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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. Considering MyCareer mode for NBA 2K13 is my favourite sports-related Single Player mode, I'm really excited to see 2K with the WWE license. Could be great for the Franchise.


    2k do a pretty good job of player customization as it is, So that would be intersting to see to say the very least.

    Possibility of seeing a PC version aswell with MLB and NBA getting the treatment.

    Hope this rumor comes to frutition.

    Are you sure you are playing a 2K sports game? Because quite frankly the customization options in NBA 2K13 is utter gash and it has been the same for years.

    Pretty sure the only thing that gets updated are shoes and maybe the addition of that Adidas power sleeve in 2k12.

  2. Are you having trouble with finding open guys, or is it a defensing issue?

    Use QBs that aren't Skelton or Tebow for one.

    Otherwise, I'd look for slant routes and curls as they're a pretty safe bet to get your guys open. If I remember rightly, the passing icons start translucent and then solidify as the receiver becomes open, so pay attention to that. And make use of the new passing trajectories. If it's a deep route, tap the button to lob it in over the top. Slants and stuff over the middle, hold the button to fire it in. Again, if I remember rightly, you can lead your throws now as well, so aim the ball where the DB isn't, essentially. For example, on a fade, you want to pass it to the back shoulder of the receiver.

    I came in here to post that I set up some new sliders, and although I need more testing, they're bloody great so far. I even saw penalties in practice. Defensive line is much more effective (I've previously had trouble getting Peppers to shed a single block), there's more of a difference between quality receivers, and physical guys like Brandon Marshall are actually playing physically. Seems to be fewer psychic reads too. Only issue I've noticed so far is that there are perhaps too many broken tackles, but I'm not sure if it's due to an unfair boost to runners or not enough help for tacklers.

    I'll post them up here tomorrow when I've got the game on again if anyone wants to try them.

    I would love to have a crack with your sliders Dragsy.

    The last time I played Madden, somewhere early December the game got killed for me thanks to a couple of sliders that caused me to throw 560 yards with McNabb and the other team to throw around 500 too.

    I want some nice sliders that have a balanced running/passing game and that also gives some nice defense.

  3. The idea of some alternate league sounds very fun indeed.

    In essence you could make an entire structure going from the UHL < ECHL < AHL < NHL and have the bottom and top teams relegate and promote into each league.

    The only problem would be how to fix youth players coming from Canada/Europe into the American leagues and the whole salary thing because any team dropping to the AHL will have huge salary cap issues.

  4. I don't think they'll make Clem the main protagonist. Everytime Lee failed to register an action on time, he got ripped apart by zombies and eaten and you'd have to restart from the beginning of the action sequence.. I doubt they'd do the same with Clem.

    They had a choice where Lee gets to rid Duck out of his miseries in Episode 3, I am pretty sure that they wouldn't have no problems in having Clem die either.

    Remember that the entire TWD franchise have never pulled any punches in letting children die in the comics, tv series and game.

  5. I dunno, I kinda would like if the story plopped forward a couple of years to show an older Clem who'se personality and mentality mirrors how you acted with Lee in the first game. But on the other side I would also like to have some new story all-together. Somewhere else in the country like in the west or up north around NY.

    Again I also want to have them give some clarity about what happened with Christa and Omid who depending on your choices will find Clem or not (you can send Clem somewhere else iirc).

    Quite honestly there are a lot of ways for the story and franchise to go, and knowing Telltale they will make it something amazing regardless if they stay with Clem or not.

    But just like Mike said above, they really made the ending feel like a passing of the torch to Clementine. And making her the PC in the next season would clearly be the most viable option if they want to start with a known backstory and also implementing the effects of S1.

    Can't wait regardless though.

  6. I love management sims and the idea of a hockey management game does hold appeal but it's the OOP thing that worries me.

    Found myself getting lost whenever I attempted an OOP game but loved the baseball Mogul game series. Granted the last Mogul game I played was 2008(or 09) possibly and the last OOP was around the same time and maybe things are different now.

    Well you would naturally have to play a demo or something of FHM like everyone else to get an idea of how the game will be...

    But from my experience with the OOTP series the game is a pretty big orgie of stats and attributes that runs very deep into its material. And it takes a bit of time for someone to get into a game and come to grips with the entire engine and how everything works and how far your abilities stretch in the game itself.

    It gives you a lot of freedoms in terms of finding players and scouting guys who fly under everyone's radar and also finding out where certain players are failing. But again, you can easily get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of data thrown at you.

