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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. Are there dogs in the game? And if so, have you watched them?

    Haven't seen any yet.

    Do you have to drive a car? :(

    You can also walk... Or drive a motorbike. You can also take the L-Train.

  2. Glad to see Rosberg won, regardless of what you might think of his qualifying stuff. I plain dislike Hamilton and I rather see Rosberg win every race.

    Also, Vettel is probably the most unlucky guy on the grid. Again his car lets him down, and if I was him I would be livid at everything and everyone.

    Maldo fucks up once more, and I wonder if this might be the final straw. With his sponsorship becoming less and less I wonder if Lotus will cut their losses and replace him.

  3. Have you got a cat? You might want to open up your PC and let them have a look inside. BitCoin miners actually release a little dwarf into your PC and they start digging away, they're scared of cats though so it should chase it off.

    Sadly I don't have a cat, but I can assure you the deathlasers inside my computer fixes any sort of dwarf issue. Unless they're gymnast dwarfs, then i'm fucked.

    Using your computer to create bit coin code? That should be easy to detect I'd think.

    It's very easy to detect if you know what you're looking for. Your memory and CPU output going balls deep is one of the symptoms, and anyone with decent computer knowledge can spot that.

    Also every running process is shown in the processes tab, and if you got admin rights you can see them all. Anything that doesn't fit you track down to the source and quarantine that bitch.

    Now if it's a pro then he'd probably add a script that replaces a system important file making it a bit harder to just remove, but those guys don't really focus on pirated games to make their money, they just root the entire shit out of systems.

    Due to not knowing shit about computers yet being paranoid about everything, what exactly are bitcoin miners?

    A bitcoin miner is a programme that utilises your computer processing and memory power to generate bitcoin code. That bitcoin code is linked to the account creating it and it compiles into the ''bitcoin'', a digital currency which is kinda a big deal (among some...).

    The legit miners create customised rigs for the mining of coins and let them run 24/7 to make their money. The non-legit guys create viruses which infect computers and start mining through that.

    The thing is though, those non-legit miners don't give a rats ass about the equipment and will slash and burn any computer they affect, it's all about making fast and easy coins and they don't care about their victims.

    The easiest way to ''spot'' a miner on your computer is to go into task manager and look at the ''performance'' tab, if your processor and/or memory output are spiking even though the pc is idling, then you might be infected with a miner.

    Source: Studying IT and I did a whole lot of research into Bitcoins (and mining) for presentations.

  4. I'd do a virus scan if you've got a copy, there's reports one of the most leeched torrents was bundled with a Bitcoin miner.

    The first thing I always do when I download crap, I threw it through the washer and I checked every single file there was and luckily no miner for me.

  5. The Conan review is hilarious.

    Anyone heard any thoughts or opinions from anyone they know yet?

    Im a filthy pirate and I have played around 30 minutes of the game. So ask away.

    How do you get electricity aboard your ship and is it difficult to play with a hook for a hand?

    Oh and I've heard graphically it looks like shit. Is this true?

    The graphics look really really well, especially the character textures. This is PC im playing, on everything maxed except I got MSAA 4x instead of 8x. Especially the nightscapes look really really gorgeous and brings out the best in the game, but the daytime is also very well.

    It might not be Crysis 3, but its one of the better looking games out there.

  6. What's free-roaming like, what's the driving controls like and is it any good? :P

    The driving is both weighty and floaty at the same time. Its hard to describe. Cars accelerate REALLY fast and you really have to use discipline whilst driving to not ram into something, once youre up to speed it becomes much more managable though and maneuvers like powerslides are a sinch.

    Free roaming is quite interestingly done, I havent done a lot of it but I can tell you that the map is extremely big and divided into a bunch of sectors. You can get everywhere from the start too. It ranges from suburbs to downtown Chicago. I am certain there are a lot of interesting stuff to be found.

    You also have a sort of binary karma system depending on your actions. If you mow people down you become more notorious but if you do good act you become more liked amongst the populace. I have no idea what advantages it gives you, but I am sure it gives some.

    You also get sort of vigilante missions whilst you´re free roaming, you go to the area and you profile the victim/suspect and you chase him down and beat him down for a bit of cash and karma. Also stuff like packages and credit card fraud you can do to get some money.

    Theres also a little bit of character customisation, you can buy different colour palletes for Aiden which changes up what he wears and the colour. Theres also a white attire no doubt a wink to the Assassins series.

  7. I've been lapsing a bit this last week, just signed up for the Croatian Series. Pretty sure I'll be running out of money unless I get some sponsor help!

    Same here lol, im letting go of all my mechies for next season to keep floating as long as possible until the end of next season when we get another donation.

    If we can perform decently in the Croatian we can take home some nice cash though, more money than the rookie series.

  8. Ok, just a heads up that tomorrow the new season will begin and you can already sign up to those races by changing the season in the races screen.

    Also, make sure you got your finances in order for next season. You really don't want to run out of cash before the end so be smart with your cash.


    77 days (a season) of training = 385K

    1 Regional Series = 250K

    That's already 635K you need to account for, so be smart :)

    Running out of money isn't the end of the world, but that'll mean you won't be able to pay for daily training, and that means your guy isn't growing as fast as he could be.

  9. The horror genre was dead in the water for decades before Hammer Horror

    Er, no it wasn't. The Universal Monsters movies were the prevailing popular horror films for about 3 decades (if you include the Abbott and Costello ones), before Hammer Horror truly burst into stardom with Dracula. Horror has probably never been not popular.

