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Everything posted by Malenko

  1. black and white are two ...and beyonce is hot. Halle berry isn't bad either. I wouldn't pick her to the top 50 but i had the feeling she was going to be here somewhere. ←
  2. I was going to make a joke about that but someone will do a better one afterwards so i'll just say... what's taking those pics so long?
  3. 4, 17, 19, 30, 39, 40 And if you win I want a share ←
  4. hey MDK, pick me 6 numbers out of 49... i could use a little money.
  5. try walking with your eyes on the ground next time you go for a walk. you may find one back
  6. New York are favourites against a very little amount of teams. San Antonio are not even close to be one of them Anyway, there aren't no certain results in any sport so you still have a chance of getting it right.
  7. No, but they beat a (superior) Leverkusen team 6-2, and beat Olympiakos for good measure as well. ← Disagree. Olympiakos (as well as Panathinaikos and AEK) play very good football, although the last couple of months was kinda sucky and leverkusen haven't been playing as well this season as in the previous. I'm not saying for example that olympiakos would beat leverkusen cause obviously anything can happen but just don't judge a team for its name or the league its in. I think he wasn't trying to bash liverpool anyway, he was just trying to say that newcastle have been playing good too, and so people shouldn't think the game is over before it started. Or at least that's what i thought he meant. ←
  8. No, but they beat a (superior) Leverkusen team 6-2, and beat Olympiakos for good measure as well. ←
  9. Selling out in its most basic explanation is just selling yourself. A little bit like selling your soul to satan . The idea is, if you "abdicate" of what you like to do just to get more money, you're selling out. Out of curiosity, most people i see complaining about how a band sold out are in their 30/40's so they aren't exactly bitter teens. bitter middle-aged men at most. EDIT:
  10. "The only issue I'd have would be the idea of having to change your music to appeal more to the masses, which I don't think I could do. Just looking for your thoughts really." That's what selling out is all about. If you need loads of money to survive (you know you don't) and are willing to do whatever your told to without having much say on it, and being forced to play something you don't like just so you would get it, it's up to you really. There are loads of bands not on major labels that get enough recognition through the music they play and like to play, and some of them if they're successful enough and manage their money well get to be rich. I really don't care if other people do it or not, as everyone as the right to do whatever they want, but i don't know how can they feel better that way than doing what they really like to do. "I really don't want to be on top of the world one week, then working in a Supermarket the next." That's exactly what happens to a lot of bands that sellout :thumbsup: Your point there makes no sense. That's the reason why you have so many one hit wonders. They just appear while it's the trend and are sent home when the trend is over.
  11. i seriously doubt CM will be worth a tenth of what FM is. I've been playing CM since the first and i don't plan on changing unless something really good appears. FM 2005 is just the perfect evolution for his predecessor. The only football managerial game i'm looking forward to is always the next version of this series so, i'll only get a new football managerial game when the sucessor of FM2005 comes out. Anyone who plays this kind of games more for the love of football, then for the love of games should do the same.
  12. I assume that it was taken off in the most recent patches. I still play the original one, and it works fine for me. Anyway, to answer your first question about it.. It is perfectly accurate. Unlike previous CM's this one has (had) all the features and rules in it. I guess if they took it off there must have been some sort of dispute over MLS's rights that forced them to take it off. ←
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