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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. Question to the guys who already have it...

    How is the CAF function in this game? Has it been touched on a lot compared to 2010?

    And also the career mode on itself, how much has it improved?

    I would love to now because I can't wait for the game to get released here.

  2. I'm playing 2K11 my player mode right now and I fucking suck, everytime I shoot it says "bad shot selection", all I'm doing is pressing the shoot button.


    First off all is your timing correct? The game is more than just pressing the button and scoring. You need to time your jumpshot correctly to get an accurate shot. Too early and it most likely is off target and going to fast. Too late and it will be too slow and either hit air or the rim and out.

    In presentation you can enable shot timing feedback, and it will give you feedback on every shot you take. It will be a little picture showing you if you are either too early, too late or correctly timed.

    If you have the timing down, it's all about picking the right spots. When you are just beginning you will NOT score consistently when you are being defended by someone, the other guy will jump to contest and more likely than not your shot will be off target.

    Try to get open on the court by maybe running up with a fast break and trying to shoot open shots. Even if you are improving keep hitting the easy shots and don't try to put up a shot against the defender because it will always hurt your shooting.

    Also important is shooting where your skills lie, if your player has high 3pt shooting, try to roam the arc and get open shots from range. Also don't step away too far and roam the 3pt line. Most of the times when you shoot your player will automatically set his feet behind the 3pt line.

    If you have mid range shooting high, try the midrange. Open shots and well timed ones are easy points for you and will only help. Again don't be a Dirk at the start, you won't be able to beat most defenders because your shooting skills are too low.

    Also look to throw points in ''Consistency'' and ''Offensive clutch'' they will make your player more... well consistent in all shooting situations and will give the RNG less chance to screw you over.

    Also if your ''abilities'' are poor, your player will be bad at said shots. So if you have ''poor'' stepback jumping, your guy won't be effective in those. It rings true for everything. If you have ''great'' stepback shooting you can be a terror by just attacking the defender, stepping back and shooting at basket. Those fancy abilities might look expensive, but even having 1 on great will prove a dominant tool in your shooting game.

    Of course most importantly, spend skill points on the shooting skills. If you want to become a 3pt bomber make sure 3pt shooting is high, preferably 85+ because that will make most shots go down.

    Just remember basic things, Learn the timing of the shot style you have taken. If you don't have that down, you will never really score.

    Secondly, shoot open shots. Make it your bread and butter shot moment, 7/10 shots need to be open and you will hardly see the ''bad shot selection'' thing ever again.

  3. The thread title really.

    I got a Steam Coupon which gives me 50% off on all games before 2 january.

    I have no idea what game to buy with it though, I want to get a fun online capable game (not really a shooter). Which is still popular.

    I have looked around steam and I don't really see anything that piques my fancy, so I am wondering if anyone here knows a good underappreciated game with multiplayer capabilities?

  4. It's all a deal to get people to go on the facebook page so they can continue to advertise over and over again - it's not a bad strategy and they'll likely release him after a while for everyone.

    Yeah I would feel pretty screwed if they didn't. I am one of the few that isn't part of any of the social media hype and I am not about to start up a Facebook account just to get a fighter, even if it's the Reem.

  5. so is this like a gay sex sim or what?

    You hit it right on the spot.

    Anyways making Reem a unlockable is a bit silly imo. He is one of the bigger guys in the UFC right now certainly after wiping away Lesnar.

    Wouldn't they be better off making some popular legends unlockables or DLC?

  6. I am sure I read somewhere on the 2K forums that shooting efficiency is also dependent on what jumpshot you got.

    Makes sense, Shawn Marion's shot put drops less than Durant's jumper.

    Mostly it is attribute related though.

    Also a tip, always play the dribble course. Use the hez to beat the defender and take it in.

    If you get your speed up to high levels you can start selling points for more skill points in other places.

    Rince and Repeat



  7. Any good ideas for ridiculous CAWs?

    Or, preferably, some good CAWs on the PS Community Creations? I'm looking for funny ones. Preferably fictional guys, but not Superman or anything like that (pirates, ninjas, etc.).

    John McDawson, Karate Cowboy. create it.

  8. My player mode is pretty great, too bad your team goes trademad regardless of who you are.

    I started on the Pacers and in the first month they traded away Danny Granger, Collison and pretty much the entire core of the team for lesser players.

    If they can make the trade AI actually smart instead of crazily braindead and way to easy when trading the My Player mode would actually be great.

    I really looked forward on teaming up with Granger to take the team further... But instead they gave me Tayshaun Prince and Eddy Curry =(

  9. Just wondering...

    Story spoilers, ending spoilers. Spoiler Spoilers. Read only if you want to know something about the story or ending.

    anyone else is pissed that Johhny Gat was seemingly legitimately wrote out of the game during the second mission of the entire game?

