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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. I always found OOTP to be a bit too complicated...I prefer Baseball Mogul. I've had the same game running since 2012 and, in game, I'm in 2017

    Baseball Mogul is a fun albeit flawed game. And I can totally understand why people play that over OOTP due to it being a lot more pick up and play.

    On the other hand, someone like me who at times feels that FM14 isn't detailed enough relishes at the prospect of playing a game like OOTP... Although the game is crazy detailed even by FM14 standards.

  2. Well let's see how Lanky and I got on...

    Ray Smithson (P21) and Chris Dewing (P20) were in the battle for position and Ray Smithson (P21) got through!


    Chris Dewing (P17) was fighting with Ray Smithson (P16) for position and did overtake him!


    Ray Smithson (P14) crashed after a driver mistake!


    Chris Dewing (P15) had a problem with the geometry of the chassis and stopped the car. Chris Dewing (P15) is out of the race!


    In more positive news I finished 9th in one race today after a late safety car allowed me to put my insane overtaking skills to good use. I still make a mistake on almost every lap though, how do I stop that?

    You can prevent mistakes first and foremost by having good mental skills, concentration and so on.

    Also putting risky drive lower no doubt helps so he won't go aggro and try silly actions.

    Edit: Also, yay a second page!

  3. Qualified 23rd and 22nd for my first two races. :/

    If it's a custom race, it's gonna happen a lot and don't expect much better until your driver starts catching up with his training. I have gotten a 10th spot in what are just about as many races really. Custom's are filled with all sorts, including guys that are punching way below their weight class. They do that to get better set-up's in general, since Custom's don't give a lot of money (or anything).

    Rookie Series are a whole lot more open for having a fair shake, but that also depends solely on your driver skill and my shitty Int+Man build isn't going to compete a lot in the next few seasons.

    Also, learned a new thing... Apparently you can have multiple sponsors, so now I got 2 sponsors paying me around 11K a month making me an actual profit of 2K whilst having two staff members on the books.

  4. Probably not, some idiot will probably try to over take you on the second or third bend and crash into you again!

    Just logged in to see me and Chris2k will be meeting on the track later today. He's qualified a couple of places above me but not by much, tweaked the car a bit in practice and got a quicker time than him so we'll see how that translates for the race!

    Probably a huge fireball...

  5. Just uploaded 18 set-up pics of mine, 12 tracks in total, all F3. Feel free to tinker with them as you please.


    The 12 included into the pack are...

    Bulawayo, Charlotte, Estoril, Guapore, Iowa, Laguna Seca, Le Mans long, Okayama, Pocono, Red Bull Ring, Slovakiaring, Yas Marina

    Maybe we should think of forming a sort of library of setups, to make sure EWB drivers get the best possible chances :D

  6. UFC 172: Jones vs. Teixeira Prediction Sheet

    Jon Jones vs. Glover Teixeira

    Phil Davis vs. Anthony Johnson

    Luke Rockhold vs. Tim Boetsch

    Jim Miller vs. Yancy Medeiros

    Max Holloway vs. Andre Fili

    Joseph Benavidez vs. Tim Elliott

    Takanori Gomi vs. Isaac Vallie-Flagg

    Danny Castillo vs. Charlie Brenneman

    Bonus Questions

    1) Jones / Teixeira

    2) YES / NO

    Come on baby, one point difference. It's on like donkey kong!

  7. Hey Chris, I see you did 65 laps at Okayama. You can easily get around 100 out of one set of tyres, you will rip them to ribbons but it's only practice so I don't care about setting times. My single set of slicks are at 0% after using them for 103 laps.

    And awesome helmet design btw.

  8. Watching the qualifying is pretty fun. It would probably be more fun if I hadn't qualified 21st and 27th.

    I've upgraded to the fully licenced thing already purely because I'd rather get the full experience, I've decorated my F3 car with a Charizard motif and my private car with a Pikachu livery. Got to stick to my gimmick.

