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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. The shell game is very fun I agree, it takes a bit to get used to it but after a while you can see the movements very fluidly and also see the bits where he slips the ball into another cup.

  2. So I bit the bullet and bought this for PS3 through PSN, and I'm having an absolute blast.

    Against my better judgement I created a LF/OF with speed and contact as his main stats, and well... Lots of errors ensued thanks to the terribad camera angle during fielding.

    The rookie showcase I had only like 1 hit, so I got drafted 6th round by the A's and dumped with the Rockhounds.

    Right now after 8 games I have 2 HR's and 7 RBI's, 1BB!, with an average of around .365, so I'm actually managing to be reasonably effective in AA ball.

    Slowly getting control over my plate discipline and most of the time I let the first couple of pitches fly so that I can get a favourable count. It's hard though, but it's really really exciting to play poker with the pitcher like that.

    Also, I suck at baserunning and everything connected with it. I had an amazing gapper down the right field line, and despite my ambition to go for extra bases I just stopped at first 4noraisin.

  3. I did that same gang one but I managed to escape by driving off a conveniently placed ramp on the roof!

    This has 4.4 user score on metacritic (pc) so I thought if have a read. My favourite so far is this one;

    "The specs for this are ridiculous! How can they expect people to upgrade computers in this, a time of crisis!? I give this 0/10!"

    Metacritic user reviews is hilariously bad. It's either a 10/10, or it's a 0/10, no middle road.

  4. I for one love the search grid thingies that pop up before you get chased.

    Yesterday I tried one of the early missions where I had to hack something, and I ghosted the entire thing and using camera hopping I got into the system and hacked it.

    Then the search grids came on and I had to run for my life out of a back door and I failed to outrun the grid, so a pretty awesome chase ensued which ended in me closing a safety barrier causing two cop cars to smash head first into them.

    The chases are pretty awesome, the hacking really adds to the chase and the cops are smart enough to slam on the brakes and go around the obstacle if there's a chance.

    Also, I don't know about the rest of you. But gunplay is pretty damn challenging compared to GTA, you really must jump into cover even against a small group of enemies because the mooks are deadly accurate if you give them the chance, and they aren't shy on jumping behind cover, flanking you, and putting you in a bad spot.

  5. The acceleration is weird to me solely because it goes from being extremely floaty to very weighty in a few seconds.

    You accelerate and the cars feels out of control, then it kinda levels out and the car is pretty easy to control.

    I have still only played around 1-2 hours of the game, I think I'll start later today, since I got a long weekend thanks to Jesus taking a ladder to heaven.

  6. Just hacked someone and got a song off their MP3 player to add to the playlist. Fantastic.

    This sounds great. Mainly because the only song I know from the original setlist is Move On Up.

    I fear the campaign is going to be put to one side for a long time whilst I randomly hack fools and do sub-missions.

    So I wasn't the only one.

  7. ...and this is why I spelt my daughter's name Lene NOT Lena.

    Leeeeeeena. Bleugh.

    Infinite power at his fingertips and Hammy uses it to pirate music.

    Next I intend to root around inside peoples phones to find cat pictures.


  8. One tiny tiny thing that I like a lot, and haven't seen in other open world games yet...

    You can set your alarm clock!

    It may sounds silly, but being able to choose what time of day you want to roam around is a very nice addition and you aren't forced to make multiple ''saves'' like in GTA to get to the TOD you want.

  9. I think Vettel has had plenty of luck in previous years in particular with regard to his team mate's car which seemed cursed at times, it's quite nice to see him struggled for once. I'm sure him and Red Bull will be winning races by the end of the season.

    Hopefully Rosberg can win the championship as Hamilton is acting like a petulant child.

    Oh my God, so many times this this this.

    Rosberg comes in second 4 races in a row, he stays classy and congratulates Hammy every time whilst playing the good team-player.

    Rosberg wins Monaco, and Lewis Hamilton has so much salt that he could kill every elephant on this planet. He refuses to shake the hand of his teammate and he berates his crew like they somehow sabotaged him during the race.

    Get the fuck over it Lewis and show some respect where it's due.

    I have never like Lewis thanks to his attitude, but this makes me dislike him even more.

    • Like 1
  10. Isn't QC's broken because you will never get quick outs from batters, jacking up the pitch counts of the pitchers and tiring them out even more?

    Don't have the game, but from reading around that seems to be the general concensus about it.

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  11. I'm in too so we'll see. I'm sure you get some prize money for performance in each race, so I'll be on for about a grand a race then :(

    I fucking hope so, lol.

    I might've overestimated my own chances in Regionals, seeing my highest driving skill is 61.

    And if it all goes horribly wrong, we got that learning experience going for us as I drop back into the rookie series feeling less than a man.

    The most annoying thing i've noticed about the ''Rookie Series'' is that ANYONE not partaking in a different series will be placed in the RS. That means people hoarding cash and wins are putting their 6-year experienced drivers into the rookie class and ruining competitiveness for the actual rookies among us.

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