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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. Anyone else sick of the shit involving Theon, aka Reek? I have to resist the urge to change the channel whenever he's on screen.

    The Theon stuff is really weird because in every story telling situation he would be saved from the clutches of evil, but since it's GRRM it doesn't.

    It's akward television, in a good way. And Allen is just very very good at playing a broken husk of a man.

    Echo on the obvious Dinklage being an acting gawd stuff, he deserves every award ever.

    Pedro Pascal was a great casting find and I love how he plays the ''no fucks given'' Oberyn, he has the perfect style for it.

  2. Creed, Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Green Day = Overrated.

    If I never ever have to hear "Arms Wide Open", "I'm Still Alive" or "Jeremy" again as long as I live, I'll be a happy man.

    Alter Bridge and Foo Fighters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Creed and Nirvana

    Agreed with the abuse of Jeremy and Alive on the radio, but Pearl Jam's ''hype'' is nothing compared to the (already heavily spoken about) messianic dick-sucking Nirvana Kurt Cobain receives.

    My list:

    Imagine Dragons, van Halen, Katy Perry, Green Day, Every 90's (post-pop-rock-funk-neo-arse)Punk band, Killers, Rise Against, Paramore, THE VERVE, Oasis, Blur, RATM, Massive Attack.

    I can probably go on, but this is enough... for now.

  3. So, this weekend I might set a league up or nag someone into doing it. Who is down/what do you want etc. >_>

    I dont mind either fictional or a real league, anywhere in the world is OK by me.

    Also @Lenny, if you're gonna use fictional Minor league players, there's also an option to prevent fictional players to be called up or something in that vein. Or you could have teams be filled up with ''ghost players'' so that a team has a full squad, but anyone not real are ghosts (a bit like FM's grayed players)

    • Like 1
  4. I don't think it's a problem so much as it is unrealistic. The amount of time it would take to go back and add tons of nobody minor league guys over the past one hundred years would be insane. Just fill it with fictional players. I believe the future draft pools still include the big name guys, no?

    They do.

  5. I'm using historical rosters but I'm noticing that there aren't any minor league teams, what am I doing wrong? I selected AAA-A but I only notice a Reserve Roster section with like 15 prospects. However I'm the Yankees in 2004 so that's probably the right amount. <_<

    Problem with the game itself, the researchers haven't added any players that didn't make the majors (fully) to the databases. So the minors are only filled with people who have had proper major time somewhere in the fuuutuuuure.

    Best fix is to fill minors with fics.

  6. Is it definite that track setups remain the same for different races? I'm sure I've got nearly spot on setups that end up needing to be changed next time I visit the same track...

    I am not 100% certain, but for the most part there won't be huge changes in setups. I think.

  7. Welcome to the club Slogs.

    My own results have been dissapointing since my pole position on the 29th. Finished 4th in that race.

    Then I had a 6 Q 6/5 Race in Most and now qualified 7th in Djursland.

    Downward trend, and I don't like it.

  8. Anyone heard of this game?

    It's a ''simulator'' game that simulates the experience of playing tabletop games with up to 8 people. You get a table, you can spawn pieces, dice, cards and so on and you can even load in your own card suits and playmats (future update will allow custom pieces too).

    So you can play card games, or you can play table games like checkers/chess or even stuff like sorry and clue.

    I've seen some people stream the game (newlegacyinc) and I have been completely charmed by the gameplay, and as a result have bought the game for only $15 from the website of the creators (it's connected to Humble and it adds the game to your steam library).

    The mod community of the game is bustling too, with people having made games like Monopoly, Risk, Stratego and even stuff like Cards Againts Humanity. Some games are rudimentary due to a lack of custom pieces, but will no doubt improve as the creators add custom textures to the features which is planned for the coming weeks.

    The devs are also working on Steam Workshop support so that the mod community gets even better.


    Game Site: http://www.berserk-games.com/ts/

    Buy Site (You can buy it for $15 (so great for non-dollar users) here): http://www.berserk-games.com/buy/

    Mod Site: http://www.nexusmods.com/tabletopsimulator/

    If anyone has the game, please discuss. Maybe we can organize some EWB game nights. :)

    • Like 2
  9. The worst thing about Eurovision is every year the UK audience goes on a rant about how we always suck at it. We came fifth in 2009 and eleventh 2011, we can do well when we actually market ourselves to Europe. Conchita wouldn't have done so well if the effort wasn't put into actually making sure everyone knew who she was. Rebecca Ferguson did so well for us in 2009 because Andrew Lloyd Webber put everything into her media coverage abroad. If we want to win again we need to put the effort in.

