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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. Oh, another "lol, career mode" moment, after I got fired from Chivas USA, I had several job offers. One of them was Barcelona. Barcelona. Why in the HELL would Barcelona want a striker who should have been in the reserves of an MLS club?
  2. Man, FIFA12's career mode award system is weird. When my Virtual Pro was constantly MOTM and scoring goals in Norwich, the only personal accolade he got was the Golden Boot. Playing a second career, in the MLS, after a mediocre, scoreless performance where my team loses, and somehow my player was in the MLS Team of the Week.
  3. By the way, for those of you who are new to Telltale's games, you should try their Sam & Max games. No zombie killing and human drama but lots of comic mischief, lovable characters, and puzzle solving. Just finished their Devil's Toybox arc (though I need to play the second season they put out on PCs) and it's a blast.
  4. Like a leaf in an icy world, memories will fade.

  5. I have a transfer budget of zero right now, yet the media keeps making up stories that I want to buy new players and asking me about my non-existent interests. And it's almost always BBC Radio 5...
  6. That right there is what you call domination.
  7. Damn, ESPN's feed just froze up.
  8. So I had a New Year's Eve match against Stoke. James Vaughn scores right off the bat, and then literally nothing happens until the 90th minute when usually reliable Daniel Ayala puts the ball in the wrong net. So James is all "Don't worry boss, I got this" and right before the final whistle manages to score again. Still at 19th though, but at least we're not Wigan, who set a new record for consecutive games without a win, and on the same fixture as my win over Stoke, gave up seven goals to Arsenal (who were 17th at one point in December). Plus my free agent signing Guti (who has amazing playmaking skills) can play in league matches now.
  9. Random question to EWBrits: Just curious, but how much do football jerseys cost over there? And do the prices vary much depending on the league the club's in?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OctoberRaven


      ...And looking at their website, the jerseys are listed as $75, what the fuck...

    3. Rich


      Sounds about right

    4. OctoberRaven


      An added 25 bucks on the website doesn't sound right at all. Even if that was with shipping, I've seen TVs shipped for that much.

  10. Turn off the light, and murder the dawn!

    1. Puckster


      Take it easy, man. Think about it.

    2. Fudge


      Jinder Mahal's music will interupt you if you carry on like that.

    3. OctoberRaven


      Mahal? Bah, I'm not worried about him.

      Now Tyler Reks, I'd be worried.

  11. Mmm. Fresh baked, buttery bread.

    1. SESbb30


      baby, ima butter yo bread.

    2. OctoberRaven


      Nah man, I baked this myself, and put an extra coat of butter to it to add flavor. It's awesome.

  12. I'm starting to think the FA is conspiring against me in this game. Practically every time I lose by 1, either one of their boys scored after handling the ball or being offside and the refs didn't call it, or a goal on my side was disallowed by offside. FA haven't punished me yet, because they know what they've done.
  13. Me neither, working through HD collection in time order so looking at going on to play through 4 properly now I've got that motivation to do so. As for solving the cut scene to gameplay ratio, if you're as bad as me you spend waaaaay more time playing the game then watching cut scenes Oh I dragged my ass in MGS4 and got killed like a dozen times in the first act. Constantly bugged people on the comm and everything. To be honest though the cutscenes weren't that much of a bother until what I recall was the end of the third act. There's probably been DBZ fights that took less time to finish than that... Not that it was a bad game mind you... I just wanted to actually play more of it. Granted this is from the guy whose favorite game of 2011 was Catherine....
  14. Who did you sell? Also, are Forrest and Pilkington wingers or in the central position?
  15. "Let's take this bank to our hideout; we'll break into it later"



    1. Benji


      Flawless victory.

  18. Daniel Ayala. Well, he's technically a center back but he's my top goalscorer for some reason.
  19. I'd like to see pro career mode with more depth so you actually earn your spot in the Starting XI and not just get to start every time regardless of your overall ability compared to your teammates. And more depth in commentary so I don't have to hear "lol remember that fight you got in once" three times every single time I play as Norwich.
  20. So after a LONG run of him being injured, then going into reserve matches for fitness only to be re-injured, I finally get James Vaughn to play. He helps snap my long losing streak with a satisfying 1-0 home win. Against Chelsea. And suddenly getting out of relegation seems a lot less of a task.
  21. It looks like a Christmas tree. How do I get the game to play on windowed mode, BTW?
  22. Shock humor/exaggeration of a hormonal teenager.
  23. Today's Stephen Colbert's Threatdown.... #3.... WTF...

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