    Ha, that sounds freaking awesome man.

    So what can you say about the license features? Just wondering.

  9. Have you heard of Grand Prix Racing Online (GPRO)? I just started playing that a week ago. It's pretty good.

    I actually came across it and tried it out, but the thought of having a huge amount of drivers take part in a single race felt a little too meh for me.

    In MRC it's done ''realistically'' where there are a certain number of grid places that can be filled for the race. A race can only have a maximum of 30 drivers partaking, and the series itself feel more like an actual season of driving against another group of drivers.

    Fair enough. It's not everyone's cup of tea. Different strokes for different folks. Like, I personally didn't care for MRC. But I like GPRO a bunch. GPRO can only have 30 racers max to a class. But it's a pyramid system. You start at the Rookie class and work your way up to Elite.

    Just thought I'd mention it, because of the thread title and everything. :P

    No problem man, like you said; different strokes.

  10. Have you heard of Grand Prix Racing Online (GPRO)? I just started playing that a week ago. It's pretty good.

    I actually came across it and tried it out, but the thought of having a huge amount of drivers take part in a single race felt a little too meh for me.

    In MRC it's done ''realistically'' where there are a certain number of grid places that can be filled for the race. A race can only have a maximum of 30 drivers partaking, and the series itself feel more like an actual season of driving against another group of drivers.

  11. Nice. There isn't a user search function in the game as far as i've seen, so i'm just dropping my user link here.


    Some general tips from me to people reading this and playing along...

    General Tip:

    - A season lasts 77 days which are 11 weeks in total, so there are just under 5 seasons a calendar year.

    - You can pay for a superlicense which gives you nice features, but I have noticed that it's not a win button and you can just as easily succeed without it.

    - Try to be signed up to 2 races and 2 series at all times, it maximizes your ability to create and tweak setups and also increases your odds to make bonus money through race bonuses.

    Setup and Racing tips:

    - For free practice set your driving style to something very safe, low tyre aggro/tech aggro etc. Since if you make a mistake you will miss 1 stint of practice which will cost you a precious chance to tune your setup.

    - Also try to find a good balance between driving a lot of laps and not have your driver make mistakes. A driver with 50 in all driving skills is best suited to drive around 15 laps a stint, but depending on track size it may be more or less. (Smaller = more, longer = less).

    - For Qualification, try to use Tyres 2-3 and set tyre aggro to the max, big chance are that you won't use the tyres and your guy only drives 2 laps in every Q session so even with full aggro the tyres will stay fresh.

    - For Races use tyres 4-5 and try to find a nice balance in tyre aggro (I use 70-80 depending on the track and my findings in Qualifying). Tyre wear numbers are the same for every lap so even with 2 laps driven you can see how much a track will work your tyres.

    - Risky drive usage depends a lot on your drivers skill, mental skills are the most important factor in determining the success (or failure) of driving risky. And in the early seasons it might be more prudent to drive safe and experiment with what works rather than try to dominate against more skilled drivers.

    - Before every race you can have another 1 stint of practice to tweak your setup for a final time before the actual race, be sure to use it and improve your setup even more.

    - You need a superlicense to be able to save setups, but I myself use the windows snipping tool to cut out the setup and then save it to a designated map under their track names and setup revision (e.g. Estoril 1, Estoril 2 etc.), that way you can keep your setups without spending cash.

    - Setups do not change over time, a F3 setup at Spa will be just as effective the next time around, I have not yet figured out the exact effects of wet weather but it would probably be prudent to employ two different setups in that case (wet and dry).

    Driver and Training Tips:

    - When creating your driver, try to stick with 1-2 skills and pump all the points into that for starters. I created an 18 year old, and with 90 points I maxed out Intelligence (for training speed) and Man Management (Cheaper staff and hidden stat boosts for staff e.g. your driving coach gives you even faster skilling).

    - Don't spend skillpoints on Drifting or Balance, it's useless.