    But for the moneyballers among us, OOTPDevelopments make amazing games that allow you to take Baseball (and soon Hockey) management to places that other games simply do not go...

    If you want a smaller orgie of stats and attributes, I can always suggest you to buy EHM07. The game is still actively updated every single season and there is a 2012/2013 update out there which gives you the ability to start in the present day without a problem.

  7. I saw a report of this game a couple of months ago and I was a bit skeptical, but then I found out it was from the same guys that make OOTP and it really makes me hopeful that it's going to become a great game.

    EHM07 still causes me to spend way too much hours of my life and if this is a worthy succesor I will be a very happy camper.

    These screenshots make me more hopeful, but I do hope there are more ratings than the 11 shown in the first Screenie, that would be a bit shallow ratings wise.

    My experience with the OOTP series has been little, but the things I took from it was that the game is pretty damn deep and the modding community is massive and easily accesible too. You can download every update in the game itself which makes it pretty idiot proof.

  8. 2457102497_81fd86ee1c.jpg

    I myself am in a game as the Duchy of Apulia.

    My first leader was Ennio de Apulia (after music legend Morricone) and I managed to conquer the island of Sicily and Malta from the mean muslim peoples.

    Just before he died I managed to create the Kingdom of Sicily and when he died his son Luigi took over the kingdom.

    Luigi I quickly made his presence felt in the first crusade of Jerusalem dumping my entire army at the holy city and managing to capture it and the pope gratefully awarded it to me, and I in turn gave it to Luigi's brother Mario.

    Luigi got maimed in the war though and it only took 2 years for him to find the grave and thus Mario I took over both Sicily and Jerusalem. And during his quest for glory he also managed to conquer modern day northern Libya to add around 5K extra troops to the domain and a nice foothold into the rest of northern africa.

    The problem now is that Mario is looking at the final years of his life and his deadbeat son Conone is looking to take the throne. The problem with him is that he is a count in Scotland, imprisoned for rebelling against the Scottish king and perhaps the toughest thing is that he is just a piece of shit who has stuff like Wroth and Cruel.

    So with Mario being close to death, and the odds of Conone dying before Mario being slim to none. I am most likely facing a huge kingdom crisis with plenty of vassals probably going to rebel when he ascends to power, and also the muslim hordes looking to profit from my kingdoms weakness by most likely jihading Jerusalem first chance they get.

    I can avoid a bit of the problem because Sicily is an electoral kingdom. But switching the King there would cause me to end up losing Jerusalem to a family member for life since the best dynasty members is a far flung cousin of Conone. I would lose a levy powerhouse in Jerusalem which would probably still be attacked by the Fatimid's next door, or I could try to survive with shitty Conone and try to keep both titles or split my kingdom trying.

    I am in a bit of a pickle, to trust in Conone's ineptitude or to hand Sicily over to a more effective family member causing me to lose control over Jersusalem... Decisions, decisions.

  9. I just started playing this, it's going to take awhile to figure out isn't it? I started a game as the Holy Roman Emperor but the task is so daunting in the sense that there's so much to pay attention to I think I'll be better off with a smaller-sized game. Any recommendations from anyone?

    The HRE is a daunting way to start out for sure, since you get thrown into the biggest backstabbing pool of dukedoms, kingdoms and whatnot. Everyone wants to become ''the chief'' and most of the time you have a hard time keeping control of the situations.

    I have found the most enjoying beginner games being either an Irish Count, it's a nice way to start at the bottom and work your way to Dukedom and eventual kingdom.

    France is another example of starting out like a king, but not without eventual problems due to the dynasty starting as a kid with some extremely strong and backstabbey vassals.

    One of the three Spanish king is a nice way to dip your toes into being a king, having family around you and also being able to fight the muslim hordes for the middle and south of the Iberian Peninsula. And it's pretty fool proof since even if your direct family dies, you continue stronger as one of your brother kings to the side of you.

    Finally maybe a country like Poland if you like to start out in the east, Poland is a good spot because you get to fight plenty of pagans to the north and east of you. And gives you plenty of time to forge a strong family by marrying around with the likes of Hungary and Croatia for strong allies for the greedy danes, the Orthodox kingdoms and also the eventual arrival of the Mongol hordes.

    An intermediate challenge would be the Duchy of Apulia, you get to fight the Muslims in Sicily and the north of africa, and also give you close proximity to Jerusalem if you want to mix into the crusades and gives you the long term goal of uniting Italy under one King.