    You know what irks me about the pre-qualified nations (like the UK), is that they don't seem to really put forth the effort to truly put a good artist on stage and try to win it. It's a bit of complacency in my eyes.

    Italy was a noisefest and even though it was decent, it lacked a lot. France speaks for itself. Germany was meh too, and I honestly don't understand why Molly was rated so high, the song was very generic and the ''story'' of the song was like some Captain Planet kind of stuff.

    Spain was the only pre-qual nation that really caught my eye and it was a pretty great song, expected it to creep further into the top 10.

    Same with Denmark, as much as it was pure narm and a Bruno Mars kind of deal, it was exactly the song you'd expect to go far purely because it's preppy, energetic and it sticks.

    As a whole I was pretty amused by this years Eurovision, I personally feel that the quality is on the rise and comparing it to 4-5 years ago it stands on it's own. It's slowly shedding it's gimmicky mentality and really sending forth good songs that deserves to win.

    Maybe sour grapes talking, Conchita was an incredible performance... But not the absolute best. My Top 3 would be something like Netherlands (duh), Hungary and Norway.

  10. I am sure the Dutch broadcaster is glad we came in 2nd because that means we won't have to spend cash on hosting it next year.

    A bit miffed we didn't win, but proud we are back in with a shout in Eurovision, if we can keep the trend going of having sober and modest acts we might win it one of these years.

    Also, liked Norway a lot. That dude sang his heart out and some real hair raising moment in there.

    And I also liked Iceland, it was a preppy song without being completely braindead like France's.

  11. God dammit Crashtor, you are the biggest knob in F1 right now.

    I am really starting to wonder if the money he brings in outweighs the price of replacement cars.

    Considering the government has limited his funding, I really doubt it.

    They need to get someone who can actually drive a fucking car, one that might get some high positions and get money that way.

    Also, close call from van der Garde yesterday when his brake decided to asplode on the first turn, he did very well avoiding the wall and a collision.

  12. So who is going to host and run the league?

    Like I said earlier, I am pretty quick with hammering stuff out in the editor but I have no experience or know how whatsoever with running an online league.

    What did you have to give up to get Arenado, Jason?

    I'd like to hear this as well.I find it wayyyyy too easy to rip-off the A.I. with trade on the 'average' setting. A combination of 'hard' and 'favor prospects' tends to give me the most realistic results. I just used the 'make this deal work option' just to see and the only thing Colorado would give him away for was Byron Buxton, which ain't happening. It's not easy to swing a deal, but you can still pull off fair trades.

    Late answer lol, I got Arenado by trading Villar for him. It felt cheap, but I got the settings on hard/favour youngsters.

  13. He didn't learn his lesson either, I was just in a rookie series race with him. He qualified on pole then pitted 27 times in 27 laps and finished 27th.

    I qualified 7th, got as high as 5th and my transmission broke. :(

    Since the second rookie series race uses the finishing places of the first for qualifying, I started 28th.

    But, since the first race, the weather had changed, it was wet.

    Very wet.

    Only I seemed to notice.


    30th to 7th in 1 lap. :w00t:

    And I won the race!

    Our friend Hammed finished 11 laps behind.


  14. I present to you the revised leagues.



    Names are very welcome. Maybe I should start a seperate thread for this, to sign up to the league and take dibs on a club. Maybe give the option to choose cities/names and such, and the non-filled spots getting filled in with AI.

  15. The screenshot is a general example, it's not yet a finished product lol.

    I still gotta run some tests, build a rudimentary minor league system and so forth.

    I also might expand both leagues with 1 extra division to be a Canada/African league respectively.

    If you got other/better ideas let me know, really throw all suggestions at me (bro).

  16. If anyone is up for it, I could make a super duper ''awesome'' fictional league that puts us all on level pegging with no real rope to hold on to.

    It's throwing people into the deep end, but it might be cool just to see what kind of weird stuff might happen in a league that has no ''names''.

    Naturally someone else may do the actual running of the league, because I have 0 experience in running online leagues and wouldn't know where to start. But I could do all the building of the respective leagues and then pass it on to whoever wants to get the glory wants to run the league.

    This editor is awesome, so I could even create a ''world'' league, to appease the foreigners (like me).



    Quickly made this in the editor as an example of what the league COULD look like. Naturally the USA gets the majority of the teams, because USA USA USA...

  17. He didn't learn his lesson either, I was just in a rookie series race with him. He qualified on pole then pitted 27 times in 27 laps and finished 27th.

    I qualified 7th, got as high as 5th and my transmission broke. :(

    Me and Jason were also racing wheel to wheel in Macau at one point. He passed me then retired.

    It's my way of making people look bad. "Oh look at me, I am better than you... I am just going to go into the pit and leave the race''

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