    - If you're going with a Intelligence/Man Management build, expect to be extremely bad for the first few seasons because your driving skills are piss poor. But you should catch up faster thanks to the increased training speed.

    - Starting with an older driver you are better off ignoring personal stats and technical stats in favour of a pure racing build. After 25 the skill training slows down so intelligence isn't needed because it's not part of the racing gameplay. Intelligence clearly doesn't determine a good driver, just look at Maldonado irl.

    - Also when possible, don't use too much skillpoints on technical skills. Whilst it's good to be able to tune your car even quicker it tends to become quite useless once you sign your first race engineer because he can carry the feedback load.

    - Finances are based on the driver, and not your account. So it doesn't matter if you rake in millions with a throwaway driver because the moment you retire him that money evaporates and you have to start from scratch. I find it's better to simply create a very young driver and nurture him.

    - That doesn't mean old drivers are bad, since you got a talented driver when you make an oldie and he can help you get some early success and maybe help you understand the game faster.

    - Always set up a regular training, that's a no brainer.

    - Extra Training is always a smart thing, but don't take the special 1 day's because they drain your budget quickly.

    - 1-5 day training have their own advantages/disadvantages. 1 day gives you the biggest boost of the primary skill but a lower boost in the secondary skills. 5 day gives you a bonus in the secondary skill but a lower boost in the primary. Example: Pace 1 day = +15% pace, 5 day = +66% pace which is a 9% difference with 5x 1-day. But Pace 1 day = +2% Reactions, 5 day = 11% which is only a 1% improvement but an improvement nonetheless.

    - Despite that, I tend to stick with 1 day training sessions and just start a new session every day. It's micro-managing but I rather improve my primary faster like that.

    - Another note, some training schemes gives you multiple skills improving at the same rate, but even then 1 day tends to gives you the min-max edge.

    - Daily training prices increase at a flat rate, so there is NO financial advantage of taking 5 day's over 1 day's.

    - Doing a 1 day every day will equate to 385K spent over the season, or 35K over a week.

    Financial and Staff Tips:

    - You get a starting donation when you create your driver, if you are further into the current season the starting bonus will be less than at the start. The highest possible donation is 500K, but if you signed up right now it'll be around 270K.

    - At the end of every season you will get another donation of 500K for the next season. Don't be afraid to spend the money on staff and most importantly, training.

    - You will also get sponsor offers, they vary depending on driver success and his personal charisma. Drivers with more charisma tend to have more ''fans'' and attract better paying sponsors. Expect a bottom line sponsor to give you around 10-13K a week.

    - It's a very good idea to sign a coach from the get go, training is key and a coach can help you out A LOT in skill improvement. Don't worry about cash, just sign a good one and start training in his area of expertise.

    - Any staff you sign regardless of position can be added to the mechanic lineup, your coach will be shit at his job but still better than the default guy.

    - Another good person to sign is a cheapo race engineer, he can help you out with setup tweaking. Again, they can help out as mechanic too.

    - You won't go game over from having no money, but you won't be able to sign staff or do extra training which will slow down your driver growth. So try to calculate your expenses and try to at least hold out till the end of a season before you get more money. Remember, you will get a guaranteed 500K after each season with the addition of sponsor money.

    - Regard racing bonuses as extra money, don't base your budget around it because in the early game that cash flow isn't even remotely guaranteed. Save it up for the future if you can because in a couple of seasons you'll need to be able to pay an entire pit crew which costs a lot.

    I probably got a lot more to suggest and I will no doubt add on this list as I get more ideas, I hope this helps everyone out.

    • Like 1
  12. So, I don't know if there's a thread for browser games that's reasonably young. I found one that's from 2012 and I didn't want to revive that old thing so I started an individual thread about this game I'm playing right now.

    As many people know I really love open wheel racing a lot, seeing I just started doing a diary about F1 right now.

