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Everything posted by Malenko

  1. a cookie to whoever predicted the 6 minutes of added on
  2. Just to clarify something, the "Winner of the League gets place" clause ceased to exist a few years ago. Ever since the UEFA coefficients started to be also applied to the Champions League the number of teams on the League started to be only defined by those coefficients. The English FA gets 4 spots to distribute to 4 of its teams, and its up to them to decide who to choose.
  3. I was wondering why no one was excited when Liverpool scored ←
  4. I forgot about the horrorpops and only remembered now that Verbal Puke mentioned them. Their lead singer is married (i think) to the lead singer of the Nekromantix. Its sound is a little like the psychobilly Hellcat punk bands only with a female voice on it. I think you may like them.
  5. Try Mojo Nixon, Gun Club, Angry Johnny and The Killbillies Southern Culture on The Skids, Robert Gordon, Ray Kondo or Brian Setzer from the Stray Cats solo work. These bands don't have the "punk" feel the others had. The bands above are psychobilly acts, the bands below are rockabilly acts who appeared in the revivalist period of the late seventies and early 80's.
  6. You can call it a modified Loan (damn this wrestling thing ). In a Loan the team who loans the player won't get anything of it except for the fact the second team MAY (not will) pay part of his wages. The second team gets to play with the player and most times at the end of the year the player will return to the original team without the second team getting anything from it. In this kind of transfer, the first team WILL get money from the transfer, and the second team WILL pay their part of the wages of the player. The advantage for the second team is that while they can still play with him they WON'T lose him at the end of the season unless the first team pays them.
  7. Co-Ownership doesn't happen only in Italy, although from what i've seen in FM it seems they've only applied it to the Italian Clubs. As JP said that's a way the clubs have of not losing a player for good at once. It usually works for both sides (even if sometimes it doesn't) because the smaller clubs (or with the least money) only pay half of his transfer price and get him to play for them without spending much money. The team who sold it, gets the chance of buying him back if they feel they've made a mistake, as they've only sold 50% of the player (if that makes any sense). At this point, the player can only play for the second team, although the team doesn't own him entirely. Afterwards 4 things can happen: 1 - The first team wants him back and pays double the price of what the second club payed at first. They'll lose some money but simultaneously they won't lose the player if they think they've done a bad deal letting him go. At least they didn't lose him for good. 2 - The second team pays the remaining 50% of the player and get it all. I'm not entirely sure if they can pay the same amount of money they payed for the other 50% or if the first team can demand more. 3 - One of the teams sell his share of the player to some other team, who gets the rights of having him playing for them, while the other team still can get him back from them. 4 - They leave the things as they are and be happy with it. These transfers aren't always made in regular 50/50 situations. Sometimes they're done in 70/30 or 60/40 or whatever. Luckily for you, FM doesn't have that option to confuse you even more. Hope that helped.
  8. I'd shoot his wife first Beckham would never be a waste of money for them. On the left reyes/Ljungberg can run riot attacking at them while on the right Beckham offers something different. Someone who can hold back and ping the ball around the field ←
  9. Why are people saying Oasis have always sounded the same? I'm not talking about any of the other arguments, just this one. If the Oasis had been the same since the first album i can honestly say i would still be happy whenever i heard the news a new Oasis album was going to be released, while nowadays i don't care much. Morning Glory sounds like a BIG step between Definitely Maybe and Be Here Now, in a way that while it has some similarities between both albums has enough changes to make Definitely Maybe and Be Here Now be totally different albums. Then you have Standing on The shoulder of Giants which if it wasn't for Gallagher's voice i would say it was a different band. I don't own Heathen Chemistry and i haven't listened to it much so i can't talk about that one. In a very reductive way i could say they had always played britpop-rock but so have many other bands.
  10. Comeback Kid aren't exactly what i would call fast hardcore punk but anyway here are a few suggestions. A few of them aren't exactly what you're looking for, but if you like Kid Dynamite there's a chance you'll also like these bands. Try 7 Seconds, American Nightmare, Bane, Carry On, Champion, Count Me Out, Ensign, Gorilla Biscuits, In My Eyes, Kill Your Idols, Ignite, Minor Threat, Nerve Agents, New Winds, Straight Faced, Stryke Anywhere, Youth Of Today
  11. Yeah.. that's what i meant when i said i doubt a big club would need to pick an old big money earner (even when they're great players) when they could pick a good player (maybe not as good, but much better physically and with a lot more potential) who would earn a lot less and be there for a lot longer. Just one thing though... Romario and Rivaldo both played for Barcelona. Both were major a factor in their League wins with them, and Romario even got a Champions League. Whenever they get older though, they start being less needed and therefore, with the high paying contracts they demand, they'll have a hard time getting a place in a great competitive team, while the rest who demand less per month could always be signed easier.
  12. I agree with JP on the goalkeepers issue. Casillas and Buffon are the best goalkeepers in big clubs currently. Cech is very good, but Chelsea also has a great defensive line to back it up. Madrid's defensive line is like a swiss cheese and even worse this season. With the terrible form of offensive players like Raul, Zidane and Ronaldo (although he got better now in the last few games) throughout the season, Casillas is one of the main reasons why Madrid is in the position it is. Buffon is just great. He's one of those goalies that help the defense remain calm cause they know they have a reliable backup behind them. He blends very well with the Juve's defense. I would classify Buffon as the best goalie on the first half of this season, and Casillas as the best of the second. It's also true that Italy beats everyone in terms of goal keepers. They are one of the few countries (is there any other?) that won't struggle to get 3 great goalkeepers in great shape and form in the euro/world cups and still manage to leave a couple good ones off.
  13. Malenko

    Iggy Pop?

    Well.. this is just an opinion but i think his work with the stooges is much better than his solo work. The Stooges, Fun House and Raw Power are all very energetic raw rock albums. Even more so, considering the time period where they were done. Iggy Pop as a solo act got a lot more mainstream attention, but while he's done some nice stuff, i just can't get into it as much as into his work with the Stooges. It's all a matter of opinion really, but what can't be denied is that he has calmed down. He has worked with a lot of great musicians throughout his solo career and his sound nowadays is probably what they call more "mature". IMHO the word in this case is boring
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