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Everything posted by Malenko

  1. yeah. M seems to be a nice letter. It's only fifth on my list of bands whose albums i own though. It gets beeten by A, B, C and S.
  2. yeah. I imagined you would. I've seen the goal.. i considered it the best goal of 2004 as i said in the greatest goal thread. He also is quite fast and agile, for a man his size. You probably remember his goal VS Italy in the euro2004 even if you wouldn't want to He makes incredible stuff looks simple.. I'm a fan myself.
  3. That obviously proves it was just Chelsea. Crespo is fucking awesome at Milan, whereas he was shit at Chelsea. Mutu had some great games at Chelsea but like said he wasn't anything special there. Mark my words, Mutu will be better than everyone expects him to be. ←
  4. Im starting to feel the same way at the moment, at first I wanted him to sign and I still do to an extent, but he seems to be getting Arsy about the whole contract deal, maybe he's not getting a fair shout but he should be a bit more greatful that he was able to play with Arsenal. I honestly can't see him getting regular first team football at Barcelona or Real Madrid, chances are he will be getting the same amount of football that he already gets. ←
  5. Didn't mean that all German refs were like this. I just find it somewhat unfortunate that this is in the nation hosting the Cup. I'm well aware that Cup refs are from all over, too. It's just that US officials have to undergo EXTENSIVE background checks to get hired in the US. If you're caught doing anything funny with your finances -- even just misfiling stuff on your tax account -- you're thrown out of the league. So it strikes me as odd that a referee (1) could have thought he'd get away this, and (2) is only being prosecuted four months later. ←
  6. Those things happen everywhere, not only in Germany. Some are caught, some aren't. Some are fined, some aren't. Some are banned, some aren't. I hadn't heard that news until i read this, but even if it's true you make it sound like Germany doesn't deserve to host the cup or something like that, just because of it (maybe you didn't mean it, it was just my idea looking at the topic. If not sorry about that). Anyway, even if it meant german referees were all like that, which is a dumb stereotype anyway, the world cup will have referees from a lot of countries (i don't know the exact number) which have been selected by FIFA for, arguably, being imparcial in previous football events. btw, it's not that hard to understand what Matzat writes. Don't exaggerate it.
  7. But I think even like 5 minutes at the end of training would be better than nothing. It's like saying Beckham takes freekicks for Madrid so doesn't need to practise them at training. But I bet he still does, it's hard to tell these days though. ← Yeah, he still does. He spends a lot of time practicing free kicks in EVERY real madrid training session. He usually does it before the practice begin and sometimes after, in those final 5 minutes where everyone's practicing penalty kicks. They also have free kick practice for all during the training session itself, but beckham usually gets room for a little more. ←
  8. But I think even like 5 minutes at the end of training would be better than nothing. It's like saying Beckham takes freekicks for Madrid so doesn't need to practise them at training. But I bet he still does, it's hard to tell these days though. ←
  9. Great play by robben. I have such a hard time picturing chelsea losing all the points they need to lose to waste the chance of winning the premier. *watches as Portsmouth turns the game around * EDIT: 2-0 another awesome play in the building of the goal.
  10. Not to be mean or anything but it seems they haven't practiced a lot ever since then either. At least the results don't show much of an improvement in that particular aspect of the game
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