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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. I still to this day have never seen any evidence to suggest Arjen Robben is the world class player he's supposed to be.

    As a half-dutchman I can attest to saying that Robben is a big-game choker through and through.

    He likes to choke in finals. See WC10, see last year champions league.

    Edit: Weidenfeller you sexy beast you, Is there a shot you can't stop?

  2. If they fix the ridiculous match engine and turn the players back into actual players rather than down sufferers, then this is a day 1 buy for me.

    Really, I am tired of most of the goals in this game being caused by stupid sub-amateur mistakes rather than player skill.

    Also, training needs to be overhauled again because 13's isn't an improvement over the old system.
    I just hope they really improve the game over 13's version and have it be more like 12 in terms of enjoyability, I will get it regardless but yeah... I want a game that doesn't feel like purgatory at times.

  3. I can't be the only one to find this a letdown.

    ...and I wasn't even excited for the announcement.

    It was exactly what I was expecting to happen, lots of fluff and smoke but not a lot of actual stuff you can do something with.

    Every trailer is CGI'd up to 11 and actual gamefootage from the new Xbox isn't there. It's the usual hypetrain and it's going to take a while before we actually get treated to proper footage.

  4. How can we end up fucking 9th? WTF? EUROPE YOU SUCK!!

    Well after 9 years of no finals I feel 9th place is enough reason to party, even though they could have easily gotten a few spots higher. But top 10 is an accomplishment for sure, hopefully the Dutch will keep sending in good acts instead of the carnival stuff from previous years.

  5. The UK was terrible, and I am glad to be part-dutch so half of me has a right to be happy.

    Edit: The finest moment of the show for me was no doubt the Greek and their bat shit crazy song and antics.


  6. Eh, stick moves. Color me not impressed or interested at all.

    Knowing EA, there still won't be any sort of power running and you will still get stuffed by everyone and their grandmothers because the O-Line can't make an alley to save their lifes.

  7. I hope someone has some suggestions for me because I am getting very desperate, very fast with FM13.

    The thing that is making me desperate is the ungodly terrible defending displayed by every team I managed, regardless of playing with 3, 4 or 5 defenders in a formation.

    You got defenders not clearing the ball when they should, instead dwelling on the ball until they get dispossessed in their own box or failing a simple backpass which instead gets intercepted for an easy shot at goal.

    Then you got low crosses into the box that somehow land on your defenders feet, but they proceed to stand there like drooling idiots so that the striker can run in and smash it past your goalie.

    Oh, I almost forgot defenders forgetting to mark anyone during corner kicks or long range free kick crosses, again resulting in easy goals for the opposition.

    And it's not like my defense are inept, on the contrary. I have build my defense around all round good players who have good concentrations and better technical/physical skills. But even those top class defenders can't help it to make mistakes most amateur teams wouldn't even make.

    I am getting very desperate and extremely jaded with playing FM13 right now, and I really want to have a proper game where I win with skill, and lose matches because the other team played a better game and not because my defenders couldn't clear a ball into the stands.

    I just had to rant a little bit, because I am getting really tired of losing due to idiotic mistakes and not through a better skilled opponent.

  8. That toe injury was absolutely horrific to see, jesus that could have lost him the match if he hadn't finished him before the round was over.

    That said, Jones showed again he was dominant by outwrestling the wrestler and Sonnen simply wasn't good enough. Sonnen really needs to contemplate his career, since he can't compete against the champions of both his weight classes and I am certain he wont win against GSP either if he went down that route.

    Contender wise, Lyoto has the next shot at the title after he defeated Hendo 2 months ago so I am sure they will square off near the end of this year. Even though Lyoto is a great fighter, I can't see why this would be any different than the last fight. He rocked Jones, but he got absolutely owned afterwards for it.

    Hendo is a guy who I want to see get into the mix after the Lyoto Vs. Jones fight. Against both guys he would have a great story to work, Lyoto won a controversial split decision over him and against Jones he is the prototype ''New Blood Vs. Old Blood" fight.

    Also, Roy Nelson is a freaking beast.


  9. Eh, the whole manager signing logic is absolutely nutters in FM13. (And it wasn't all that good to begin with).

    The amount of managers taking worse jobs or leaving for no good reason is staggering.

    Two big examples where Louis van Gaal retiring from management after the first year ended, he wasn't fired and he run through every game. But he just decided to retire for no reason at all. And then getting succeeded by fired Schalke manager Huub Stevens >_>

    And then David Moyes decides to quit the Everton job to take a much much more prestigious job, of managing Reading in the Championship. Again, he wasn't fired and wasn't playing shit either. He just decided to leave for Reading.

    Also the amount of revolving door signings are infuriating at times. Wenger got fired from Arsenal, they sign the Milan manager and Milan signs Wenger immediately after.

    I am pretty sure lots of teams would be interested in Wenger, but not after you crashed Arsenal to the 14th place in the Premiership. But in FM every manager who got sacked gets a new job at a team of the same quality without ever having to build himself back up, granted Wenger doesn't need to prove himself but there are plenty of signings that are worth serious headscratching.

    Just the whole signing logic needs to be fixed because I am tired seeing 20 or so top teams swap managers every october-november-december.

  10. 41131

    It's the future.

    I dabbled with 41131's a bit, but I never just went full Hulkamania on the Premiership before.

    The amount of ridiculousness in this thread is really rising to a boiling point.

    What's next, someone winning the Champions League with Linfield?

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