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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. Did they ever fix France being completely dominant in EU3? Hearing that ALL the damn time put me off it.

    There are a bunch of mods that depowers France a little bit, making it a bit more fractured and a bit harder to unite the lands and became a massive unstoppable blob of wine and cheese.

  2. The only F1 game I liked was I think the first one to be released on the original Playstation.

    Even though I am utterly shite at driving games, I had so much fun with that one. Every F1 game after that, that I played, I'd go off the corners no matter how many of the driving aids I had on. :(

    The reason you go off the corners might be because you aren't braking (enough) before going into the corners. The best mantra is ''Slow in, Fast out'', brake strongly and roll through the corner and then slam on the gas.

    And pretty much never start hitting the gas when you are in the corner, that's a one way ticket into the gravel trap/grass/barrier.

    And besides, you know who also goes off every corner and still is succesfull? Romain Grosjean, so I am sure whatever happens you are going to be alright Wabbitman.

    • Like 1
  3. Eh, I like Sword of Islam as well. I haven't really dove into Legacy of Rome or Republic (and I don't have the Aztec one). But I would at least get Sword of Islam and Old Gods.

    I wouldn't take Republic or the Aztec ones, Republic for me has been a real dud and I haven't even gotten Aztec because it just sounds like something that a guy made as a mod or something.

    Republic as a whole is a fun concept that adds some fun stuff, like being able to terrorize republics and steal their shit when you need to finance your next HW, but the playable aspect of Republic is stupid and way too easy to work yourself into world domination and millions of ducats. Just focus on throwing basic Trading Posts everywhere and you are set for life because your rivals can't grow and you can buy every election.

    Legacy of Rome adds some fun stuff that fleshes out the Byzantine Blob a bit, but it really lacks that ''must have'' factor. Sword and Old Gods have been the best for me no doubt about it, just being able to play anything else than the two main christian religions is a god sent (no pun intended).

  4. My first Steam sale experience, so I made a rookie mistake. Bought NBA 2k13 yesterday as it was 50% off. Was craving a basketball game. Now it's a flash sale and 75% off. Ah well. Was only like $7 extra,

    Just a general tip I adhere by. If they are ''normal deals'' which you want, toss em on your wishlist. That way you get informed if it becomes a flash sale. The ''normal deals'' last throughout the entire summer sale, so if it never get flashed you can always pick it up on the final day.

    • Like 1
  5. To continue on the Bargnani stuff, I do think he will give more than no fucks coming season now that he is with the Knicks.

    Last season was just appalling and it was obvious that he gave no fucks at all to play for the Raptors and wanted to be out of there as soon as possible. Now he got his wish and he is on a playoff bound team and that alone should give him a lot more motivation to give it more than 10% like he did last year.

    And adding less pressure in New York because he gets to play behind Stoudamire and Chandler, he can focus on doing his thing off the bench and be a useful deep threat that can stretch out defenses just by standing around.
    He will never be a franchise guy, but I am sure he will be an efficient asset for the Knicks, or completely flop entirely and make this his last team in the NBA. One or the other.

  6. So, I fired up a new game last night, and it was fun! As usual, I started in northern Ireland, and while it took a few years to get any claims, I soon conquered the top 4 areas. I even passed a law that allowed women to be the heirs! That's a new feature, and I like it! Problem with that though?

    Complications with child birth.

    It seems when she gave birth to an heir, both her and the child died, so my game ended :(

    But, the main reason for this post: Has anyone been playing any interesting mods lately? And, where else is a good place to start? I like Ireland because I don't have to worry about a million different things and having my people rebel right away (and I can take my neighbors land relatively easily). And the DLC, pretty good? I figure it might go on sale this week or next, so I might grab it.

    Well for the mods that stay in the real world, Prince and the Thane is a good one which adds a lot of nice stuff and adds some changes to teaching and trait gain. It also adds duels during battles where you can defeat an army in one duel (or get your leader killed).

    CK2+ is another mod that adds a lot of stuff but CK2+ makes the game a lot harder and generally makes life as a lord much deadlier. It makes Crown Authority very hard to improve, less holy warring, harder religion/culture convert and also smaller demesne sizes for everyone.

    For the fantasy mods I can only suggest the Game of Thrones mod that adds the entire westeros continent, I haven't played myself but I have seen a few vids and it looks absolutely amazing. They are currently working on implementing Essos.

    Duels? That sounds badass! Does Prince and Thane work with CK2+?

    Nope it's one or the other, you can always try but I think it would be a huge clusterfuck.

  7. So, I fired up a new game last night, and it was fun! As usual, I started in northern Ireland, and while it took a few years to get any claims, I soon conquered the top 4 areas. I even passed a law that allowed women to be the heirs! That's a new feature, and I like it! Problem with that though?

    Complications with child birth.

    It seems when she gave birth to an heir, both her and the child died, so my game ended :(

    But, the main reason for this post: Has anyone been playing any interesting mods lately? And, where else is a good place to start? I like Ireland because I don't have to worry about a million different things and having my people rebel right away (and I can take my neighbors land relatively easily). And the DLC, pretty good? I figure it might go on sale this week or next, so I might grab it.

    Well for the mods that stay in the real world, Prince and the Thane is a good one which adds a lot of nice stuff and adds some changes to teaching and trait gain. It also adds duels during battles where you can defeat an army in one duel (or get your leader killed).

