't think it should be 'anything goes' but you can't base red cards what if's. It spoils the integrity of a game completely. I have to agree with most of the MOTD pundits on this and say I don't like red cards being handed out for things like that because if you are looking to play the ball and you are in control of the tackle, then it isn't always going to be reckless.

    At the end of the day though, the most important thing is consistency so that the players know what to do. Very few people (not fans, pundits and the like) seem to think it was a red card for Kompany, so if people involved with the sport don't think it is, I think it's hard for fans to disagree. But the referee clearly thought otherwise so we need to hear an official sanction of what is a red card and what isn't.

    For example, Nigel De Jong kicking (Iniesta was it?) in the chest was a red card all day for me, but Webb only gave a yellow. You could argue World Cup final all day, but does the importance of the match change the letter of the law?

    Okay, it's a red card in today's day and age.

  2. Oh for God's sake Kubica :crying:

    Hope this isn't true because I was really looking forward to seeing Vettel, Webber, Hamilton, Button, Alonso, Massa, Schumacher, Rosberg, Raikkonen and Kubica as the top ten later in the season. Oh and they may aswell get rid of Bahrain, never really been a great track and it would open up some new locations including Russia, Mexico and South Africa.

  3. I watched the game tonight and it was dreadful, but I knew that if I turned it over, it would've finished 4-3 <_<

    Neither team could put more than three passes together along the deck before lumping it long, awful stuff to watch. City and 'Pool can't do any worse than this tomorrow, especially as I probably won't be able to watch it.

  4. Would you need to sell anyone under 35 before your eligible to complete the challenge?

    I'd say you'd be allowed to keep hold of them, but not play them, otherwise, well it wouldn't be a team of over 35's.

    But that wouldn't make much sense so you may aswell try and sell them. What sort of team could you assemble? Other than Friedel and Giggs, I wouldn't know where to start.

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