    The ones that you probably have a point on is the Spaghetti Westerns, which sort of died in popularity in the 70's. That had a lot of circumstantial things surrounding it that truly led to people not caring about it anymore, though.

    Like every director and their grandmother making a spaghetti western and flooding the entire god damned market with low-budget badly-acted flicks? Yeah that's pretty much a dealbreaker.

    I also personally feel that ''horror'' as a genre isn't really up there anymore and has lost a lot of it's appeal. Tension buildup has been replaced with borderline-snuff and simple shock-horror. Stuff like SAW, Hostel, Final Destination and so on. There was a shock horror revival earlier last decade that went a few years, but just like with spaghetti's they just got killed bad due to terrible acting and oversaturation of the market.

    Also, I fucking HATE shock-horror with a passion and they can all die a slow painful death (no pun intended). Give me The Shining any day of the week over that exploitative shit.


  10. I wouldn't read too much into a review embargo. Not to say there's nothing to be concerned about, especially if it being less than 1080p and 60fps bothers you, but it's not like every game with a release day embargo has been bad.

    I'm standing by my current prediction - it'll be good, it won't be as good as most people thought it would. And it's a Ubisoft game, so the story will probably be garbage and it'll be underwhelming in a few aspects. >_> (Far Cry 3 is the exception)

    Oi, Assassins Creed 2 is fucking glorious!

    • Like 2
  11. I think the best comparison for the staying power of superhero movies is James Bond. People have been going to see James Bond movies for over 50 years now; actors come and go, quality varies, box office grosses fluctuate, but people still go. Superhero movies will fluctuate as well, but they're here to stay, just as the characters that inspired them.


    The name Bond just rings a bell with everyone as a movie that will guarantee you 2 hours of viewing pleasure. Some Bonds are better than others, but they all have their fun factors.

    And with the way DC/Marvel are keeping everything close to their chest, they are making sure that their superhero franchises are also known for great entertainment.

  12. Thanks TKz, i'll definitely check those out. Luckily those marvel ones are mostly up my alley, never heard of Cpt. Marvel aside from wiki so that's going to be interesting.

    Also I heard New 52 are great, so i'll certainly check out those too.

    Generally speaking i'm mostly fan of the lesser-mutants and the non-mutants. So I for one am not a huge fan of Superman, because he's... well he's Superman. Same with Wolverine at times.

    So yeah, thanks TKz. Others can keep the suggestions running though :)

  13. Agreed with TKz.

    I feel the reason superhero movies have really started to become very popular is because the movies themselves have become extremely well made with notable actors doing the work too.

    They have stepped away from the campy and cheesy stuff to more grown up filming as shown by the Batman trilogy which is darker than 20 dead kittens in a cellar.

    Marvel has done brilliant by bringing it all in-house and choosing their own directors and scripts instead of selling off the rights to whoever the hell paid the most. This way you get films that are true to the source material (which the fans love) and also adds great action and a story people can understand (which the casuals love).

    This way the films are bigger and better than before, and the entire mentality of ''Superhero movies are badly acted camp-fests" has gone out of the window. Superhero movies have become completely mainstream and the non-comic people regard them as great movies to watch.

    The thing is quite simple, due to great quality control on the part of Marvel/DC, the films have become better. And people now go to those flicks because they know they will get a great action flick that's worth the price of admission.

  14. Something i didn't understand about DOFP from the trailer.

    Why does Wolverine have bone claws back?

    The Wolverine Spoilers

    Silver Samurai severed his adamantium claws (cut them off) and his healing factor doesn't include adamantium, so his old bone claws grew back instead. The rest of his body is still adamantium laced, except his claws.

  15. I need a good jump in point because I want to start reading comics.

    I am already reading the TWD one because i'm fan of the show.

    I also found the new Hawkeye volumes which i'm reading. Any other (preferably Marvel but i'm open to others) comics around that are great reads for a lightweight?

    Personally a fan of most of the big characters, I'm partial towards Gambit myself through watching the TAS.

  16. S2E3

    I don´t understand the rave reviews this episode is getting. It´s not terrible by any means but it felt like nothing on one hand and on the other it killed of the Villan (and his cronies?) of the past three Episodes in a strange kthxbye manner and didn’t tell us to much about this community that otherwise seemed to be working perfectly before we killed it driven by Kennys furry.

    There seems to be some underlining arc that trys to tell clem that she will be either the left one alive again or turn in some kind of leader. I assume now hey will try to travel North again? Maybe by the end of the Season find a bigger community that actually works? Will Kenny turn into the Villan? He always was a hot head and in this Season there were some fairly direct hints at how he „changed“. There needs to be something building from the first three Episodes now that we more or less are back were we were in the middle of Episode 1 of this Season.

    Sara (was that the other girls name?) is shaping up to be a real Ben. It´s a skill to do absolutely everything wrong. I wonder when they will offer us to get rid of her.

    I was really miffed when they killed off the bad guy this quickly. Madsen was great in the role and I would've rather see them get hunted down by him and his cronies rather than have basically one episode with the guy. It just felt like they could've done more, but alas not. I hope they can do something next episode to win me over in that regard, because losing Madsen felt really gutting because like you said they could've elaborated a lot more.

  17. I've never followed baseball, and I only have a basic understanding of it.

    BUT GOOD GOD THAT GAME LOOKS GORGEOUS. I'm tempted to buy it and learn the hard way!

    The basics are pretty easy. Try to hit the ball with a stick, the guy throwing wants you to miss.

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