    Johnny was my favorite guy by far and not having him show up again in the entire story and afterwards getting a zombiefied version of him is just... meh.

    I wanted to have more awesome Gat moment in SR3, but it's clear we didn't got it... Hopefully he gets a DLC after him.

  10. They didn't really add much, but what they've added definitely makes it worthy of a play. From modifying almost everything, upgrades you can purchase, and, of course, being able to Strut right down a street in Stillwater, its all amazing :D

    Big Spoiler below though.

    Dammit Johnny Gat

    :( I wanted more Gat goodness, and him dying so early almost ruined it for me


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  11. Anyone have a strategy for posting up in the paint, and then getting out fast enough to not get called for a three seconds? I'll post up against a guard in the paint, expecting to get the ball quickly, then realize I'm not going to get it, then try to get out but I'm basically glued to the guy guarding me. Just a tad frustrating, you'd think you would control when you're posting someone up.

    The best thing you can do is NOT post up in the paint, first off you are leaving yourself open for a very quick 3 second call and thus a turnover. And also the AI never reacts quickly enough to pass it to you.

    What i do when playing PF/C is post up next to the paint closer to the baseline or near the elbow of the paint. And after getting the ball i will quickly try to back down close to the basket and try to go for a post shot or hook (depending on what i am skilled at).

    Another good tactic is to try to roll past your man and then go for a dunk/layup, if you manage to pass your man the other big man needs to close you out which means you can get fouled or get your team mate open for a open shot.

    Another thing that has been made very strong is the Nowitzki-style post&fade if you make it good/great you will start to put up huge numbers with relative low chance of getting blocked. (it still happens)

    But i personally never start posting up inside the paint because it doesn't really give you a significant edge over posting up next to the paint.

    Also try to avoid to muscle your way into the pain with RT/L2 because you can easily bump your opponent onto the ground and that will get called as a charge and a foul+turnover. Just go easy and try to get as close as possible, if you get stopped maybe give one bump before going for the net and that's all. If your post up skills are high enough and also your strength is up there (80/85+) you can easily back the average Center/Power Forward down.

  12. Also want to add that Creating a Legend mode is something i wanted for a long time, and with the improved My Player gameplay it's absolutely epic.

    My dream of making Brian Cardinal a legend can finally be realised pervert.gif

    You mean you can actually take a current player in the league and play My Player with him?

    I mean you can actually take a current player in the league and play My Player with Him.

    It has it's very own gamemode.

    Also when you unlock legends you can take said legend into Creating a Legend.

  13. Also want to add that Creating a Legend mode is something i wanted for a long time, and with the improved My Player gameplay it's absolutely epic.

    My dream of making Brian Cardinal a legend can finally be realised pervert.gif

  14. The thing i love the most about My Player mode this year is the ability to sim games. It makes every season so much less tedious that i finally don't give up playing after 10 games.

    Also only having to play 1 pre-draft game is extremely relieving to start a new My Player if i want and don't have to go through the tedium.

    Same with the pre-draft interviews, they are a nice addition and it just adds a new layer to the cake.

    And the intro song is too awesome not to listen to every single time, i love the funky 80's vibe.

    Also i feel the shooting has been improved and when you are posted up it's finally actually easy to step away and do a fadeaway shot like Dirk does.

    Hot-Zones is also great and it's gratifying to work your star shooter into his sweet spot and knock down those 3's and 2's with ease.

    My player has finally been made fun and Association looks good too (although i am waiting for the first proper roster update because having only 2 rookies sucks monkeydick)

  15. Just for people who don't realise...

    Akinfenwa, is a BEAST.

    And i mean a utter utter utter...


    If you can get him in your UT packs or want to have an utter beast in your career mode, sign him. Not tomorrow, sign him NOW.

    97 strength and he is the strongest player in the game.

  16. I said this in the XBOX thread, but I might as well say it here as well.

    I played five rounds of the BETA last night and while I enjoyed some of the minor add-ons, such as throwing yourself over obstacles and the new ability to get down on your stomach - along with the major graphical and level improvements, it really didn't feel like I was playing something all that different from the multiplayer experience found in Bad Company 2. Not that this is a bad thing of course, I was just kind of picturing more when it all came down to it.


    I felt it flowed quicker than BC2 and also certainly in the subway tunnels the game is just action personafied without it becoming brainless rushing like in COD.

    The guns also feel they pack a better punch now and if you place your shots you won't have to spray like a madman.

    Could also be because i sucked at BC2 in every way possible and this game actually is easier for me personally...

    And after two rounds of playing defender i absolutely LOVE the flashlights for one reason only... Easy target recognition.

    I can sit from range with the M16 and just plink at the white lights coming through the tunnels.

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