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Everything posted by Malenko

  1. Milan knew the league was lost. All they cared since last week was to win the Champions League. Milan has a very good youth system who often produces great players. It's actually better than anyother in Italy and that's the reason why they'll be always near the top even when they're top stars fail. Juventus deserved to win the league this season, and actually should have won it earlier. Anything can happen in the Livorno game now that Juventus has nothing to play for. They'll probably play it in a celebration mood, and may end up making mistakes that Livorno players may use to score, but the Livorno's defense is so unreliable that Juve could score easily even without full focus on the game. The Italian League was a lot better this season than the previous, and the only letdown to me was Inter. I hate how they still managed to end in a very good position despite the fact that many teams who ended below them were playing better.
  2. I know how much funds I'm given when playing as Chelsea (first season, take over at the beginning, ask for more funds and get refused etc), and then how much they spend when I'm someone else. ←
  3. those 20M are just the money it says you have in the beggining of the game to spend in transfers. With your chairman being Abramovic the budget would increase after you had spent that. Every staff in the game has an attribute called resources. When they're the chairman that's what decides the willingness of throwing money away and into the club. I assume abramovic must have a 20 there, and so he'll allow you to keep the most of the transfer budget, to buy more players even after you spent it. It's also most likely that they would accept to increase the transfer funds when you ask for it.
  4. I know you won't like to hear what i'm going to say knowing you would like him to go for, but to be honest i wouldn't be surprised if Henman lost in the second or third round. I'm not saying he will, but i wouldn't be surprised if he did. I think he has a good chance of being in the last 8 at least though. I have this feeling Federer will lose in the semis. The final will be Argentina vs Spain
  5. I got Helvete and Terrifyer. As for Isis or Cult Of Luna...any albums you want to recommend? Same for Daughters... ←
  6. I'm watching as i always do. The good games only start when they matter the most. It has always been like that. I'm not surprised. My favourites have been the Czech Republic almost ever since i watch hockey. I used to like Russia too but their gameplay has disappointed me in the last 5 years or so. They're losing to Finland 3-2 now. Sweden is 1-1 with Switzerland. Considering Sweden will eventually win the game, i think anyone that's left can still win.
  7. 1. Jerry Only was an original Fit. 2. He did vocals when Graves was in the band, but only on tour not on albums. What line-up is it this time? I pretty much refuse to see the Dez/Marky/Only one. I'd rather see Gotham Road or Danzig. ←
  8. When i got my tickets to go see the misfits when i did so a couple years back, i was a little afraid of how it would work out, seeing as there was only 1 actual misfit and even him wasn't on the misfits when the band was formed in the first place. The Misfits allignment back then was Marky Ramone on the drums, Cadena's awesomeness from Black Flag on guitar, and Jerry Only on bass and doing vocals which he actually never did on any incarnation of the misfits when they were. Despite all my fears I ended up enjoying the show because the great songs that i listened to at home were all played with amazing intensity. Cadena and Marky were super cool and simple, and Jerry Only was an amazing arrogant prick. Hey... 2/3 isn't bad and even he had his moments. Anyway, they've also played Ramones songs and also Six Pack and Rise Above which i marked out for and yelled out to until my voice was dead. It were two great moments. As a whole it sure wasn't what a misfits show would be. Definitely not. But it was a great punk-rock show from a semi-allstar punk rock band. The opener where i watched was a Ramones cover band who actually had its set limited thanks to the fact the Misfits were playing a lot of their songs. It was also very good, and the members interaction with the crowd was great. All in all, how can you complain when you're watching it for free? As for the Exploited i think i'm the exact opposite. I think on CD they are pretty good (in what they do and not regarding lyrics), but on show it was a very strange concert. I'm not too big on them, but i guess it's not that bad either. Oh yeah, i forgot... Yay. Have fun.
  9. yeah, i heard it too. I also think Van Bommel will be the Barcelona signing, and i think they have to sell rustu. It makes no sense to keep him on loan when he'll never ever play for them. I also heard about Madrid's six signings and i find it funny that one of the 2 players to "fill the gaps" will be Robinho which will play in a position that has enough people and will also take away any chances of solari ever return to play for them again. I heard they were looking to get Joaquin from Betis to fill the place Figo will leave.
  10. Livorno lost 6-3 this weekend. Whoever goes to see all Livorno games has seen 19!!! goals in 2 games. Holy fuck.
  11. Just a little correction. Le Guen has only won 3 titles, including this season's, because he wasn't Lyon's manager on the first of their consecutive titles.
  12. Oh and I really hate Mancini (Inter manager), just too cocky if you ask me by saying how Inter were going to win the title this season, yeah right ←
  13. Great goal indeed. Curious, have you seen last weeks highlights? the 6-4 and 5-3 games? The one who ended 6-4 had two players scoring 4 goals each. Insane.
  14. I'm glad you wrote "Punk" but i think with the "" it still looks wrong Don't worry, that trend is over, avril lavignes, and busteds won't appear anymore because the major trend now is another one. On to the answer, the thing is all those "bands" you mentioned, the ones build up by agents and produced in major labels have the first single(s) to attract one sort of auddience and the second/third/fourth to attract other kind of audience, because usually after the second single, sales drop, cause they've got all the kids that like it to buy it. Then they move on to show the so called band can also do other sort of stuff, like ballads, acoustic songs, or whatever thus bringing a new bunch of sales. While these sales don't reach the peak of the first single, they reach a local peak that isn't something to reject. That formula is basically made cause there aren't any people who would buy their records without that sort of advertising.
  15. There's no doubt Nash should have been top 3 in MVP voting, but Phoenix & Miami both made major gains this year. Sure Phoenix was +33, but Miami was + 17 with a playoff squad, and Dallas won 58 (+6) without Nash, LA only won 34 (-22) without Shaq. I'd say that tells you just as much, if not more about the inherent value of the two guys in question when you can consider that Amare & Marion are two of the best young talents in the league. Add in that Dallas could very well knock Phoenix out of the playoffs with Nash on the other team, and I just don't think that speaks to "Most Valuable". ←
  16. You're nuts. Not liking him is one thing and you have the right to don't like him, but saying that is nonsense. There were two different Suns teams this season. The one with Nash that played great basketball because he made EVERYONE play better, and the one without him, that lacked so much in gameplay. ANYONE that watched the suns with and without him has to realize the same thing. ←
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