  10. About the orphanage, which I managed to do suit only, no kill/no stun runthrough.

    You can wait for the two guys at the shaft to walk away, then you can go downstairs to get the first fuse. Then you go back upstairs again and the guard at the door does not see you for some stupid reason making you able to sneak into the other room and take the second fuse. Then you wait for the guy at the stairs to walk over and look at the wall, go downstairs and go into the airshaft. Wait for the guy to walk around the counter and you can snatch the third fuse. Then you just walk all the way around the library thing and go into the medicine locker and take the fourth fuse... Then you just have to sneak all the way back around to where you found the first fuse and sneak your way in and use the fuses on the switchbox.

  11. Ok I have broken the game.

    Playing a player CCM using Donovan McNabb who was signed by the Bears. And I was playing the Bengals in the second week... And well, let me just pull out the stats.

    total yards 585-744

    pass yards 560-604

    Dalton 130.6 604yds 7td 1int

    McNabb 87.6 560yds 5td 1int

    To put it bluntly, both me and the AI just decided to go apeshit on offense and we both ended up beating van Brocklin's yard record and Dalton just completely demolishing it entirely...

    Needless to say, I won't be starting that CCM anymore, mental

  12. Also Shaun Hastings must get his spin offs just for his amazing banter outside the Animus and also in all the little history articlelessons.

    I loved Shaun in 2 and hood. But he really is shining out as an amazing comic relief in this game. Realy, the articles are great with his sarcastic comments and making wisecracks. Makes it a joy to read all the database entries when I finish a sequence.

    Did they have those history animus popup things in the older games? I feel like I must have never cared if so, but I love them this time around.

    As far as I know they have had it in 2,B,R. Not sure about the first game, but the snark factor has been turned on big time in AC3. Gotta love Shaun Hastings making wisecracks about stuff.

  13. Also Shaun Hastings must get his spin offs just for his amazing banter outside the Animus and also in all the little history articlelessons.

    I loved Shaun in 2 and hood. But he really is shining out as an amazing comic relief in this game. Realy, the articles are great with his sarcastic comments and making wisecracks. Makes it a joy to read all the database entries when I finish a sequence.

  14. I just finished the prologue bit (till the end of Seq3)

    Pretty freaking big spoilers ahead.

    Holy fucking shit I didn't see that twist coming at all.

    You play the entire time thinking Haytam is an Assassin, then they throw that curveball in your face on the end showing he and his possé where actually templars.

    I gotta say that I never saw it coming, I never suspected Kenway to be a Templar, and after they inducted Lee into the Templar Brotherhood I just sat there going ''WOAAAAAH".

    I hope the story continues to be great, because I loved Haytam's story, I simply cannot hate any of the guys like Lee, Pitcairn etc.

    hey actually made me love Templars. Ubisoft did a stellar job in humanising them and make them less of a true evil entity.

  15. My wife says she's leaving me because of my obsession with Football Manager.

    In my defence, I've got Dani Alves, Kompany, Vidic and Lahm.

    Please, just put your wife on the unwanted list and have the dof sell her for a nice price. Good for the team coffers. smug.gif

  16. I really really hope they are going to update/fix the match engine when the game releases tomorrow.

    I like FM13 a lot, but one thing that has been frustrating me to no end is the sheer brutal difficulty of the AI in classic mode.

    Playing with Twente it doesn't matter if I step up against a shit amateur or a team like Ajax, they all kick my ass across the pitch and most of the time I end up either inching a victory or just flat out losing. I also draw way too much.

    I have tried multiple tactics across multiple saves, but nothing really solidly works. Even though that makes it fun in a sense that I can't just use one tactic as the ultimate win button, but seeing a team that should be top 5 sit in 12th place because every team is dominating me is just not fun.

    Also seeing amateur sides play one-touch football that would make Xavi jealous is also just plain damn stupid.

    The game is freaking brutal in the cheap kind of way.

    Nah, you're just crap. ^_^

    Or that...

    But it's just jarring because in FM12 I was succesfull, I didn't dominate everything and I am pretty sure I haven't won a CL in 12, but I was succesfull nonetheless.

    But in FM13 I am just pure dissapoint in every single way, my team gets dominated by minnows and giants alike and when my team isn't shooting +70% from long range, then they are derping around defense and letting Roda JC win 4-1 over my Twente side...

    I am all for a challenge and all, but I just feel that either the AI is being given buffs, or the engine is just causing my players to play like utter retards...

