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Everything posted by Malenko

  1. Brazil 70 without a doubt in my mind. Other great national teams in my opinion were the 50's Hungary, 58 Brazil, 70's Holland and Germany. Recently France's team from around 98 until around 2001. If i had to pick an year it would be 2000. As for club football, my favourite team ever was the early 90's Barcelona. Other clubs i love to watch playing were late 80's Milan and the first 5 time European Champions Cup champions Real Madrid. Also 70's Bayern Munich and Ajax as they were pretty much the basis of their respective national teams and played the same style of football.
  2. It happened after the bosman rule took effect, as most italian teams started buying a lot more players than they used too. The changes needed to afford such increases in transfer payments and player wages weren't done, so italian teams were left without a great economic status, or a plan to improve it while spending as much money as english and spanish teams. It was bound to happen. As for Fiorentina, they didn't go bankrupt. They didn't have the money to be a part of the league on the Italian Serie A so they went to Serie C playing as Florenza Viola, although with a bunch of players who already played for Fiorentina in Serie A that accepted huge paycuts. They eventually managed to "buy" the name back, which is why they're using it again. Simultaneously, having better players than the majority of italian teams in lower divisions , they didn't have any trouble in getting promoted year after year and are back up again.
  3. smoke two joints, date rape, the cover of descendent's hope, garden grove, what i got, wrong way, same in the end, santeria (strongly recommended), seed, pawnshop, under my voodoo, caress me down, doin' time, pool shark, foolish fool (the original version), what happened, 40oz. to freedom.. oh wait how many did you want?
  4. In football, I played for the youth teams from 11 to 18 until i got a recurrent injury in november that year which prevented me from ever playing A-team football (actually i could have, but the knowledge i would get re-injured with ease made me quit). While i played, i did it as 10 which if existed in england would classify as a very attacking midfielder I also played in the youth teams of a basketball team for a few years where i played point guard. The amount of training due to be playing 2 sports was killing me so i eventually had to decide on one, and despite starting in both, i picked football. For the last 5 years i became close to the laziest person alive and i spend a lot of time sitting down. I still played College football for a couple of years after the injury because it wasn't so demanding but eventually stopped it all.
  5. I would give it 1/10, 4/10 and 3/10, and that's being awfully nice to the second (meaning, giving much more attention to the good stuff than to the worse) I should even take points away since you don't even know who the performers of the songs are and went by the name you found on whatever P2P you used to get those. By the way, your jamaican dude is Ini Kamoze. EDIT: written before your post, but still applies.
  6. I understand what you mean. And what your saying is the main problem with these new rules. ← That has nothing to do with the new rules. It has to do with the rules that are already more than 10 years old which happen to be the third set of offside rules. That hasn't changed in the last ones. Anyway, i don't see where the doubt is in that case. If Van Nistelrooy only had a player in front in the moment of the last pass, he is offside. If he didn't he isn't. ←
  7. I understand what you mean. And what your saying is the main problem with these new rules. ←
  8. Explain how that case is any different now, from what it was before the passive offside rule was inducted? When someone shoots on goal and goal keeper saves for the rebound, if the player who scores the rebound has only one player ahead (in this case the goal keeper), he is offside now, and was offside before the passive offside rule was inducted because it was always counted as a pass. The passive offside rule didn't change this at all. The only difference that passive offside has introduced is, when a player A shoots from long distance for example, and there is a player B out of the way but only with the goalkeeper in front of him, like G _ B x x x A Case 1: A scores directly. Before the passive offside rule was introduced it would be disallowed, after the passive offside rule it stopped being disallowed. Case 2: A shoots, keeper saves, B scores the rebound. In this situation the goal was disallowed before and after the passive offside rule. This is the case we were talking about earlier, and the passive offside rule hasn't had any effect on this case whatsoever. Referees could not see B was ahead then and now. It has nothing to do with the rule.
  9. just as a sidenote, when i voted country it had nothing to do with how happy i would be if my country won. I replied solely on what competition i like best and therefore the one that if i still played football i would want to win the most.
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