    CK2+ is another mod that adds a lot of stuff but CK2+ makes the game a lot harder and generally makes life as a lord much deadlier. It makes Crown Authority very hard to improve, less holy warring, harder religion/culture convert and also smaller demesne sizes for everyone.

    For the fantasy mods I can only suggest the Game of Thrones mod that adds the entire westeros continent, I haven't played myself but I have seen a few vids and it looks absolutely amazing. They are currently working on implementing Essos.

  8. So has Alonso been given a fine for not bringing the car back into the pitlane after the race? I am pretty sure there was a rule somewhere that basically tells that you need to get your car back and not park it with an empty tank at the end of the first straight.

    And on that Massa news, I wonder how the hell he keeps hanging around at Ferrari with his dissapointing record of never being any sort of championship danger in the past 5 years.
    But I guess part of him being a part of the furniture is probably a care-free contract and someone who won't rival Alonso.

    But in terms of professional results, it's a miracle he hasn't been canned and replaced with a younger guy. Especially this year where a guy like PdR would probably drive top 5 with a faster car.

  9. Devin Harris returns to the Mavs. 3 yrs/$9M

    I don't really ''get'' why Cuban has gone for Devin Harris.

    With José Calderón pegged as the starting PG, and with Larkin probably becoming 2nd to learn from Calderon I don't see where Harris would fit in.

    He doesn't score as much as he did 6 years ago and he doesn't get as much assists as he did back then.

    Granted, if there is one team that can revive a career it's with the Mavs, but you would think Cuban would rather throw those 3M a year towards a new center instead. Or at least try to get a swingman to cover VC and Shawn...

  10. RPS, if you could give me a spoilerless answer to this question I have about 400 days.

    You have played it, how much of your season 1 choices did you see in 400 days? Where they a lot and did they have a big part, or where they minor/nothing?

    I am wondering because I haven't got TWDs1 on my system anymore and I dont feel like playing through the main game just to play 400 days.

  11. Maybe they have adopted the Ryland pricing scheme? So you can pay 20 bucks for a game that is 4 years old, 25 for the 3 year old, 30 for the 2 year old, 35 for last years game and 40 for the newest game.

  12. Eh the whole Pirelli stuff is just pretty damn banal throughout.

    Every driver is entitled their opinion, but when the top 3 are the ones complaining about tyre wear whilst they are leading the standards (Vettel reasonably comfortable too), I don't feel it's warranted to complain about tyre wear.

    Personally I feel they need to get off their high horses and do what all the teams before them have done, adapt to the new way and look to get the most out of it.

    One of the reasons personally that some drivers are underperforming is just a culmination of the cars becoming closer and closer in terms of competitiveness and you are seeing guys like Button falter because there are some great talented drivers out there, better than Button arguably. PdR will probably be a leading name to take Button's seat away when the season is over.

  13. I doubt we will be seeing Lilly back, since she was also a cameo from the comic books. She ends up shooting the governor dead.

    The boat guys, maybe but I really don't think so.

    Irene dies, she gets a bullet to the brain regardless of your choice.

    Molly never visibly gets killed and if you leave her behind her fate remains unknown. But I doubt she is dead either way.

  14. Well, as it seems to be season one dlc it would not surprise me if we meet them over the course of this episode. I think on of the guys in this trailer was with the sick people we met in Episode 4. Clem would be rather big, Especially if we follow several storys (even if this ends up being two houres thats not a lot of time per character) i sort of only see her hinted at or as a cliffhanger.

    There is a lot of fun stuff that could happen if it´s "just one" episode and several player characters. It´s even more of an no one is save situation. With 400 days it might be much closer to were the comic is at right now.

    I am happy that "a little bit more" that was promised seems to turn out as a lot more.

    Amen to that Matzat.

    I really hope they deliver with this episode and I would love it if they have Season 1 choices affect this episode and also choices in this one affect what happens in Season 2. That would really make this amazing.

  15. I wish people would stop complaining about what a fictional terror is and isn't capable of doing.

    Actually, I'm against infected running because every game has infected running, and if the two enemies are humans and infected, and humans are also capable of running, it'd add a nice element if the infected were slower more silent. That's all. Nothing to do with Romero fanboy rage or anything like that.

    This, the (comic) Walking Dead explanation is really the best one given too. That most people think they can outrun them, but because they are silent and inconspicious you can suddenly end up being surrounded by more zombies/infected/pandas than you foresaw.

  16. I am really interested in how this will stack up against FIFA, especially PES13 and now this version have really been making strides again in being a fun alternative to FIFA, and with EA kinda phoning it in with Fifa13 I can see PES14 being a big title in the new rivalry.

    I hope they will release gameplay footage soon because that teaser trailer is really nothing at all.

    In the meanwhile I am sticking to PES13 ML with smoke patch, helluva lot of fun!

  17. I think Jurgen Klopp will be back in a final sooner rather than later, dude is like 45 years old and already regarded as one of the best managers out there. He turned Dortmund from a struggling midtabler to a downright superpower.

    I just hope they can find a way to replace the costly losses of Götze and also Lewandowski who has demanded to leave.

    And it's over, shame for Dortmund but Bayern finally get their much wanted CL title they failed to get 2 times before.

    The treble is complete, fair play to Bayern and old man Heynckes.

    The German Cup final hasn't happened yet. >_>

    Ah never mind then, I thought they already won that.

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