    And it doesn't really matter if I am playing 532, 442, 451 or whatever, I am struggling with top 4 teams against everything and everyone.

    I'll have a look at the Twente squad tomorrow and hand down some magic.

    Thank you FM Jesus.

  17. I really really hope they are going to update/fix the match engine when the game releases tomorrow.

    I like FM13 a lot, but one thing that has been frustrating me to no end is the sheer brutal difficulty of the AI in classic mode.

    Playing with Twente it doesn't matter if I step up against a shit amateur or a team like Ajax, they all kick my ass across the pitch and most of the time I end up either inching a victory or just flat out losing. I also draw way too much.

    I have tried multiple tactics across multiple saves, but nothing really solidly works. Even though that makes it fun in a sense that I can't just use one tactic as the ultimate win button, but seeing a team that should be top 5 sit in 12th place because every team is dominating me is just not fun.

    Also seeing amateur sides play one-touch football that would make Xavi jealous is also just plain damn stupid.

    The game is freaking brutal in the cheap kind of way.

    Nah, you're just crap. ^_^

    Or that...

    But it's just jarring because in FM12 I was succesfull, I didn't dominate everything and I am pretty sure I haven't won a CL in 12, but I was succesfull nonetheless.

    But in FM13 I am just pure dissapoint in every single way, my team gets dominated by minnows and giants alike and when my team isn't shooting +70% from long range, then they are derping around defense and letting Roda JC win 4-1 over my Twente side...

    I am all for a challenge and all, but I just feel that either the AI is being given buffs, or the engine is just causing my players to play like utter retards...

    And it doesn't really matter if I am playing 532, 442, 451 or whatever, I am struggling with top 4 teams against everything and everyone.

  18. I really really hope they are going to update/fix the match engine when the game releases tomorrow.

    I like FM13 a lot, but one thing that has been frustrating me to no end is the sheer brutal difficulty of the AI in classic mode.

    Playing with Twente it doesn't matter if I step up against a shit amateur or a team like Ajax, they all kick my ass across the pitch and most of the time I end up either inching a victory or just flat out losing. I also draw way too much.

    I have tried multiple tactics across multiple saves, but nothing really solidly works. Even though that makes it fun in a sense that I can't just use one tactic as the ultimate win button, but seeing a team that should be top 5 sit in 12th place because every team is dominating me is just not fun.

    Also seeing amateur sides play one-touch football that would make Xavi jealous is also just plain damn stupid.

    The game is freaking brutal in the cheap kind of way.

  19. Quite honestly I think Houston got the short end of the stick with the Harden trade.

    Harden is a great shooter and scorer, and he will prove to be electric for the Rockets together with Jeremy Lin. But you gotta believe that a lot of big teams are already looking at him to go onto free agency next season. And you gotta believe that Harden wants to return to a contending team rather than rebuild with the Rockets.

    A team like the Mavericks have been working their wage bill to get a guy like Harden, who could arguably kickstart the aging franchise. Same goes with other older teams like the Spurs and maybe even the Lakers if Kobe decided the call it quits early (which he wont).

    On the other hand of the deal the Thunder get a 19ppg scorer and a good shooting guard talent. And also two mid-range to lottery first round draft picks, and seeing Thunder's track record with drafting people. Those picks could end up becoming the most valuable things in their hands.

    K-Mart might be a bit iffy with his injury track record. But you can't deny his accuracte shooting that was on-par with Harden's shooting. And with Mart's own contract running out, the ball is in his court to play even better to get that extension.

    Jeremy Lamb is a bit unproven and very young, but the Thunder are the perfect team for young players because if you look at guys like Thabo Sefolosha and Ibaka, they can create good/great players out of servicable ones.

    So I feel that Thunder hardly lost any firepower on offense and they got a lot of long term strength in return.

    And they also haven't created a precedent in giving Harden big bucks whilst Brook and Durant took less money to stay.

  20. Also it's become a rarity to see a goal that doesn't come from the ball being crossed in. So many free headers, both ways.

    Can't say I share your experiences.

    I have quite a tough time getting into a groove with PSV.

    I even got kicked out of the Europa League in the first qualification round, by some Bosnian minnow.

    The problem which I seem to be facing is my teams OCD'ic long shooting. I have told all my players to ''rarely'' shoot from range, but they still shoot 15 out of 20 shots from way outside the box...

    Extremely annoying and frustrating.

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