    It's called ''MyRacingCareer" and it's pretty much what it says on the tin. You sign up, you create a driver and you try to make him into the next F1 god like Pastor Maldonado (Or some scrub like Hamilton).

    You start out driving with a factory spec F3 car and there's a fuck tonne of tracks in the game which you can freely sign up to drive in. You can drive 2 individual races at one time and also be part of 2 ''series'' which are basically their own race classes ranging from local ones like a ''British Series'' to World Series where you need to have a certain ranking to be a part of it.

    Your driver has 19 skill areas across 6 different groups from the obvious driving skills to the stuff like Charisma and Man Management in the ''personal skills''. You can allocate a bunch of points to start with and you can use earned money to train him to become even better over time... You start out with a bunch of ''investor'' money that allows you to hire some staff and afford extra training from the get go.

    The game itself is completely text based, so you wont have to do any of the driving yourself. You on the other hand sign your driver up for races, and then set up the car to get the best time possible and become succesful. The setup system is very forgiving and your driver (and Race Engineer) give you feedback after every testing stint so you can tweak the car and actually get somewhere and not be at the mercy of having to guess what might be good or not. So even for people with little knowledge of technical stuff it's very forgiving and helps you out.

    You set your tactics and the driving style of your driver and then you cross your fingers hoping for a good performance, at the start the chances are very slim that you are going to win since single races are also being driven by high quality drivers who want to make extra cash and/or improve set-ups. The Rookie Series on the other hand is a nice way to get your first taste of competitive driving.

    Being able to drive 2 series and also 2 individual races at the same time means that you can do something every single day and have a race every day which is great to stay engrossed and not get bored quickly.

    Also the Formula 1 aspect is still a work in progress and it's planned to start next in-game season which is in about a month, the interesting part of that system is that there are teams owned by a group of users instead of every user having their own driver, and every team has to fill 2 seats every season which is a juggle between personal politics, choosing the best driver and also the drivers liquid assets.

    But i'll stop rambling now because as you can read I'm pretty damn psyched about the game and it's a really fun little time waster to spare 10-15 minutes every day and see how I can become successful in the game.


    Maybe if a bunch of people sign up to the game on this forum we could share car set-up's and give us all more chances to have great races. I have some setups saved on my PC which I tweak with every race, and of course the more people over here are sharing set ups the quicker we can all get better and have some EWB dominance... :)

    Also, if people need help or tips for the game ask me. I don't have the most experience myself, but I have come to grips with the game for the most part.

    EWB User Accounts (for viewing pleasure):

    JasonMUFC: http://www.myracingcareer.com/en/user/31306/

    Chris2K: http://www.myracingcareer.com/en/user/31303/

    OGpistolpete: http://www.myracingcareer.com/en/user/31297/

    Lanky316: http://www.myracingcareer.com/en/user/31346/

    MDK: http://www.myracingcareer.com/en/user/31360/

    Berober: http://www.myracingc.../en/user/31318/

    Slogger: http://www.myracingcareer.com/en/user/31382/

    Plubby: http://www.myracingcareer.com/en/user/32502/

  13. Bought this game a few years back and barely ever played it, couldn't get into it as much as I did text-based baseball sims in the past; and even as much as FM having gotten back into that again.

    Been actively tracking this game and considering getting it however, read a review on operation sports that had a good review. And since their hockey game has the worst reviews by users I'm just gonna stay far away from that and probably invest my money into the new OOTP, or possibly even first their mobile app iOOTP or whatever it's called. Has anyone tried that?

    iOOTP isn't nearly as in depth as the PC version. I agree with you though, Hockey Manager is a terrible game, but a valiant effort for the first iteration.

    Been playing OOTP 15 for 2 days now, and I must say, if you're a fan of baseball, and love the aspect of being a GM, manager, or the combination of both, this game is for you. The most realistic text sim ever made IMO.

    I would love to learn how to play it, but it simply just swamps me with screens and shit and I don't want to delegate stuff either because I won't learn it that way...

    It's a mean bitch of a game :(

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