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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. So I'm starting X and Wonder Trade is the greatest thing ever. I just got a Level 1 Bagon with an incredible moveset.

    I feel bad that I'm giving people Combees but that's all I have to offer.

    A friend of mine got all the starters from all games in like under 5 minutes thanks to WT. And the only thing he was throwing in there was shitty starting city pokemons for it.

    It sounds like it could be nice, but it also feels like it defeats the purpose of the game in trying to catch and properly train your pokemon...

    But I have no idea, since I don't own the new games... *Proudly holds PokeSilver*

  2. See if they'll take him for 50

    Knowing FM, they won't haggle for the ''mere'' 1.5M extra.

    That said, I wish PSG would offer 48.5M for my ''future star'' newgens, the Portuguese league is a money trap and I am forced to have the lowest wage of the league just to make a decent profit.

  3. You know, I really love TellTale games. But that's my biggest gripe right now, the promise of bi-monthly episodes, but it being delayed more often than not.

    With the addition of GOT and Borderlands, they are stretching themselves even further thin and even though the stories aren't suffering, us fans are suffering under the wait.

    They would be better off splitting the 4 series into distinct pairings. Fables/TWD in the winter/spring, GOT/Borderlands in the summer/winter and so on.

    That way there is a reasonable schedule set and fans know what to expect. They also won't have to work on 4 games at the same freaking time, which for a small company is just insane.

  4. Since TellTale is producing a massive amount of ''seasons'' games, I feel this thread might be warranted to just generally talk about all the announcements and whatnot. Maybe once it's released we can make additional threads for the respective game depending on the popularity here.

    Sooo, a plethora of games are upcoming. Here are the trailers of the four running ''series'' that TellTale is making...

    Tales of The Borderlands: (Borderlands 2.5)

    Game of Thrones:

    The Wolf Among Us: (Fables) (Thread: )

    The Walking Dead Season 2: (Thread: )

    Like usual, I am completely hype for all four series and I go crazy every time I finish an episode and I need to wait over a month for the next one. And with the addition of Game of Thrones AND a Borderlands game, it's going to be an insane point and click year for me.

  5. So I decided to create a tactic (4-1-2-2-1), and going into my first home game of the season I expected it to be a pathetic failure of the usual variety...



    Eight fucking zero for me!

    The only missed shot was a hopeless long-range bomb, the others where all amazing shots in their own right.

    Needless to say i'm shocked...

    • Like 1
  6. On the Dana White stuff, Be pretty much hit the nail right on it's head.

    Despite him being somewhat of a genius in the way he put UFC into the position it is today, he's now hurting the company by being an arrogant douchenozzle who thinks he is the booking jesus of MMA. Trying to bully and goad fighters into signing deals or doing fights that make no sense by shitting on them in the media is not how you do business in any company; sports or otherwise.

    He wants Overeem to fight JDS after the former went 1-2 in the past two years? Dos Santos whose only losses come from the current Heavyweight Champion. That's a lopsided fight if there ever was any, and the way Dana tries to bully Overeem into taking the fight by ''calling him out'' in the media, that's just a quick way to lose talent. And now it has come to a point that he does it after almost every single show just to gain more exposure to the company, bad exposure at that.

    Right now I rather see UFC cut their losses and shove Dana into the background more and put someone else in front of the cameras who doesn't do stupid shit like that... A guy like Kenny Florian has been part of the UFC as a fighter and as a personality for a while now, and he is likeable enough to become the PR guy of the company. More examples can be thought of of course.

  7. UFC 170 Prediction Sheet

    Ronda Rousey vs. Sara McMann

    Daniel Cormier vs. Patrick Cummins

    Rory MacDonald vs. Demian Maia

    Mike Pyle vs. TJ Waldburger

    Robert Whittaker vs. Stephen Thompson

    Alexis Davis vs. Jessica Eye

    Zach Makovsky vs. Josh Sampo

    Rafaello Oliveira vs. Eric Koch

    Bonus Questions

    1) Rousey / McMann / Even

    2) More Decisions / More Finishes

    (No words on the Cormier replacement, put a 13-0 fighter against a last minute scrub who no one has ever heard of... Just a joke really)


  8. Just firefox and media player. It seems to be playing normal though. Could have just been because my laptop was charging, whereas it's usually full when I see that screen.

    Browsers are massive memory whores, so if you got a lot of tabs open it can bring your ''performance'' down a notch.

  9. Yeah it was apparently at Pablo Popovitch MMA Academy. MMA guy or not, putting a gun in your wife's mouth and calling out her boyfriend so you can kill him is psycho. Doesn't matter how you slice that.

    This, basically...

    Just too bad that the media will spin it whatever way they can to make MMA look bad as a result.

  10. Yeah, it was a pretty weak show overall. But jesus christ, that opener KO was just absolutely fucking brutal.

    Also, good to see Reem winning again and he looked in much better shape throughout the fight as opposed to his previous few fights. He paced himself well and he just mugged Mir... I was just cringing throughout because Mir was getting his face mushed in at will. And right now Overeem looks in the best shape since his actual UFC debut, if that Lesnar rumour is true and he returns, I can't see him beat a smarter Overeem.

    Also, more angles and more slow-mo gif of that filthy KO.


  11. Dana said she was "attacked by a male fighter at her gym" which sounds very scary, or a very bad choice of words.

    I honestly can't see how she'll be able to come back from that much damage.

    Modern medical science can do a lot of wonderful things. See Adrian Peterson returning from ACL/MCL surgery and being better than before.

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